Two identical charged spheres suspended from a common point by two mass less strings of length l are initially a distance d d<
The correct Answer is:Option d
Correct Option d v ∝ x-1/2Explanation:
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Two identical charged spheres suspended from a common point by two massless strings of length l are initially a distance apart because to leak from both the spheres at a constant rate . As a result the charges approach each other with a velocity v . Then as a function of distance x betwee them ,
View SolutionTwo idential charged spheres suspended from a common point by two massless strings of lengths l, are intially at a distance d(d<<1) a part because of their mutual repulsion. The charges begin to leak from both the spheresapproach each other with a velocity v.Then v varies as a function of the distance x between the spheres as:
View Solutionलम्बाई l की दो द्रव्यमानहीन डोरियों द्वारा एक उभयनिष्ठय बिन्दु से दो आसमान आवेशित गोले लटकाएँ गए हैं, जोकि प्रारम्भ में d दूरी पर अपने अन्योन्य प्रतिकर्षण के कारण करता है जिसके परिणामस्वरूप आवेश एक-दूसरे की ओर v वेग से पास आते हैं दोनों के बीच वेग (v) दूरी x के फलन के रूप में-
View SolutionTwo identical charged spheres suspended from a common point by two massless strings of lengths l, are initially at a distance d (d lt lt l) apart because of their mutual repulsion. The charges begin to leak from both the spheres at a constant rate. As a result, the spheres approach each other with a velocity v. Then v varies as a function of the distance x between the spheres, as :
View SolutionTwo identical charged spheres suspended from a common point by two mass-less strings of length are initially at a distance d ( ) apart because of their mutual repulsion . The charge begins to leak from both the spheres at a constant rate. As a result the charge approach each other with a velocity . Then as a function of distance between them .
View SolutionTwo identical charged spheres suspended form a common point by two massless strings of lengths l, are initially at a distance d(d gt gt l) apart because of their mutual repulsion. The charges brgin to leak from both the spheres at a constant rate. As a result, the spheres approach each other with a velocity v. Then v varies as a function of the distance x between the spheres, as
View SolutionTwo identical charged spheres suspended from a common point by two massless strings of lengths I, are initially at a distance apart because of their mutual repulsion. The charges begin to leak from both the spheres at a constant rate. As a result, the spheres approach each other with a velocity v. Then v varies as a function of the distance x between as:
View SolutionTwo identical charged spheres suspended from a common point by two massless strings of length are initially a distance d ( d ltlt l) apart because of their mutual repulsion . The charge begins to leak from both the spheres at a constant rate As a result the charge approach each other with a velocity . Then as a function of distance between them .
View SolutionTwo identical charged spheres suspended from a common point by two masses strings of length l are initially at a distance d (d lt lt 1) apart because of their mutual repulsion. The charge begins to leak from both the spheres at a constant rate. As a result the charge approaches each other with a velocity v. Then as a function of distance x between them
View SolutionTwo identical charged spheres suspended from a common point by two mass-less strings of length are initially at a distance d ( ) apart because of their mutual repulsion . The charge begins to leak from both the spheres at a constant rate. As a result the charge approach each other with a velocity . Then as a function of distance between them .
View SolutionTwo identical charged spheres suspended from a common point by two mass-less strings of length are initially at a distance d ( ) apart because of their mutual repulsion . The charge begins to leak from both the spheres at a constant rate. As a result the charge approach each other with a velocity . Then as a function of distance between them .
View SolutionTwo identical charged spheres suspended from a common point by two massless strings of lengths /, are initially at a distance apart because of their mutual repulsion. The charges begin to leak from both the spheres at a constant rate. As a result, the spheres approach each other with a velocity v. Then v varies as a function of the distance x between the spheres, as :
View SolutionTwo identical charged spheres suspended from a common point by two massless strings of length l are initially at a distanced apart because of their mutual repulsion. The charge begin to leak from both the spheres at a constant rate. As a result the spheres approach each other with a velocity v. Then function of distance x between them becomes ................
View SolutionTwo identical charged spheres suspended from a common point by two massless strings of length I are initially a distance d(d1) apart because of their mutual repulsion. The charge begins to leak from both the spheres at a constant rate. As a result the charges approach each other with a velocity v. Then as a function of distance x between them,
View SolutionTwo identically charged spheres suspended from a common point by two massless strings of length l, due to mutual repulsion, initially interact with each other. d (d lt lt l) The charges start to decay at a constant rate from both the spheres at a distance and as a result the spheres come towards each other with a velocity v. Then in what form does the velocity v vary as a function of the distance x between the spheres?
View SolutionTwo identical charged spheres suspended from a common point by two massless strings of length I are initially a distance x apart because of their mutual repulsion. The charge begins to leak from both the spheres at a constant rate. As a result the charges approach each other with a velocity v. Then as a function of distance x between them,
View Solutionदो एकसमान आवेशित गोले, d लम्बाइयों की दो द्रव्यमानहीन रस्सियों द्वारा एक उभयनिष्ठ बिन्दु से लटके हुए है उनके अन्योन्य प्रतिकर्षण के कारण प्रारम्भ में उनके बीच की दूरी d है दोनों गोलों से एक नियत दर पर आवेशों का रिसना शुरू होता है परिणामस्वरूप, गोले एक वेग v के साथ एक - दूसरे की ओर आते है तब v गोलों के मध्य दूरी x के फलन के साथ परिवर्तित होती है निम्न में से सही विकल्प है
View SolutionTwo identical charged spheres suspended from a common point by two massless strings of length I are initially a distance dd<<1) apart because of their mutual repulsion. The charge begins to leak from both the spheres at a constant rate. As a result the charges approach each other with a velocity v. Then as a function of distance x between them,
View Solutionकिसी उभयनिष्ठ बिन्दु से, लम्बाई । की दो द्रव्यमानहीन डोरियों से निलंबित, दो सर्वसम आवेशित गोले, अन्योन्य प्रतिकर्षण के कारण, आरम्भ में एक-दूसरे से d दूरी पर हैं। दोनों ही गोलों से एक नियत दर से आवेशों का क्षरण आरम्भ होता है, और इसके परिणामस्वरूप गोले एक दूसरे की ओर वेग v से आते हैं। तब गोलों के बीच की दूरी, x के फलन के रूप में वेग v का विचरण किस रूप में होता है?
View Solutionकिसी उभयनिष्ठ बिंदु से, लम्बाई की दो द्रवमानहीन डोरियों से निलम्बित, दो सर्वसम आवेशित गोले, अन्योन्य प्रतिकर्षण के कारण, आरम्भ में एक-दूसरे से d दूरी पर हैं। दोनों ही गोलों से एक नियत दर से आवेशों का क्षारण आरम्भ होता है, और इसके परिणामस्वरूप गोले एक दूसरे की ओर वेग v से आते है। तब गोलों के बीच की दूरी, x के फलन के रूप में वेग v का विचरण किस रूप में होता है ?
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