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Complete Solutions to Exercise 8a of chapter QUADRILATERALS of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

Class 9MATHS
Number Of Questions29
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The angles of a quadrilateral are `89^(@) and 113^(@)` If the other two angles are equal, find the equal angles.

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  2. In eqadrilateral ABCD, `angleA=100^(@),angleB=70^(@)andangleC:angleD=8:11,"then fine"angleD.`

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  3. In quadrilateral ABCD, side AB is parallel to side DC. If `angleA : angle D=1:2 and angleC: angleB=4:5`.
    (i) Calculate each angle of the quadrilateral.
    (ii) Assign a special name to quadrialateral ABCD.

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  4. Find the values of x and y from adjoining parallelogram.

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  5. Find x,y and z in each of the following figure:

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  6. In the given figure, find `(i) angleXOD(ii) angleXOC`

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  7. In the given figure, ABCD is a square and `anglePQR=90^(@).If PB=QC=DR,` prove that.
    (i) QB = RC
    (ii) PQ = QR
    (iii) `angleQPR=45^(@)`

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  8. In a square ABCD, diagonals meet at O. P is point on BC such that OB = BP.Show that (i) `anglePOC=(22(1)/(2))^(@)`
    (ii) `angleBDC=2anglePOC`
    (iii) `angleBOP=3angleCOP`

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  9. The give figure shows a square ABCD and an equilayeral teiangle APB. Calculate :

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  10. In the given figure, ABCD is a rohombus with `A=67^(@).` If DEC is an equilateral triangle, calculate
    (i) `angleCBE`
    (ii) `angleDBE`

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  11. If the adjacent angles of a parallelogram are in the ratio `1/3:1/2.` Find all the angles of parallelogram.

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  12. Prove that the sum of two consecutive angles of a parallelogram is `180^(@).`

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  13. One angle of a parallelogram is `60^(@).` Find its remaining angles.

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  14. One diagonal of a parallelogram biscets its one of the angles. Show tht it will also bisec the opposite angle.

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  15. The opposite angles of a parallelogram are `(3x-2)^(@)and(150-x)^(@).` Find each angle of the parallelogram.

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  16. In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. If `angleABC=125^(@),`
    `angleACD=28^(@),"then fine"angleDAC.`

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  17. In a parallelogram, one angleis twice of its consecutiv angle. Find all the angles of the parallelogram.

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  18. In a parallelogram ABCD, AX and CY are the bisectors of `angleAandangleC` respectively. Prove that `AX"||"CY.`

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  19. In a parallelogram PQRS, PX and QY are the perpendiculars drawn from P and Q respectively so SR and SR produced. Prove that PX= QY.

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  20. In a parallelogram ABCD, the bisector of `angleA` bisects the line B at point X. Prove that AD = 2AB.

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  21. In a parallelogram ABCD, `angleBCD=60^(@)` If the bisectors AP and BP of `angleA and angleB` respectively, meet the side CD at point P, then prove that CP = PD.

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  22. In the adjoining figure, `DeltaPQR` is formed by the sides PQ, QR and RP which are drawn parallel to sides AB,BC and CA respectively of `DeltaABC.` Prove that
    `" "PQ+QR+RP=2(AB+BC+CA).`

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  23. X and Y are the mid-points of the opposite sides AB and DC of a parallelogram ABCD. Prove that `squareAXCY` is a parallelogram.

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  24. Two points X and Y lie on the diagonal BD of a parallelogram ABCD such that DX = BY. Prove that `squareAXCY` is a parallelogram.

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  25. In the adjoining figure, `DeltaABC` is an isosceles triangle in which AB = AC. Side CP is parallel to AB and AP is the bisector of exterior angle CAD of `Delta` ABC. Prove that `anglePAC=angleBCAand squareABCP` is a parallelogram.

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  26. AB and CD are two parallel lines and a transversal 'l' intersects these lines at X and Y respectively Prove that the bisectors of interior angles from a parallelogram whose each angle is `90^(@).`

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  27. In the adjoining figure `squareABCD` is a parallelogeam. Points X and Y lie on the sides AD and BC respectively and `AX=1/4ADandCY=1/4BC.` Show that `squareXBYD` is a parallelogram.

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  28. In the adjoining figure, ABCDEF is a regular hexagon. Prove that `squareABDE, square ACDF and squareAGDH` are parallelograms.

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  29. Two triangles `DeltaABC and Delta DEF` are given such that `AB"||"DE,BC"||"EFandAB=DE,BC=EF.`"Show that"AC"||"DFandAC=DE`

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Exercise 8a questions and complete solutions for chapter QUADRILATERALS of NAGEEN PRAKASHAN ENGLISH of Class 9