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A simple pendulum of bob mass m is suspended vertically from O by a massless rigid rod of length L. The rod is connected to two identical massless springs on two sides of the rod at a distance a from O Fig. 1.18. The spring constant of each spring is k. The springs have their relaxed lengths when the pendulum is vertical.Write the differential equation of motion and determine the frequency of small oscillations of this pendulum.

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When the pendulum is at an angle θ with the vertical [Fig. 1.18b] the pendulum is raised by the distance h = L – L cos θ and the PE of the pendulum isP.E.m = mgh = mgL1 – cos θ.The zero level of the PE is chosen with the pendulum being vertical. When the pendulum is at an angle θ one of the springs is stretched by the amount aθ while the other is compressed by the same amount. The PE of the springs isThus the total P.E. of the system isV = mgL 1 – cos θ + ka2θ2.The kinetic energy is associated only with the mass m. The velocity v = Lθ ⋅ and KE isThus the total energy of the system isSince the total energy of the system is conserved we haveSince sin θ ≈ θ for small oscillations we get SHM with frequency

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