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Complete Solutions to exercise-3 part-1 Advanced level Solutions of chapter THERMODYNAMICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

RESONANCEexercise-3 part-1 Advanced level Solutions
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Among them intensive property is

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  2. Which of the following is true for an adiabatic process:

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  3. Which of the following is not a state function

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  4. The relation between `DeltaU` and `DeltaH`:

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  5. The workdone in ergs for the reversible expansion of one mole of an ideal gas from a volume of 10 litres to 20 litres at `25^(@)C` is

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  6. A coffee cup calorimeter initially contains 125 g of water , at a temperature of `24.2^(@)C`.8g of ammonium nitrate `(NH_(4)NO_(3)` , also at `24.2^(@)` , is added to the water, and the final temperature is `18.2^(@)C`. What is the heat of solution fo ammonium nitreate in KJ/mol? The specfic heat capacity of the solution is 4.2 `J//^(@)C` g.

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  7. The molar heat capacities at constant pressure (assumed constant with respect to temperature ) of A,B and C are in ratio 3:1.5:2.0. the enthyalpy change for the exothermic reaction `A+ 2B to 3c ` at 300k and 310 K is `Delta H_(300)` and `DeltaH_(310)` respectively then:

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  8. Heat of combustion of ethanol at constant pressure and at temperature T K(=298 K) is found to be -qJ `"mol"^(-1)`. Hence , heat of combustion (in J `"mol"^(-1)`) of ehtanol at the same temperature at constant volume will be:

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  9. When 1.0 g of oxalic acid `(H_(2)C_(2)O_(4))` is burnt in a bomb calorimeter whose capacity is 8.75 KJ/K, the enthalpy of combustion of oxalic acid at`27^(@)C` is :

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  10. Benzene burns according to the following equations at 300K (R=8.314 J `"mole"^(-1)K^(-1))`
    `2C_(6)H_(6)(l) + 15O_(2)(g) rarr 12 CO_(2)(g) + 6H_(2)O(l) " " DeltaH^(@) =- 6542 KJ`
    What is the `DeltaE^(@)` for the combustion of 1.5 mol of benzene

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  11. Ethyl chloride `(C_(2)H_(5)Cl)` , is prepared by reaction of ethylene with hydrogen chloride:
    `C_(2)H_(4)(g) + HCl(g) rarr C_(2)H_(5)Cl(g) " " DeltaH=-72.3 KJ//"mol"`
    What is the value of `DeltaE ("in KJ")`, if 98 g fo ethylene and 109.5 g if HCl are allowed to react at 300K

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  12. Which statement regarding entropy is correct?

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  13. One mole of solid Zn is placed in excess of dilute `H_(2)SO_(4)` at `27^(@)C` in a cylinder fitted with a piston . Find the work done for the process of the area of piston is `500 cm^(2)` and it moves out by 50 cm against a pressure of 1 atm during the reaction.
    `Zn(s) + 2H^(+)(aq) hArr Zn^(2+) (aq) + H_(2)(g)`

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  14. The enthy change for the reaction of 50 ml of ethylene with 50. 0 ml of ` H_(2)` at 1.5 atm pressure is `DeltaH =- 0.31 KJ `. What is the `DeltaU` ?

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  15. When1 mole of ice melt at `0^(@)` C and at constant pressure of 1 atm . 1440 calories of heat are absorbed by the system. The molar volumes of ice and water are 0.0196 and 0.0180 litres respectively. Calculate `DeltaH` and `DeltaE` for the reaction.

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  16. One mole of ideal monoatmic gas is carried throught the reversible cyclic process as shown in figure. Calculate net heat absorbed by the gas in the path BC

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  17. 130 g of Zn is dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid in an open beaker . Find the work done in the process assuming isothermal operation.

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  18. The enthalpy of combustion of propance `(C_(3)H_(8))` gas in temes of given of geven data is , Bond energy (kJ/mol)
    [Resonance energy of `CO_(2)` is -z KJ/mol and `DeltaH_("vaporization")[H_(2)O(l)" is y " KJ//mol]`

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  19. If `x_(1),x_(2) and x_(3)` are enthalpies of H-H , O=O and O-H bonds respectively , and `x_(4)` is the enthalpy of vaporisation of water , estimate the standard enthalpy of combustion of hydrogen:

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  20. `NH_(3)(g) + 3Cl_(2)(g) rarr NCl_(3)(g) + 3HCl(g), " "DeltaH_(1)`
    `N_(2)(g)+3H_(2)(g)rarr 2NH_(3)(g), " "DeltaH_(2)`
    `H_(2)(g)+ Cl_(2)(g) rarr 2HCl(g) , " " DeltaH_(3)`
    The heat of formation of `NCl_(3)` in the terms of `DeltaH_(1), DeltaH_(2) "and" DeltaH_(3)` is

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  21. The enthalpy of formation of `H_(2)O(l)` is `-285 KJ mol^(-1)` and enthalpy of neutralization of a stron acid and a strong bas is `-55 KJ mol^(-1)`. What is the enthalpy of formation of `OH^(-)` ions?

