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Complete Solutions to All Questions of chapter PROPERTIES OF TRIANGLES of Class 7 book with complete answers and questions

Class 7MATHS
MathematicsAll Questions
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Take three non-collinear point `A ,\ B` and `C` on a page of your notebook. Join `A B ,\ B C` and `C A ,` what figure do you get? Name the triangle. Also, name The side opposite to `/_B` The angle opposite to side`\ A B` The vertex opposite to side `B C` The side opposite to vertex `Bdot`

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  2. Take three collinear point `A ,\ B` and `C\ ` on a page of your note book. Join `A B ,\ B C` and `C Adot` is the figure a triangle? If not, why?

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  3. Distinguish between a triangle and its triangle region.

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  4. In fig.9, `D` is a point on side `B C` of a `\ A B Cdot\ \ A D` is joined. Name all the triangle that you can observe in the figure. How many are they?

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  5. In fig. 10, `A , B , C` and `D` are four points, and no three points are collinear. `A C` and `B D` intersect at `Odot` there are eight triangle that you can observe. Name all the triangles.

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  6. What is the difference between a triangle and triangular region?

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  7. Explain the following terms: Triangle                       (ii) parts or elements of a triangle Scalene triangle           (iv) isosceles triangle Equilateral triangle      (vi) acute triangle Right triangle               (viii) obtuse triangle Interior of a triangle      (x) exterior of a triangle.

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  8. In fig. 11, the length (in cm) of each side has been indicated along the side. State for each triangle whether it is scalene, isosceles or equilateral:

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  9. In fig. 12, there are five triangles. The measures of some of their angles have been indicated. Sates for each triangle whether it is acute, right or obtuse.

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  10. Fill in the blanks with the correct word/symbol to make it a true statement: A triangle has........sides. A triangle has .......... vertices. A triangle has...........angles A triangle A triangle whose no two sides are equal is known as...... A triangle whose two sides are equal is known as......... A triangle whose all the sides are equal is known as...... A triangle whose one angle is a right angle is known as... A triangle whose all the angles are of measure less than `90^0` is known as....... A triangle whose one angle is more than `90^0\ ` is known as.......

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  11. In each of the following, state if the statement is true (T) or false (F). A triangle has three sides A triangle may have four vertices. Any three line-segment make up a triangle The interior of a triangle includes its vertices. The triangular region includes the vertices of the corresponding triangle. The vertices of a triangle are three collinear points. An equilateral triangle is scalene. Every right triangle is scalene. Each acute triangle is equilateral. No isosceles triangle is obtuse.

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  12. Two angles of a triangle are of measures `75^0\ a n d\ 35^0` find the measure of the third angle.

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  13. One of the angles of a triangle has measure `80^0` and the other two angles are equal. Find these two angles.

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  14. Of the three angles of a triangle, one is twice the smallest and another is three times the smallest. Find the angles.

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  15. Each of the two equal angles of a triangle is twice the third angle. Find the angles of the triangle.

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  16. If the angles of a triangle are in the ratio `2:\ 3:\ 4,` determine three angles.

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  17. The sum of two angles of a triangle is equal to its third angle. Determine the measure of the third angle.

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  18. One of the acute angles of a right triangle is `58^0` , find the other acute angle.

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  19. In fig. `14 , A B C` is right-angled at `C ,\ a n d\ C D_|_A Bdot` also `/_A=65^0dot\ ` Find `/_A C D` (ii) `/_B C D` `/_C B Ddot`

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  20. In fig. `15 , D , E` are points on sides AB, AC of ` A B C` such that `D E||B Cdot` if `/_B=30^0\ a n d\ /_A=40^0,` find `x^0, y^0, z^0dot`

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  21. The fig.16 has been obtained by using two triangles. Find `/_A+/_B+/_C+/_D+/_E+/_Fdot`

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  22. Fig.17 is made up of two triangles. find `/_D A B+/_A B C+/_B C D+/_C D Adot`

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  23. In five cornered fig. 18,`A D , A C` are joined. Find `/_E A B+/_B A C+/_B C D+/_C D E+/_D E A` .

