A long straight wire carries a current I0. At distance a and b =3a from it there are two other wires, parallel to the former one, which are interconnected by a resistance R ( figure ). A connector slides without friction along the wire with a constant velocity v. Assuming the resistance of the wire, the connector, the sliding contact, and the self-inductance of the frame to be negligible ,
The point of application (distance from the long wire ) of magnetic force on sliding wire due to the long wire is 2alnx from long wire. Then findout value of x.
The correct Answer is:3
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A long straight wire carries a current I0, at distance a and b=3a from it there are two other wires, parallel to the former one, which are interconnected by a resistance R(figure).A connector slides without friction along the wires with a constant velocity v.Assuming the resistance of the wires,the connector, the sliding contacts and the self-inductance of the frame to be negligible. The point of application (distance from the long wire) of magnetic force on sliding wire due to the long wire is 2alnx from long wire.Then find out value of x.
View SolutionA long straight wire carries a current I0, at distance a and b=3a from it there are two other wires, parallel to the former one, which are interconnected by a resistance R(figure).A connector slides without friction along the wires with a constant velocity v.Assuming the resistance of the wires,the connector, the sliding contacts and the self-inductance of the frame to be negligible. The point of application (distance from the long wire) of magnetic force on sliding wire due to the long wire is 2alnx from long wire.Then find out value of x.
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(a) the magnitude and the direction of the current induced in the connector,
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(b) How will your answer differ if the magnetic field was in opposite direction.
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