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A parallel plate air capacitor has a capacitance C. When it is half filled with a dielectric of dielectric constant 5 the percentage increase in the capacitance will be A 200 % B 33.3 % C 400 % D 66.6 %

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The correct option D 66.6 %Explanation:initially  C = A∈0/d    1when it is filled with dielectric of thickness t then C = [A∈0/{d – t + t / k}]given : k = 5 & it is half filled means t = d/2∴ C = [A∈0/{d – d/2 + {d/2 × 5}] = [A∈0/{d/2 + d/10}] = [A∈0/6d/10] × 10/6∴ C = 5/3 A∈0/d = 5/3C   from 1∴ % increase in capacitance = [C – C/C] × 100= [{5/3C – C}/C] × 100= 2/3 × 100 = 66.66%

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