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Complete Solutions to PHYSICS of chapter XII BOARDS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions62
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What is the direction of the force acting on a charged particle q, moving with a velocity `vec(v)` a uniform magnetic field `vec(B)` ?

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  2. Name the part of the electromagnetic spectrum of wavelength `10^(-2)m` and mention its one application.

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  3. An electron and alpha particle have the same de-Broglie wavelength associated with them. How are their kinetic energies related to each other ?

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  4. A glass lens of refractive index 1.5 is placed in a trough of liquid. What must be the refractive index of the liquid in order to mark the lens disappear?

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  5. A 500 `mu` C charge is at the centre of a square of side 10 cm. Find the work done in moving a charge of 10 `mu` C between two diagonally opposite points on the square.

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  6. State the reason, why heavy water is generally used as a moderator in a nuclear reactor.

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  7. How does the fringe width of interference fringes change, when the whole apparatus of Young's experiment is kept in a liquid of refractive index 1.3 ?

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  8. The plot of the variation of potential difference across a combination of three identical cells in series, versus current is as shown in figure. What is the emf and internal resistance of each cell?

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  9. Derive the expression for the electric potential at any point along the axial line of an electric dipole.

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  10. Define magnetic susceptibility of a material. Name two elements, one having positive susceptibility and the other having negative susceptibility . What does negative susceptibility signify ?

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  11. The oscillating magnetic field in a plane electromagnetic wave is given by
    `B_(y)=(8xx10^(-6))sin [2xx10^(11)t+300 pi x ] T`
    (i) Calculate the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave.
    (ii) Write down the expression for the oscillating electric field.

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  12. Prove that an ideal capacitor in an a.c. circuit does not dissipate power.

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  13. Derive an expression for the impedance of an a.c. circuit consisting of an inductor and a resistor.

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  14. The nucleus `.^(23)Ne` deacays by `beta`-emission into the nucleus `.^(23)Na`. Write down the `beta`-decay equation and determine the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons emitted. Given,`(m(._(10)^(23)Ne) =22.994466 am u` and `m (._(11)^(23)Na =22.989770 am u`. Ignore the mass of antineuttino `(bar(v))`.

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  15. (i) A transistor has a current gain of 30. If the collector resistance is `6 K Omega` and input resistance is `1 K Omega`, calculate its voltage gain.
    (ii) Why is a semiconductor damaged by strong current ?

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  16. A convex lens of refractive index 1.5 has a focal length of 20 cm in air. Calculate the change in its focal length when it is immersed in water of refractive index 4/3.

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  17. A ray of light passing through an equilateral triangular glass prism from air undergoes minimum deviation when angle of incidence is `(3)/(4) th` of the angle of prism. Calculate speed of light in prism.

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  18. The give inputs A, B are fed to a 2-input NAND gate. Draw the output wave form of the gate.

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  19. A transmitting antenna at the top of a tower has a height of 36 m and the height of the receiving antenna is 49 m. What is maximum distance between them, for satisfactory communication is the LOS mode? (Radius of earth = 6400 km)

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  20. How is a wavefront defined? Using Huygen's construction , draw a figure showing the propagation of a plane wave refracting at a plane surface separating two media. Hence verify Snell's law of refraction.

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  21. A metallic rod of length l is rotated at a constant angular speed `omega`, normal to a uniform magnetic field B. Derive an expression for the current induced in the rod, if the resistance of the rod is R.

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  22. Draw a circuit diagram of L.E.D. What are its advantages?

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  23. An inductor 200 mH, capacitor `500 mu F`, resistor 10 ohm are connected in series with a 100 V, variable frequency a.c. source. Calculate (i) frequency at which power factor of the circuit is unity (ii) current amplitude at this frequency (iii) Q factor.

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  24. An air cored solenoid is of length 0.3 m, area of cross section `1.2 xx 10^(-3) m^(2)` and has 2500 turns. Around its central section, a coil of 350 turns is wound. The solenoid and the coil are electrically insulated from eachother. Calculate the e.m.f. induced in the coil if the initial current of 3 A in the solenoid is reversed in 0.25 s.

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  25. State Gauss's theorem in electrostatics. Apply this theorem to derive an expression for electric field intensity at a point outside a uniformly charged thin spherical shell.

