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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter MOTION IN A PLANE of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions73
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A scooter is moving along a straight line AB covers a distance of 360 m in 24 s and returns back from B to C and coveres 240 m in 18 s. Find the total distance travelled by the scooter.

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  2. A wheel completes 2000 revolutions to cover the 9.5 km. distance. then the diameter of the wheel is

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  3. A man starts from his home and walks 50 m towards, then he turns towards east and walks 40 m and then reaches to his office after moving 20 m towards south.
    (i) What is the total distance covered by the man from his home to office ?
    (ii) What is his displacement from his home to office ?

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  4. An object covers 1/4 of the circular path, what will be the ratio of the distance and displacement of the object ?

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  5. Displacement of a person moving from X to Y along a semicircular path of radius r is 200 m. What is the distance travelled by him ?

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  6. An athlete complete one round of a circular track of diameter `200 m` in `40 s`. What will be the distance covered and the displacement at the end of `2` minutes `20 s` ?

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  7. The distance covered by an object (in meter) is given by
    `s=8 t^(3)-7t^(2)+5t`
    Find its speed at t = 2 s.

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  8. Abdul while driving to school, computes the average speed for his trip to be `20 kmh^(-1)`. On his return trip along the same route, there is less traffic and the average speed is `40 kmh^(-1)`. What is the average speed for Abdul's trip ?

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  9. A car moves from `X` to `Y` with a uniform speed `v_u` and returns to `Y` with a uniform speed `v_d`. The average speed for this round trip is :

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  10. A particle travels along a straight line. It covers halg the distance with a speed (v). The remaining part of the distance was covere with speed `v_(1)` for half the time and with speed `v_(2)` for the other half the time . Find the average speed of the particle over the entire motion.

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  11. A car covers the first half of the distance between two places at a speed of `40 kmh^(-1)` and second half at `60 kmh^(-1)` Calculate the average speed of the car.

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  12. In one second, a particle goes from point A to point B moving in a semicircle (Fig). Find the magnitude of the average velocity.

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  13. A farmer has to go 500 m due north, 400 m due east and 200 m due south to reach his field. If he takes 20 min to reach the field.
    (a) What distance he has to walk to reach the field ?
    (b) What is the displacement from his house to the field ?
    (c) What is the average speed of farmer during the walk ?
    (d) What is the average velocity of farmer during the walk ?

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  14. Joseph jogs from one end A to the other end B of a straight 300 m road in 2 min 50 s and then turns around and jogs 100 m back to point C in another 1 min. What are Joseph's average speeds and velocities in jogging (i) from A to B and (ii) from A to C ?

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  15. A car is moving along a straight (OP). It moves from `O to P` in `18 seconds` amd retuns from `P to Q` in 6 seconds`, where `OP=360 m` and `OQ=240 m What are the car the average velcoty and average speed of the car in going (a) from `Oto P` and back to `Q` ?

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  16. The position of object moving along an x-axis is given by `x=3t-4t^(2)+t^(3)`, where x is in meters and t in seconds. Find the position of the object at the following values of t : (i) 2s, (ii) 4s, (iii) What is the object's displacement between t = 0 s and t = 4 s ? and (iv) What is its average vvelocity for the time interval from t = 2 s to t = 4 ?

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  17. The velocity of a particle moving in the positive direction of `x`-axis varies as `v = alpha sqrt(x)` where `alpha` is positive constant. Assuming that at the moment `t = 0`, the particle was located at `x = 0`, find (i) the time dependance of the velocity and the acceleration of the particle and (ii) the mean velocity of the particle averaged over the time that the particle takes to cover first `s` meters of the path.

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  18. The distance travelled by a body is proportional to the square of time. What type of motion this body has ?

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  19. Give examples where a. the velocity of a particle is zero buts its acceleration is not zero. b.the velocity is opposite in direction to the acceleration, c. the velocity is perpendicular to the acceleration.

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  20. The velocity of a particle is given by `v=(2t^(2)-3t+10)ms^(-1)`. Find the instantaneous acceleration at t = 5 s.

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  21. A particle is moving with a velocity of `v=(3+ 6t +9t^2) cm/s.` Find out
    (a) the acceleration of the particle at `t=3 s.`
    (b) the displacement of the particle in the interval `t=5s` to `t=8 s.`

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  22. The motion of a particle along a straight line is described by the function `x=(2t -3)^2,` where x is in metres and t is in seconds. Find
    (a) the position, velocity and acceleration at `t=2 s.`
    (b) the velocity of the particle at origin.

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  23. The radius vector of a point depends on time t, as
    `r = c t +(b t^(2))/(2)`
    where c and b are constant vectors. Find the modulus of velocity and acceleration at any time t.