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  24. The sides `A B` and `A C` of ` A B C` are product to `P` and `Q\ ` respectively. the bisectors of exterior angles at `B` and `C` of ` A B C` meet at `O\ ` (fig.19) prove that `/_B O C=90^0-1/2/_A`

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  25. Two angles of a triangle are of measures `105^0\ a n d\ 30^0dot` find the measures of the third angle.

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  26. One of the angles of a triangle is `130^0,` and the other two angles are equal. What is the measure of each of these equal angles?

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  27. The three angles of a triangle are equal to one another. What is the measure of each of the angles?

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  28. If the angles of a triangle are in the ratio `1:\ 2:\ 3,` determine three angles.

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  29. The angles of a triangle are `(x-40)^0,\ (x-20)^0\ a n d\ (1/2x-10)^0dot` find the value of `xdot`

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  30. The angles of a triangle are arranged in ascending order of magnitude. If the difference between two consecutive angles is `10^0,` find the three angles.

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  31. Two angles of a triangle are equal and the third angle is greater than each of those angles by `30^0` determine all the angles of the triangle.

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  32. If one angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the other two, show that the triangle is a right triangle.

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  33. If each angle of a triangle is less than the sum of the other two, show that the triangle is acute angled.

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  34. In each of the following, the measures of three angles are given. State in which cases, the angles can possibly be those of a triangle: `63^0, 37^0, 80^0` (ii) `45^0, 61^0, 73^0` `59^0, 72^0, 61^0` (iv) `45^0, 45^0, 90^0` `30^0, 20^0, 125^0`

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  35. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio `3:4: 5.` Find the smallest angle.

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  36. Two acute angles of a right triangle are equal. Find the two angles.

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  37. One angle of a triangle is greater than the sun of the other two. What can you say about the measures of this angle? What type of a triangle is this?

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  38. In the six cornered figure, (fig.20), `AC,AD` and `AE` are joined. Find `/_F A B+/_A B C+/_B C D+/_C D E+/_D E F+/_E F Adot`

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  39. Find `x , y , z` ( whichever is required) in the figures (fig.21) given below:

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  40. If one angle of a triangle is `60^0` and the other two angles are in the ratio `1:2,` find the angles.

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  41. If one angle of a triangle is `100^0` and the other angles are in the ratio `2:3,` find the angles.

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  42. In a ` A B C ,\ if\ 3/_\ \ A=4/_\ B=6/_\ C ,` calculate the angles.

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  43. Is it possible to have triangle, in which Two of the angles are right? Two of the angles are obtuse? Two of the angles are acute? Each angle is less than `60^0?` Each angle is greater than `60^0?` Each angle is equal to `60^0?` Give reason in support of your answer in each case.

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  44. In ` A B C ,/_A=100^0` ,`A D\ b i s e c t s\ /_A\ a n d\ A D_|_B Cdotfin d\ /_Bdot`

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  45. In ` A B C ,/_A=50^0,/_B=70^0` and bisector of `/_C\ m e e t s\ A B\ in\ Ddot` find the angles of the triangle `A D C` and `B D Cdot`

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  46. In ` A B C ,` `/_A=60^0,\ /_B=80^0` and the bisectors of `/_B\ a n d\ /_C` meet at `O` . Find : (i) `/_C` (ii) `/_B O Cdot`

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  47. The bisectors of the acute angles of a right triangle meet at `O` . Find the angle at `O` between the two bisectors.

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  48. In ` A B C ,\ /_A=50^0\ a n d\ B C` is produced to a point D. The bisectors of `/_A B C\ a n d\ /_A C D` meet at `Edot` find `/_Edot`

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  49. In ` A B C ,\ /_B=60^0,/_C=40^0,\ A L_|_B C\ a n d\ A D` bisects `/_A` such that `L` and `D` lie on side `B Cdot` Find `/_L A Ddot`

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  50. Line segments AB and CD intersect at O such that `A C||D B` . If `/_C A B=35^0` and `/_C D B=55^0` find the `/_B O Ddot`

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  51. In fig.22, ` A B C` is right angled at `Adot\ Q\ \ a n d\ R` are points on line `B C` and `P` is a point such that `Q P||A C` and `R P||A B` . Find `/_Pdot`

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  52. In fig.25,two of the angles are indicated what is the measure of`\ /_A C D ?`

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  53. An exterior angle of a triangle is `110^(0\ )\ ` and one of the interior opposite is `30^0\ ` find the other two angles of the triangle.