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  26. An e-m wave of wavelength `lambda` is incident on a photo sensitive surface of negligible work function. If the photoelectrons emitted from this surface have the de-Broglie wavelength `lambda_(1)`. Find relation between `'lambda'` and `'lambda_(1)`'-

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  27. The energy level diagram of an element is given below. Identify, by doing necessary calculations , which transition corresponds of the emission of a spectral line of wavelength 102.7 nm.
    ` (##SB_PHY_XII_08_DB_E01_027_Q01.png" width="80%">

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  28. Draw a plot of the variation of amplitude versus `omega` for an amplitude modulated wave. Define modulation index. State its importance for effective amplitude modulation.

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  29. Draw a schematic diagram of a cyclotron. Explain its underlying principle and working, stating clearly the function of the electric and magnetic fields applied on a charged particle.
    Deduce an expression for the period of revolution and show that it does not depend on the speed of the charged particle.

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  30. (a) For a ray of light travelling from a denser medium of refractive index `n_(1)` to a rarer medium of refractive index `n_(2)`, prove that `(n_(2))/(n_(1)) = sin i_(c)`, where `i_(c)` is the critical angle of incidence for the media.
    (b) Explain with the help of a diagram, how the above principle is used for transmission of video signals using optical fibers.

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  31. (a) What is plane polarised light? Two polaroid sare placed at `90^(@)` to each other and the transmitted intensity is zero. What happens when one more polaroid is placed between these two, bisecting the angle between them? How will the intensity of transmitted light vary on further rotating the third polaroid?
    (b) If a light beam shows no intensity variation when transmitted through a polaroid which is rotated, does it mean that the light is un-polarised? Explain briefly.

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  32. (a) Using Gauss's law, derive an expression for the electric field intensity at any point outside a uniformly charged thin spherical shell of radius R and charge density `sigma C//m^(2)`. Draw the field lines when the charge density of the sphere is (i) positive, (ii) negative.
    (b) A uniformly charged conducting sphere of 2.5 m in diameter has a surface charge density of 100 `mu C//m^(2)`. Calculate the
    (i) charge on the sphere
    (ii) total electric flux passing through the sphere.

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  33. State two characteristic properties of nuclear forces.

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  34. How does the angle of minimum deviation of a glass prism vary, if the incident violet light is replaced with red light?

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  35. The instantaneous current and voltage of an a.c. circuit are given by i=10 sin 3000 t A and v=200 sin 300 t V.
    What is the power dissipation in the circuit?

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  36. Why should the spring/ suspension wire in a moving coil galvanometer have low torsional constant?

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  37. Why does the bluish colour predominate in a clear sky?

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  38. Which orientation of an electric dipole in a uniform electric field would correspond to stable equilibrium ?

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  39. State the reason, why GaAs is most commonly used in making of a solar cell.

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  40. Draw a labelled ray diagram of an astronomical telescope in the near point position. Write the expression for its magnifying power.

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  41. Two metallic wires of the same material B, have the same length out cross-sectional area is in the ratio 1:2. They are connected (i) in series and (ii) in parallel. Compare the drift velocities of electrons in the two wires in both the cases (i) and (ii) .

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  42. Draw a block diagram of a simple amplitude modulation. Explain briefly how amplitude modulation is achieved.

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  43. Calculate the energy released in MeV in the following nuclear reaction :
    `._(92)^(238)Urarr._(90)^(234)Th+._(2)^(4)He+Q ["Mass of "._(92)^(238)U=238.05079 u`
    Mass of `._(90)^(238)Th=234.043630 u`
    Massof `._(2)^(4)He=4.002600 u`
    `1u = 931.5 MeV//c^(2)]`

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  44. Using Ampere's circuital law, obtain an expression for the magnetic field along the axis of a current carrying solenoid of length l and having N number of turns.

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  45. Derive an expression for the resistivity of a good conductor, in terms of the relaxation time of electrons.

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  46. A parallel beam of light of wavelength 600 nm is incident normally on a slit of width d. If the distance between the slits and the screen is 0.8 m and the distance of `2^(nd)` order maximum from the centre of the screen is 15 mm. The width of the slit is

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  47. Two point charges, `q_(1)=10xx10^(-8)C` and `q_(2)=-2xx10-8C` are separated by a distance of 60 cm in air.
    (i) Find at what distance from the 1st charge, `q_(1)`, would the electric potential be zero.
    (ii) Also calculate the electrostatic potential energy of the system.

