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Complete Solutions to AIIMS Questions of chapter OSCILLATION AND SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

A2ZAIIMS Questions
Number Of Questions24
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The length of a simple pendulum executing simple harmonic motion is increased by `21%`. The percentage increase in the time period of the pendulum of increased length is.

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  2. The frequency of oscillation of the spring shown in the figure will be

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  3. A partcle is performing simple harmonic motion along x- axis with amplitude `4cm` and time period `1.2sec` The minimum time period taken by the again is given by

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  4. Two spring of force constants `K` and `2K` are connected a mass `m` below The frequency of oscillation the mass is

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  5. Two spring are connected toa block of mass `M` placed a frictionless surface as shown if both the spring have a spring constant `k` the frequency of oscillation block is

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  6. Which of the following functionss represents a simple harmonic oscillation ?

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  7. A mass (M) is suspended from a spring of negligible mass. The spring is pulled a little and then released so that the mass executes SHM of time period T. If the mass is increased by m, the time period becomes `(5T)/3`. Then the ratio of `m/M` is .

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  8. A simple pendulum hangs the celling of a car if the car acceleration with a uniform acceleration , the frequency of the simple pendulum will

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  9. A coin is placed on a horizontal platform which undergoes vertical simple harmonic motion of angular frequency `omega`. The amplitude of oscillation is gradually increased. The coin will leave contact with the platform for the first time

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  10. The function `sin^(2)(omega t)` represents:

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  11. A particle of mass (m) is executing oscillations about the origin on the (x) axis. Its potential energy is `V(x) = k|x|^3` where (k) is a positive constant. If the amplitude of oscillation is a, then its time period (T) is.

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  12. A harmonic plateform with an object placed on it is executing `SHM` in the verticle direction The amplitude of oscillation is `3.29 + 10^(-3)m` what must be the least period of these oscillation so that the object is not detached from the plateform

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  13. A simple pendulum has time period `T` The bob is given negative charge and surface below it is given position change new time period will be

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  14. A mass `M` is suspended from a spring of negiliglible mass the spring is pulled a little and then released so that the mass executes simple harmonic oscillation with a time period `T` If the mass is increases by `m` the time period because `((5)/(4)T)`,The ratio of `(m)/(M)` is

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  15. The amplitude of a executing `SHM` is `4cm` At the mean position the speed of the particle is `16 cm//s` The distance of the particle from the mean position at which the speed the particle becomes `8 sqrt(3)cm//s` will be

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  16. A particle is performing harmonic motion if its velocity are `v_(1)` and `v_(2)` at the displecement from the mean position are `y_(1)` and `y_(2)` respectively then its time period is

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  17. Four mass less spring whose force constant are `2k , 2k, k` and `2k` respectively are attached to a mass `M` kept on a friction less plate (as shown in figure) if the mass `M` is displaced in the horizontal direction then the frequency of oscillation of the system is

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  18. Assertion : The amplitude of an oscillation pendulum decreases gradually with time
    Reason : The frequency of the pendulum decrease with time

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  19. Assertion : The periodic time of hard spring is less its compared to that of soft spring
    Reason: The periodic time depend upon the spring constant

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  20. Assertion : Resonance is special case of force vibration in which the nature frequency of vebration of the body is the same as the impressed frequency of external periodic force and the amplitude of force vibration is maximum
    Reason: The amplitude of forced vibrations of a bodyincrease with an increase in the frequency of the externally impressed perioic force

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  21. Assertion: In simple harmonic motion the velocity is maximum when the acceleration is minimum
    Reason : Displacement and velocity of `SHM`differ in phase by `(pi)/(2)`

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  22. Assertion : The graph of total energy of a particle in `SHM` w.r.t. position is a line with zero slope
    Reason : Total energy of particle in `SHM` remain constant throughout its motion

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  23. Assertion :Simple harmonic motion is not a uniform motion
    Reason : It is the projection of uniform circle motion

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  24. Assertion : The periodic time of hard spring is less its compared to that of soft spring
    Reason: The periodic time depend upon the spring constant

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AIIMS Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter OSCILLATION AND SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of A2Z PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11