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  54. One of the angles of a triangle has measure `80^0` and the other two angles are equal. Find these two angles.

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  55. In fig.28, the measures of some of the angles are indicated. Find the values of `x^0` and `y^0`

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  56. In fig. 29, find `/_A B D ,` also, if `/_C=3\ /_A B C ,` find `/_A B Cdot`

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  57. In fig.30, find (i) `/_A C D ,` (ii) `/_A E D`

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  58. The sides `B C ,C A` and `A B` of a triangle `A B C ,` are produced in order, forming exterior angles `/_A C D ,/_B A E` and `/_C B F` . Show that `/_A C D+/_B A E+/_C B F=360^0`

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  59. The side `B C` of a`A B C` is produced on both sides. Show that the sum of the exterior angles so formed is greater than `/_A` by two right angles.

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  60. Sides `B C ,C A` and BA of a triangle `A B C` are produced to `D ,Q ,P` respectively as shown in Figure. If `/_A C D=100^0` and `/_Q A P=35^0,` find all the angles of the triangle. Figure

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  61. In Figure, the side `B C` of `A B C` is produced to form ray `B D` as shown. Ray `C E` is drawn parallel to `B A` . Show directly, without using the angle sum property of a triangle that `/_A C D=/_A+/_B` and deduced that `/_A+/_B+/_C=180^0dot`

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  62. In fig .35, `/_C B X` is an exterior angle of ` A B C` at `B` . Name The interior adjacent angle The interior opposite angles to exterior `/_C B X` Also, name the interior opposite angles to an exterior angle at `Adot`

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  63. In fig.36, two of the angles are indicated. What are the measures of `/_A C X\ a n d\ /_A C B ?`

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  64. In a triangle, an exterior angle at a vertex is `95^0` and it one of the interior opposite angles is `55^0` find all the angles of the triangle.

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  65. One of the exterior angles of a triangle is `80^0` , and the interior opposite angles are equal to each other. What is the measures of each of these two angles?

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  66. The exterior angles, obtained on producing the base of a triangle both ways are `140^0\ ` and `136^0` . Find all the angles of the triangle.

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  67. The sides `B C ,C A` and `A B` of a triangle `A B C ,` are produced in order, forming exterior angles `/_A C D ,/_B A E` and `/_C B F` . Show that `/_A C D+/_B A E+/_C B F=360^0`

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  68. In fig.38,`\ A C_|_C E\ a n d\ /_A :/_B :/_C=3:2:1,` find the value of `/_E C Ddot`

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  69. A student when asked to measures two exterior angles of ` A B C` observed that the exterior angles at `A\ a n d\ B` are of `103^0\ a n d\ 74^0` respectively. Is this possible? Why or why not?

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  70. In fig.39, `A D\ a n d\ C F` are respectively perpendiculars to sides `B C\ a n d\ A B` of ` A B Cdot` if `/_F C D=50^0,\ fin d\ /_B A Ddot`

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  71. In fig.40, measures of some angles are indicted. Find the value of `xdot`

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  72. In fig.41, `A B C` is a right triangle right angled at `Adot\ D` lies on `B A` produced and `D E_|_B C ,` intersecting `A C` at `F` . if `/_A F E=130^0,` find `/_B D E` (ii) `/_B C A` `/_A B C`

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  73. `A B C` is a triangle in which `/_B=/_C` and ray `A X` bisects the exterior angle `D A C` . If `/_D A X=70^0` find `/_A C Bdot`

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  74. The sides BC of ` A B C` is product to a point `D` . The bisector of `/_A` meets side `B C` in `L` . If `/_A B C=30^0\ a n d\ /_A C D=115^0,` find `/_A L C`

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  75. `D` is a point on the side `B C` of ` A B Cdot` A line `P D Q` , though `D` , meets side `A C` in `P\ a n d\ A B` produced at `Q` . If `/_A=80^0,` `/_A B C=60^0` and `/_P D C=15^0` find (i) `/_A Q D` (ii) `/_A P Ddot`

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  76. Explain in the concept of interior and exterior angles and in each of the figures given below. Find `x\ a n d\ y` (fig.42).

