A long straight wire carries a current I0. At distance a and b =3a from it there are two other wires, parallel to the former one, which are interconnected by a resistance R ( figure ). A connector slides without friction along the wire with a constant velocity v. Assuming the resistance of the wire, the connector, the sliding contact, and the self-inductance of the frame to be negligible ,
A long straight wire carries a current I(0). At distance a and b =3a from it there are two other wires, parallel to the former one, which are interconnected by a resistance R ( figure ). A connector slides without friction along the wire with a constant velocity v. Assuming the resistance of the wire, the connector, the sliding contact, and the self-inductance of the frame to be negligible ,      The point of application (distance from the long wire ) of magnetic force on sliding wire due to the long wire is (2a)/(lnx) from long wire. Then findout value of x.
The point of application (distance from the long wire ) of magnetic force on sliding wire due to the long wire is 2alnx from long wire. Then findout value of x.

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