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Complete Solutions to Velocity , Acceleration And Energy Of Simple Harmonic Motion of chapter OSCILLATION AND SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

A2ZVelocity , Acceleration And Energy Of Simple Harmonic Motion
Number Of Questions40
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A body is performing simple harmonic motion with amplitude A and time period `T` variation of its acceleration `(f)` with time`(t)` is shown in figure If a line `x` velocity of the body is `x` which of the following graph is correct?

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  2. The maximum acceleration of a particle in `SHM` is motion two lines keeping the maximum speed in the constant it is position when

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  3. A particle is `SHM` is discribed by the displacement function `x(t) = a cos (Delta omega + theta)` If the initial `(t = 0)` position of the particle `1cm` and its initial velocity is `picm//s` The angular frequency of the particle is `pi rad//s`, then its amplitude is

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  4. Two particles `P` and `Q` describe simple harmonic motions of same period , same amplitude along the same line about the same equilibrium position `O`. When `P` and `Q` are on opposite sides of `O` at the same distance from `O` they have the same speed of `1.2m//s` in the same direction, when their displacements are the same they have the same speed of `1.6m//s` in opposite directions .The maximum velocity in `m//s` of either particle is

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  5. A particle executes simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of `4cm` At the mean position the velocity of tge particle is `10` earth distance of the particle from the mean position when its speed `5` point is

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  6. A particle is executing SHM according to the equation `x = A cos omega t`. Average speed of the particle during the interval `0 le t le (pi)/(6omega)` is

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  7. The `KE` and `PE` , of a particle executing `SHM` amplitude `A` will be equal when its displacement is

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  8. A verticle mass-spring system executed simple harmonic oscillation with a period `2 s` quantity of this system which simple varation with a period of `1sec` are

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  9. A body executes simple harmonic motion. The potential energy (P.E), the kinetic energy (K.E) and energy (T.E) are measured as a function of displacement `x`. Which of the following staements is true?

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  10. A particle is vibrating simple harmonically with amplitude `'a'`. The displacement of the particle when its energy is half kinetic and half potential is.

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  11. A body is performing simple harmonic motion. Then its

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  12. A body is executing simple harmonic motion As `x` displacement `x` its potential energy is `E_(1)` and at a displacement `y` its potential energy is `E_(2)` The potential energy `E` at displacement `(x+y)` is

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  13. An object of mass `0.2 kg` executes simple harmonic oscillation along the `x` - axis with a frequency of `(25//pi) Hz`. At the position `x = 0.04`, the object has Kinetic energy of `0.5 J` and potential energy 0.4 J. The amplitude of oscillations (in m) is

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  14. The veriation of potential energy of harmonic escillator is as shown in figure. The spring constant is

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  15. For a particle in `S.H.M.` if the amplitude of displacement is `a` and the amplitude of velocity is `v` the amplitude of acceleration is

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  16. A particle is executing simple harmonic motion with an angular at a `4cm`. At the mean position the velocity of the particle is `10cm//sec` .The particle from the mean position when its speed becomes `2cm//s` is

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  17. A particle is in a linear `SHM`. If acceleration and the corresponding velocity of this particle are `a` and `v` then the graph relating to these values is

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  18. A particle executes `SHM` in a straight line path .The amplitude of oscillation is `2cm`. When the displacement of the particle from the mean position is `1cm` the numerical value of acceleration is equal to the numerical value of velocity. Then find the frequency of `SHM`.

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  19. The total energy of a particle, executing simple harmonic motion is.
    where x is the displacement from the mean position, hence total energy is independent of x.

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  20. For a particle executing `S.H.M.,` the kinetic energy `K` is given `K = K_(0) cos ^(2)omega t`. The maximum value of potential energy is:

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  21. A verticle mass-spring system executed simple harmonic ascillation with a period `2s` quantity of this system which exhibits simple harmonic motion with a period of `1sec` are

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  22. A body executes simple harmonic motion. The potential energy (P.E), the kinetic energy (K.E) and energy (T.E) are measured as a function of displacement `x`. Which of the following staements is true?

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  23. A block of mass `2kg` executes simple harmonic motion under the reading from at a spring .The angular and the time period of motion are `0.2 cm` and `2pi`sec respectively Find the maximum force execute by the spring in the block.

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  24. The velocity `v` of a particle of mass in moving along a straight line change within time `t` as `(d^(2)v)/(dt^(2)) = - Kv` where `K` is a particle constant which of the following statement is correct?

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  25. A `4 kg` particle is moving along the x- axis under the action of the force `F = - ((pi^(2))/(16)) x N` At `t = 2 sec ` the particle passes through the origin and `t = 10sec`, the speed is `4sqrt(2)m//s` The amplitude of the motion is

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  26. Which of the following is correct about a `SHM`, along a straight line?

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  27. A body performs simple harmonic oscillations along the straight line `ABCDE` with `C` as the midpoint of `AE`. Its kinetic energies at `B` and `D` are each one fourth of its maximum value. If `AE = 2R`, the distance between `B` and `D` is

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  28. A particle moving on x - axis has potential energy `U = 2 - 20x + 5x^(2)` joule along x - axis. The particle is relesed at `x = -3`. The maximum value of `x` will be (`x` is in meter)

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  29. The potential energy of a particle executing `SHM` change from maximum to minimum in `5 s`. Then the time period of `SHM` is:

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  30. A particle performs `SHM` of amplitude `A` along a straight line .When it is a distance `sqrt(3)/(2)`A from mean position its kinetic energy gets increase by on amount `(1)/(2) m omega^(2)A^(2)` due to an implusive force. Then its new amplitude because

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  31. A particle of mass `10gm` is placed in a potential field given by `V = (50x^(2) + 100)J//kg`. The frequency of oscilltion in `cycle//sec` is

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  32. Which of the following is greater in `SHM` (assuming potential energy` = 0` at mean position )?

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  33. The total mechanical energy of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is `E` when the displacement is half the amplitude of its kinetic energy will be

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  34. A particle is executing linear `SHM`. The average kinetic energy and avearge potential energy over a period of oscillation are `K_(av)` and `U_(av)` Then

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  35. A linear harmonic oscillator of force constant `2 xx 106Nm^(-1)` and amplitude `0.01m` has a total mechanical energy `160 J`. Among the followinhg statement , which are correct?
    i Maximum `PE`is `100J`
    ii Maximum `KE`is `100J`
    iii Maximum `PE` is `160J`
    iv Maximum `PE` is zero

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  36. A body is executing `SHM` under action of the a force of whose maximum is `50 N`. magnitude of force acting on the particle at the time when its energy is half kineic energy and half potential is (Assume potential energy to be zero at mean position).

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  37. A particle of `m` is executing `SHM`about the origin on x- axis frequencxy `sqrt((ka)/(pi m))`, where `k` is a constant and a is the amplitude Find its potential energy if `x` is the displecement at time t:

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  38. A particle is exeuting `SHM`. At a point `x = A//3`, kinetic energy of the particle of the particle is `K`, where A is the particle At a point `x = 2A//3`, kinetic energy of the particle will be:

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  39. The mass of particle is `1 kg` it is moving along x- axis The period of its small osciltion is `(pi)/(2)`. Find the its potential energy:

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  40. The frequency of oscilation is `((10)/(pi))` (in Hz) of a particle of mass `0.1 kg` which executes `SHM` is `0.2J` at position `x = 0.02m`. The potential energy is zero at mean position Find the amplitude of osclllation (in meter)`:

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Velocity , Acceleration And Energy Of Simple Harmonic Motion questions and complete solutions for chapter OSCILLATION AND SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of A2Z PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11