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  77. Compute the value of `x` in each of the following figures.

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  78. In each of the following there are three positive numbers. State if these numbers could possibly be the lengths of the sides of a triangle: `2,3,4` (ii) `4,5,3` `2. 5 , 1.5 ,4`

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  79. In fig.45, ` A B C , A B=3c m , B C=4c m\ a n d\ A C=5c mdot` name the smallest and the largest angles of the triangle.

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  80. In each of the following, there are three positive numbers. State if these numbers could possibly be the lengths of the sides of a triangle: `5,7,9` (ii) `2, 10 , 15` `3,4,5` (iv) `2,5,7` `5,8, 20`

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  81. In fig.46, `P` is the point on the side `B Cdot` Complete each of the following statements using symbol `= , > or <` so as to make it true: `A P` .....`A B+B P` (ii) `A P` .....`A C+P C` `A P 1/2(A B+A C+B C)`

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  82. 01:36
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  83. `O` is a point in the exterior of ` A B Cdot` what symbol ` > , <\ or\ =` will you use to complete the statement `O A+O BddotA B ?` write two other similar statements and show that `O A+O B+O C >1/2(A B+B C+C A)`

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  84. In ` A B C ,` `/_A=100^0,/_B=30^0,/_C=50^0dot` name the smallest and the largest sides of the triangle.

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  85. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 13cm long. If one of the remaining two sides is of length 5cm, find the length of another side.

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  86. The sides of certain triangle are given below. Determine which of them are right triangle: a = 6 cm, b = 8cm and c = 10cm a = 5cm, b = 8cm and c = 11cm.

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  87. A ladder is placed in such a way that its foot is at a distance of 5 m from a wall and its top reaches a window 12 m above the ground. Determine the length of the ladder.

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  88. A ladder 25 m long reaches a window of a building 20 m above the ground. Determine the distance of the foot of the ladder from the building.

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  89. A ladder 15 m long reaches a window which is 9 m above the ground on one side of a street. Keeping its foot at the some point, the ladder is turned to other side of the street to reach a window 12 m high. Find the width of the street.

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  90. A man goes 10 m due east and than 24 m due north. Find the distance from the starting point.

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  91. ABC is an isosceles right triangle, right-angled at `C` . Prove that: `A B^2=2A C^2dot`

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  92. In a ` A B C ,\ A D_|_B C` and `A D^2=B DxxC Ddot` prove that ` A B C` is a right triangle.

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  93. A tree broke at a point but did not separate. Its top touched the ground at a distance of 6 dm from its base. If the point where is broke be at a height 2.5 dm from the ground, what was the total height of the tree before it broke?

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  94. State Pythagoras theorem and its converse.

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  95. In right ` triangle A B C ,` the lengths of the legs are given. Find the length of the hypotenuse.
    (i)`a=6\ c m ,\ b=8\ c m\ ` (ii) `a=8\ c m ,\ b=15\ c m` (iii)`a=3\ c m ,\ b=4\ c m` (iv) `a=2\ c m ,\ b=1. 5\ c m`

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  96. The hypotenuse of a triangle is 2.5 cm. If one of the sides is 1.5 cm. find the length of the other side.

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  97. A ladder 3.7 m long is placed against a wall in such a way that the foot of the ladder is 1.2 m away from the wall. Find the height of the wall to which the ladder reaches.

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  98. If the sides of a triangle are 3 cm, 4 cm and 6 cm long, determine whether the triangle is right-angled triangle.

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  99. The sides of certain triangles are given below. Determine which of them are right triangles. a = 7 cm, b = 24 cm and c= 25 cm a = 9 cm, b = 16 cm and c= 18cm

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  100. Two poles of heights 6 m and 11 m stand on a plane ground. If the distance between their feet is 12 m.  Find the distance between their tops.

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All Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES OF TRIANGLES of RD SHARMA MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 7

All Exercises from Mathematics Class 7 MATHS PROPERTIES OF TRIANGLES