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Complete Solutions to Chapter Test of chapter ROTATIONAL DYNAMICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

A2ZChapter Test
Number Of Questions29
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A carpenter has constructed a toy as shown in figure. If the density of the material of the sphere is 12 tirnes that of cone, the `y-` coordinate of `COM` of toy point `O`

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  2. From a given sample of uniform wire, two circular loops `P` and `Q` are made, `P` of radius `r` and `Q` of radius `nr`. If the M.I. of `Q` about its axis is four times that of `P` about its axis (assuming the wire to be of diameter much smaller than either radius), the value of n is

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  3. A particle of mass `m` is moving in a plane along a circular path of radius `r`. Its angular momentum about the axis of rotation is `L`. The centripetal force acting on the particle is.

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  4. A particle performing uniform circular motion gas angular momentum `L`. If its angular frequency is double and its kinetic energy halved, then the new angular momentum is :

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  5. A solid sphere rolls down two different inclined planes of the same height but of different inclinations

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  6. What is the minimum value of coefficient of friction between the cylinder and inclined plane for rolling without slipping ?

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  7. The kinetic energy of an object rotating about a fixed axis with angular momentum `L = I omega` can be written as.

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  8. An ice skater starts a spin with her arms stretched out to the sides. She balances on the tip of one skate to turn without friction. She then pulls her arms in so that her moment of inertia decrease by a factor of `2`. In the process of her doing so, what happens to her kinetic energy ?

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  9. Find the centre of mass of a uniform `L` shaped lamina (a thin flat plate) with dimension as shown in Fig. The mass of the lamina is `3kg`.

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  10. From a uniform disc of radius `R`, a circular section of radius `R//2` is cut out. The centre of the hole is at `R//2` from the centre of the original disc. Locate the centre of mass of the resulting flat body.

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  11. Half of the recrtangular plate shown in figure is made of a material of density `rho_1` and the other half of density `rho_2`. The length of the plate is L. Locate the centre of mass of the plate.

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  12. With reference to Fig. of a cube of edge a and mass m, state whether the following are true or false. (O is the centre of the cube.)

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  13. The moment of inertia of a uniform thin rod of mass `m` and length `l` about two axis `PQ` and `RS` passing through centre of rod `C` and in the plane of the rod are `I_(PQ)` and `I_(RS)` respectivley. Then `I_(PQ) + I_(RS)` is equal to.

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  14. Wheels `A` and `B` in Figure are connected by a belt that does not slip. The radius of `B` is `3.00` times the radius of `A`. What would be the ratio of the rotational inertias `I_A//I_B` if the two wheels had same angular momentum about their central axes.

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  15. A disc of radius `R` and mass `M` is rolling horizontally without slipping with speed with speed `v`. It then moves up an incline as shown in figure. The maximum height upto which it can reach is.

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  16. A sphere of outer radius `R` having some cavity inside is allowed to roll down on an incline. The incline is then made smooth by waxing and the sphere is allowed to slide without rolling and now the speed attained is `(5//4)v_0`. What is the radius of gyration of the sphere about an axis passing through its centre ?

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  17. In a bicycle the radius of rear wheel is twice the radius of front wheel. If `v_F` and `v_r` are the speeds of top most points of front and rear wheels respectively, then :

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  18. A cord is wound round the circumference of wheel of radius `r`. The axis of the wheel is horizontal and fixed and moment of inertia about it is `I`. A weight `mg` is attached to the end of the cord and falls from rest. After falling through a distance `h`, the angular velocity of the wheel will be.

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  19. Two identical cylinders roll from rest on two identical planes of slant lengths `s` and `2 s` but of the same height `h`. Then, the velocities, `v_1` and `v_2` acquired by the cylinders when they reach the bottom of the incline are related as.

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  20. A solid cylinder and a hollow cylinder, both of the same mass and same external diameter are released from the same height at the same time on an inclined plane. Both roll down without slipping. Which one will reach the bottom first ?

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  21. A solid sphere and a disc of same radii are falling along an inclined plane without slip. One reaches earlier than the other due to.

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  22. A homogeneous ball is placed on a plane making an angle `theta` with the horizontal. At what values of the coefficient of friction `mu` the ball roll down the plane without slipping ?

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  23. A solid cylinder of mass `M` and radius `R` rolls down an inclined plane of height `h` without slipping. The speed of its centre when it reaches the bottom is.

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  24. A body of mass `m` slides down an incline and reaches the bottom with a velocity `v`. If the same mass were in the form of a ring which rolls down this incline, the velocity of the ring at the bottom would have been

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  25. The speed of a homogeneous solid sphere after rolling down an inclined plane of vertical height `h` from rest without slipping will be.

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  26. Consider a rod of mass `M` and length `L` pivoted at its centre is free to rotate in a vertical position plane. The rod is at rest in the vertical position. A bullet of mass `M` moving horizontally at a speed `v` strikes and embedded in one end of the rod. The angular velocity of the rod just after the collision will be.

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  27. Assertion: The centre of gravity of a body coincides with its centre of mass only if the gravitational field does not vary form one part of the body to the other.
    Reason: Centre of gravity is independent of the gravitational field.

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  28. A rigid body not fixed in some way can have either pure translation or a combination of translation and rotation.
    In rotation about a fixed axis, every particle of the rigid body moves in a circle which lies in a plane perpendicular to the axis and has its centre on the axis.

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  29. If there are no external forces, the centre of mass of a double star moves like a free particle.
    If we go to the centre of mass frame, then we find that the two starts are moving in a circle about the centre of mass, which is at rest.

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Chapter Test questions and complete solutions for chapter ROTATIONAL DYNAMICS of A2Z PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11