(i) What does dvdt and d|V|dt represent ?
(ii) Can these be equal ?
(iii) Can dVdt=0 while dVdt0 ?
(iv) Can d|V|dt0 while dvdt=0 ?

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(i) dVdt is the magnitude of total acceleration. While d|V|dt represents the time rate of change of speed (called the tangential acceleration, a component of total acceleration) as |V|=v.
(ii) These two are equal in case of one dimensional motion (without change in direction).
(iii) In case of uniform circular motion speed remains constant while velocity changes.
Hence, d|V|dt=0 while dvdt0.
(iv) d|V|dt0 implies that speed of particle is not constant. Velocity cannot remain constant if speed is changing. Hence, dVdt cannot be zero in this case. So, it is not possible to be have dvdt=0 while d|V|dt0
