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Complete Solutions to exercise-3 Part:(I) of chapter THERMODYNAMICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

RESONANCEexercise-3 Part:(I)
Number Of Questions23
Academic Year2023-24
  1. `DeltaH=30kJmol^(-1), DeltaS=75J//K//mol. "find boiling temperature at" 1atm: `

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  2. Spontaneous adsorption of a gas on a solid surface is exothermic process because

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  3. For the reaction: `N_(2)O_(4)(g) hArr 2NO_(2)(g)`
    `(i)" "`In a mixture of `5 mol NO_(2)` and `5` mol `N_(2)O_(4)` and pressure of 20 bar. Calculate the value of `DeltaG` for the reaction. Given `DeltaG_(f)^(@) (NO_(2)) = 50` KJ/mol, `DeltaG_(f)^(@) ((N_(2)O_(4)) =100` KJ/mol and T=298 K. `(ii)` Predict the direction in which the reaction will shift, in order to attain equilibrium
    [Given at `T=298 K, 2.303 "RT" = 5.7`KJ/mol.]

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  4. The direct conversion of A to B is difficult, hence is carried out by the following shown path:
    `Delta(AtoC)=50, DeltaS(CtoD)=30,DeltaS(BtoD)=20` The entropy change for the process `A to B` is :

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  5. `N_(2) + 3H_(2) hArr 2NH_(3)" "K=4xx 10^(6)"at"298`
    `" "K=41 "at" 400 k`
    Which statements is correct?

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  6. The value of `log_(10)K` for a reaction `A hArr B` is (Given: `Delta_(f)H_(298K)^(Theta) =- 54.07 kJ mol^(-1)`,
    `Delta_(r)S_(298K)^(Theta) =10 JK^(=1) mol^(-1)`, and `R = 8.314 J K^(-1) mol^(-1)`

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  7. For the process `H_(2)O(l) (1 "bar", 373 K) rarr H_(2)O(g) (1"bar", 373 K)` the correct set of thermodynamic parameters is

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  8. Statement -1: For every chmical reaction at equilibrium , standard Gidds energy of reaction is zero
    Statement-2: At constant temperature and pressure , chemical reactions are spontaneious in the direction of decreasing gibbs energy.

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  9. Statement-1: There is a natural asymmetry between work to heat and converting heat to work .
    Statement-2: No process is possible in which the sole result is the absorption of heat from a reservoir and its complaete conversion into work .

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  10. Match the transformation in colums I with appropriate options in column II.
    `{:("Column I" ,"Column II"),((A)CO_(2)(s) rarr CO_(2)(g),(p)"phase transition"),((B)CaCO_(3)(s)rarr CaO(s) + CO_(2)(g) ,(q)"allotropic change"),((C)2H.rarrH_(2)(g),(r)DeltaH "is positive"),((D)P_(("white, solid"))rarr P_(("red,solid")),(s)DeltaS "is positive"),(,(t) DeltaS "is negative"):}`

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  11. For an ideal gas, consider only `P-V` work in going from an initial state `X` to the final state `Z`. The final state `Z` can be reached by either of the two paths shown in the figure. Which of the following choice(s) is (are) correct? [Take `DeltaS` as change in entropy and `w` as work done]

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  12. For the process `H_(2)O(l)toH_(2)O(g)` at `t=100^(@)C` and 1 atmosphere pressure, the correct choice is:

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  13. Match the thermodynamic processes given under column I with the expressions given under column II.

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  14. For a spontaneous reaction the `Delta G`, Equilibrium cosntant (K) and `E_(cell)^(@)` will be respectively :

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  15. Identify the correct statement regarding a spontaneous process:

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  16. In conversion of lime-stone to lime,
    `CaCO_(3(s)) to CaO_((s)) + CO_(2(g))` the values of `DeltaH^@` and `DeltaS^@` are `+179.1 kJmol^(-1)` and `160.2 J//K` respectively at `298K` and 1 bar. Assuming that `DeltaH^@` and `DeltaS^@` do not change with temperature, temperature above which conversion of lime-stone to lime will be spontaneous is :

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  17. Standard entropy of `X_(2)` , `Y_(2)` and `XY_(3)` are `60, 40 ` and `50JK^(-1)mol^(-1)` , respectively. For the reaction, `(1)/(2)X_(2)+(3)/(2)Y_(2)rarrXY_(3),DeltaH=-30KJ` , to be at equilibrium, the temperature will be:

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  18. In a fuel cell methanol is used as fuel and oxygen gas is used as an oxidizer. The reaction is `:`
    `CH_(3)OH_((l))+(3)/(2)O_(2(g))rarr CO_2((g))+2H_(2)O_((l))`
    At `298K` standard Gibb's energies of formation for `CH_(3)OH(l), H_(2)O(l)` and `CO_(2)(g)` are `-166.2,-237.2` and `-394.4kJ mol^(-1)` respectively. If standard enthalpy of combustion of methanol is `-726kJ mol^(-1)`, efficiency of the fuel cell will be `:`

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  19. For a particular reversible reaciton at temperature `T, DeltaH` and `DeltaS` were found to be both `+ve`. If `T_e` is the temperature at equilibrium, the reaciton would be spontaneous when :

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  20. The entropy change involved in the isothermal reversible expansion of 2 moles of an ideal gas from a volume of `10 dm^(3)` to a volume of `100dm^(3)` at `27^(@)C` is

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  21. In view of the signs of `Delta_(r)G^(0)` for the following reactions
    Which oxidation state are more characteristic for lead and tin?

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  22. The incorrect expression among the following is

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  23. The following reaction is performed at 298K
    `2NO(g) + O_(2)(g) hArr 2NO_(2)(g)`
    The standard free energy of formation of NO(g) is 86.6 KJ/mol at 298 K. What is the standard free energy formation of `NO_(2)(g) "at" 298`? `(K_(p) = 1.6 xx 10^(12))`

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exercise-3 Part:(I) questions and complete solutions for chapter THERMODYNAMICS of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12