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Complete Solutions to Solved examples of chapter THERMODYNAMICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

RESONANCESolved examples
Number Of Questions22
Academic Year2023-24
  1. `{:(A+BhArrC+D,,,K_(1eq)=10^(3),),(E+FhArrG+H,,,K_(2eq)=10^(-3),):}`
    Which of these reaction will attain equilibrium earlier?

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  2. During an expansion of ideal gas the work done by gas is `100 J` and the heat capacity to process is found to be `+2J//^(@)C`. Find `Delta E` fo gas if the final temperature of gas is `25^(@)C` higher than its initial temperature.

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  3. Calculate the work performed when `2` moles of hydrogen expand isothermally and reversibly at `25^(@)C` from `15` to `50` litres. (in cal)

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  4. If a gas at a pressure of `10 atm` at `300 K` expands against a constant external pressure of `2 atm` from a vol. `10` litres to `20` litres find work done ? [Isothermal process]

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  5. Calculate the maximum work done when pressure on `10 g` of hydrogen is reduces from `20 atm` to `1 atm` at a constant temperature of `273 K`. The gas behaves ideally. Will there be any change in internal energy? Also, calculate `'q'`.

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  6. A liquid of volume of `100 L` and at the external pressure of `10 atm-Lt` the liquid is confined inside an adiabatic bath. External pressure of the liquid is suddenly increased to `100 atm` and the liquid gets compressed by `1 L` against this pressure then find,
    (i) Work (ii) `Delta U` (iii) `Delta H`

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  7. For the combustion of `1` mole of liquid benzene at `25^(@)C`, the heat of reaction at constant pressure is given by `C_(6)H_(6)( l)+7(1)/(2)O_(2)(g)rarr6CO_(2)(g)+3H_(2)O(l), DeltaH= -780980 "cal"`.
    What would be the heat of reaction at constant volume ?

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  8. Calculate `q, W, Delta E` and `Delta H` when `100 g` of `CaCO_(3)` is converted into its aragonite form given density of caicite `=2 g// c c` and density of aragonite `=2.5 g// c c`

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  9. (a) One mole of an ideal gas expands isothermally and reversibly at `25^(@)C` from a volume of `10` litres to a volume of `20` litres.
    (i) What is the change in entropy of the gas?
    (ii) How much work is done by the gas?
    (iii) What is `q` (surroundings) ?
    (iv) What is the change in the entropy of the surroundings?
    (v) What is the change in the entropy of the system plus the surroundings ?
    (b) Also answer the questions opening a stopcock and allowing the gas to rush into an avacuated bulb of `10 L` volume.

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  10. `K_(a)` for `CH_(3)COOH` at `25^(@)C` is `1.754xx10^(5)`. At `50^(@)C, K_(a)` is `1.633xx10^(-5)` what are `Delta H^(@)` and `Delta S^(@)` for the ionisation of `CH_(3)COOH` ?

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  11. Why does heat get released`//` absorbed during chemical reactions?

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  12. Calculate the standard enthalpy of reaction `ZnO(s)+CO(g)rarrZn(s)+CO_(2)(g)`
    Given, `Delta H_(f)(ZnO,s)=-350KJ//"mole",DeltaH_(f)^(@)(CO_(2),g)= -390KJ//"mole", DeltaH_(f)^(@)(CO,g)=-110KJ//"mole"`

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  13. Calculate heat of the following reaction at constant pressure,
    The heats of formation of `F_(2)O(g),H_(2)O(g)` and `HF(g)` are `5.5 kcal-57kcal` and `-64 kcal` repectively.

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  14. A gas mixture of 4 litres of ethylene and methane on complete combustion at `25^(@)C` produces `6` litres of `CO_(2)`. Find out the amount of heat evolved on burning one litre of the gas mixture. The heats of combustion of ethylene and methane are`-1464` and `-976 KJ mol^(-1)` at `25^(@)C`

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  15. Enthalpy of neutralization of `HCl` by `NaOH` is `-57.1 J//mol` and by `NH_(4)OH` is `-51.1 KJ//mol`. Calculate the enthalpy of dissociation of `NH_(4)OH`.

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  16. Calculate the standard enthalpy of solution of `AgCl(s)` in water `DeltaH_(f)^(0)(AgCl,s)= -127.07kJ mol^(-1), Delta H_(f)^(0)(Ag^(+),aq)=105.58 kJ mol^(-1),DeltaH_(f)^(0)(Cl^(-),aq)= -167.35 kJ mol^(-1)`

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  17. The enthalpy of formation of `H_(2)O(l)` is `-285 KJ mol^(-1)` and enthalpy of neutralization of a stron acid and a strong bas is `-55 KJ mol^(-1)`. What is the enthalpy of formation of `OH^(-)` ions?

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  18. Calculate the enthalpy change when one mole of `HCl(g)` is dissolved in a very large amount of water at `25^(@)C`. The change in state is: `HCl(g)+arrarrH^(+)(aq)+Cl^(-)(aq)`
    Given: `Delta_(f)H(HCl, g) -92 KJ mol^(-1)` and `Delta_(f)H^(@)(Cl^(-),aq)= -167 KJ mol^(-1)`

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  19. Using the bond enthalpy data given below, calculate the enthalpy change for the reaction
    `{:("Data":,"Bond",,"Bond enthalpy",),(,C-C,,336KJmol^(-1),),(,C=C,,606KJmol^(-1),),(,C-H,,410KJ mol^(-1),),(,H-H,,431KJ mol^(-1),):}`

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  20. Using the bond enthalpy data given below, estimate the enthalpy of formation of gaseous isoprene
    `{:("Data","Bond enthalpy of",C-H"bond"=413.38KJmol^(-1),,),(,"Bond enthalpy of",C-C"bond"=347.69KJmol^(-1),,),(,"Bond enthalpy of",C=C"bond"=615.05 KJ mol^(-1),,):}`
    Enthalpy of sublimation of carbon (graphite) `=718.39 KJ mol^(-1)`
    Enthalpy of dissociation of `H_(2)(g)=435.97 KJ mol^(-1)`

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  21. Find the bond energy of `S-S` bond from the following data:
    `{:(C_(2)H_(5)-S-C_(2)H_(5)(g),,,,Delta_(f)H^(@)=-147KJmol^(-1)),(C_(2)H_(5)-S-S-C_(2)H_(5)(g),,,,Delta_(f)H^(@)=-201KJmol^(-1)),(S(g),,,,Delta_(f)H^(@)=222 KJ mol^(-1)):}`

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  22. Calculate the heat of formation of benzene from the following data, assuming no resonance. Bond energies :
    `C-C=83 kcal, C=C=140 Kcal, C-H=99 kcal`
    `{:("Heat of atomisation of ",C-170 9 kcal,,,),("Heat of atomisation of",H=6xx52.1 kcal,,,):}`

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Solved examples questions and complete solutions for chapter THERMODYNAMICS of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12