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  48. Two point charges 4Q, Q are separated by 1m in air. At what point on the line joining the charges is the electric field intensity zero ?
    Also calculate the electrostatic potential energy of the system of charges, taking the value of charge, `Q=2xx10^(-7)C`.

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  49. What does the term LOS communication mean? Name the types of waves that are used for this communication. Which of the two height of transmitting antenna and height of receiving antenna can effect the range over which this mode of communication remains effective?

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  50. A message signal of 12 kHz and peak voltage 20 V is used to modulate a carrier wave of frequency 12 MHz and peak voltage 30 V. Calculate the (i) modulation index (ii) side- band frequencies.

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  51. Distinguish between unpolarised and plane polarised light. An unpolarised light is incident on the boundary between two transparent media. State the consition when the reflected wave is totally plane polarised. Find out the expression for the angle of incidence in this case.

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  52. Draw the labelled circuit diagram of a common-emitter transistor amplifier : Explain clearly how the input and output signals are in opposite phase.

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  53. State briefly the underlying principle of a transistor oscillator. Draw a circuit diagram showing how the feedback is accomplished by inductive coupling. Explain the oscillator action.

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  54. The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is -13.6 eV.
    (i) What is the kinetic energy of an electron in the `2^(nd)` excited state ?
    (ii) If the electron jumps to the ground state from the `2^(nd)` excited state, calculate the wavelength of the spectral line emitted.

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  55. For what kinetic energy of a proton, will the associated de-Broglie wavelength be 16.5 nm?

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  56. To increase the current sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer by `50%` its resistance is increased so that the new resistance becomes twice its initial resistance. By what factor does its voltage sensitivity change?

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  57. A `100 mu F` capacitor in series with a `40 Omega` resistance is connected to a `100 V_(1) 60 Hz` supply. Calculate (i) the reactance (ii) the impedance and (iii) maximum current in the circuit.

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  58. On charging a parallel plate capacitor to a potential V, the spacing between the plates is halved, and a dielectric medium of `in_(r)=10` is introduced between the plates, without disconnecting the d.c. source.
    Explain, using suitable expressions, how the (i) capacitance, (ii) electric field and (iii) electric field and (iii) energy density of the capacitor change.

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  59. Derive the lens formula, `(1)/(f)=(1)/(v)-(1)/(u)` for a concave lens, using the necessary ray diagram.
    Two lenses of powers 10 D and -5 D are placed in contact.
    (i) Calculate the power of the new lens.
    (ii) Where should an object be held from the lens, so as to obtain a virtual image of magnification 2?

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  60. Answer the following:
    (a) what are coherent sources of light ? Two slits in Young's double slit experiments are illuminated by two different sodium lamps emitting light of the same wavelength. Why is no interference pattern observed?
    (b) Obtain the condition for getting dark and bright fringes in Young's experiment. Hence write the expression for the fringe width.
    (c) If s is the size of the source and its distance from the plane of the two slits, what should be the criterion for the interference fringes to be seen?

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  61. An a.c. source generating a voltage `v=v+(m) sin omega t is connected to a capacitor of capacitance C. Find the expression for the current, I, flowing through it. Plot a graph of `v` and I versus `omega` t to show that the current is `pi//2` ahead of the voltage.
    A resistor of `200 Omega` and a capacitor of `15.0 mu F` are connected in series to a 220 V, 50 Hz a.c. source. Calculate the current in the circuit and the rms voltage across the resistor and the capacitor. Is the algebraic sum of these voltages more than the source voltages ? If yes, resolve the paradox.

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  62. Explain briefly, with the help of a labelled diagram, the basic principle of working of an a.c. generator. In an a.c. generator, coil of N turns and area A rotating with a constant angular speed ω in a uniform magnetic field B. Write the expression for the emf produced.
    A 100-turn coil of area `0.1m^(2)` rotates at half a revolution per second. It is placed in a magnetic field 0.01 T perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the coil. Calculate the maximum voltage generated in the coil.

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PHYSICS questions and complete solutions for chapter XII BOARDS of XII BOARD PREVIOUS YEAR PAPER ENGLISH of Class 12