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  22. Ethanol can undergo decompostion to form two sets of products.
    If the molar ratio of `C_(4)H_(4) "to" CH_(3)CHO` is 8:1 in a set of product gases, then the energy involved in the decomposition of 1 mole of ethanol is:

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  23. Find bond enthalpy of S-S bond from the following data:
    `C_(2)H_(5)-S-C_(2)H_(5)," "DeltaH_(f)^(@)=-147.2kJ" "mol^(-1)`
    `C_(2)H_(5)-S-S-C_(2)H_(5)," "DeltaH_(f)^(@)=-201.9kJ" "mol^(-1)`
    `S(g)," "DeltaH_(f)^(@)=222.8kJ" "mol^(-1)`

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  24. Given the following equations and `DeltaH^(@)` values, determine the enthalpy of reaction at 298 K for the reaction :
    `C_(2)H_(4)(g)+6F_(2)(g) to 2HF_(4)(g)+4HF(g)`
    `H_(2)(g)+F_(2)(g)to2HF(g)+2HF(g)," "DeltaH_(1)^(@)=-537" kJ"`
    `C(s)+2F_(2)(g)toCF_(4)(g)," "DeltaH_(2)^(@)=-680" kJ"`
    `2C(s)+2H_(2)(g)toC_(2)H_(4)(g)," "DeltaH_(3)^(@)=52" kJ"`

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  25. Animals operate under conditons of constant pressure and most of the process tht maintain life are isothermal ( in a broad sense) . How much energy is available for sustaining this type of muscular and nervous activity from the combustion of 1mol of glucose molecules under standard conditons at `37^(@)` C (blood temperature) ? The entropy change is `+182.4 JK^(-1)` for the reaction stated above
    `DeltaH_("combustion")`[glucose]=-2808 KJ

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  26. From the given table answer the following question:
    `{:(,CO(g),CO_(2)(g),H_(2)O(g),H_(2)(g)),(DeltaH_(298)^(@)(-"KCal"//"mole"),-26.42,-94.05,-57.8,0),(DeltaG_(298)^(@)(-"KCal"//"mole"),-32.79,-94.24,-54.64,0),(S_(298)^(@)(-"Cal"//"k mol"),47.3,51.1,?,31.2):}`
    Reaction:`H_(2)O(g) + CO(g) hArr H_(2)(g)+CO_(2)(g)`
    Calculate `S_(298)^(@) [H_(2)O(g)]`

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  27. Calculate the free energy change at 298 K for the reaction,
    `Br_(2)(l)+ Cl_(2)(g) rarr 2BrCl(g)`. For the reaction `DeltaH^(@)=29.3` KJ & the entropies of `Br_(2)(l),Cl_(2)(g)` & `BrCl(g)` at the 298 K are 152.3,223.0,239.7 J `"mol^(-1)K^(-1)` respectively.

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  28. One gram sample of oxygen undergoes free expansion from 0.75L to 3.0 L at 298 K. Calculate `DeltaS`, q,w `DeltaH "and" DeltaE`

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  29. Given that:
    `DeltaG_(F)^(@)(CuO) =-30.4 "Kcal"//"mole"`
    `DeltaG_(f)^(@)(Cu_(2)O)=-34.98 Kcal//"mole" " "T=298K`
    Now on the basis of above data which of the following predications will be most appropriate under the standard conditons and reversible reaction.

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  30. Calcualate `Delta_(f)G^(@) "for" (NH_(4)Cl,s)` at 310 K.
    Given : `Delta_(f)H^(@)(NH_(4)Cl,s)=-314.5 KJ//"mol," "Delta_(r)C_(p)=0`
    `S_(N_(2)(g))^(@)=192 JK^(-1), " "S_(H_(2)(g))^(@)=130.5 JK^(-1)mol^(-1),`
    `S_(Cl_(2))^(@)(g) =233 JK^(-1)"mol"^(-1)," "S^(@)NH_(4)Cl(s)=99.5 JK_(1)"mol"^(-1)`
    All given data are at 300K.

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exercise-3 part-1 Advanced level Solutions questions and complete solutions for chapter THERMODYNAMICS of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12