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  24. A particle is moving in a straight line. Its displacement at any instant t is given by `x = 10 t+ 15 t^(3)`, where x is in meters and t is in seconds. Find
    (i) the average acceleration in the intervasl t = 0 to t = 2s and
    (ii) instantaneous acceleration at t = 2 s.

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  25. (i) What does `|(dv)/(dt)|` and `(d|V|)/(dt)` represent ?
    (ii) Can these be equal ?
    (iii) Can `(d|V)/(dt)= 0` while `|(dV)/(dt)ne0` ?
    (iv) Can `(d|V|)/(dt)ne 0` while `|(dv)/(dt)|=0` ?

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  26. A car was movig at a rate of `18 kmh^(-1)` . When the brakes were applied, it comes to rest in a distance of 100 m. Calculate the retardation produced by the brakes.

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  27. Two cars start off a race with velocity `2 ms^(-1)` and `4ms^(-2)` respectively. What is the length of the path if they reach the final point at the same time ?

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  28. A body starting from rest has an acceleration of `4ms^(-2)` . Calculate distnce travelled by it in 5th second.

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  29. A train, travelling at `20 km//hr` is approaching a platform. A bird is sitting on a pole on the platform. When the train is at a distance of 2 km from pole, breakes are applied which produce auniform deceleration in it. At that instant the bird flies towards the train at `60 km//hr` and after touching the nearest point on the train flies back to the pole and then flies towards the train and continues repeating itself. Calculate how much distance will the bird have flown before the train stops?

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  30. A particle starts with an initial velocity and passes successively over the two halves of a given distance with constant accelerations `a_1 and a_2` respectively. Show that the final velocity is the same as if the whole distance is covered with a uniform acceleration `(a_1 + a_2)/2 .`

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  31. In a car race, `A` takes a time of `t` s, less than car `B` at the finish and passes the finishing point with a velocity `v` more than car `B`. Assuming that the cars start from rest and travel with constant accelerations `a_(1)` and `a_(2)`. Respectively, show that `v=sqrt(a_(1) a_(2)t)`.

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  32. A particle starts from rest and moves under constant acceleration in a straight line. Find the ratio of displacement (a) in successive second and (b) in successive time interval `t_(0)`.

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  33. Velocity and acceleration of a particle at time t = 0 are `u=(2hat(i)+3hat(j))m//s` and `a=(4hat(i)+2hat(j))m//s^(2)` respectively. Find the velocity and displacement of particle at t = 2 s.

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  34. A ball is thrown upwards from the top of a tower `40 m` high with a velocity of `10 m//s.` Find the time when it strikes the ground. Take `g=10 m//s^2`.

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  35. A pobble is thrown vertically upwards from a bridge with an initial velocity of `4.9 ms^(-1)` . It strikes the water after 2 s. If acceleration due to gravity does the pebble strike the water ?

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  36. A rocket is fired vertically up from the ground with a resultant vertical acceleration of `10 m//s^2.` The fuel is finished in 1 min and it continues to move up. (a) What is the maximum height reached? (b) Afte2r how much time from then will the maximum height be reached?(Take `g= 10 m//s^2`)

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  37. A Juggler throws balls into air. He throws one ball whenever the previous one is at is at its highest point. How high does the balls rise if he throws n balls each second ? Acceleration due to gravity is g.

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  38. From an elevated point A, a stone is projected vertically upwards. When the stone reaches a distance h below A, its velocity is doubleof what it was at a height h above A. Show that the greatest height attained by the stone is `5/3 h.`

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  39. A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of `20 ms^(-1)` from the top of a multistorey building. The height of the point from where the ball is thrown is 25 m from the ground. How long will it be before the ball hits the ground (Take, `g=10 ms^(-2)`) ?

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  40. A ball is thown upwards from the ground with an initial speed u. The is at a height of 80 m at two times, the interval being 6s. Find the value of u.

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  41. A particle of mass 1 kg has a velocity of `2m//s`. A constant force of 2N acts on the particle for 1s in a direction perpendicular to its initial velocity. Find the velocity and displacement of the particle at the end of 1 s.

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  42. An open elevator is ascending with constant speed `v=10m//s.` A ball is thrown vertically up by a boy on the lift when he is at a height `h=10m` from the ground. The velocity of projection is `v=30 m//s` with respect to elevator. Find
    (a) the maximum height attained by the ball.
    (b) the time taken by the ball to meet the elevator again.
    (c) time taken by the ball to reach the ground after crossing the elevator.

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  43. A particle is thrown vertically upwards from the surface of the earth. Let `T_(P)` be the time taken by the particle to travel from a point P above the earth to its highest point and back to the point P. Similarly, let `T_(Q)` be the time taken by the particle to travel from another point Q above the earth to its highest point and back to the same in terms of `T_(P), T_(Q)` and H, is :-

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  44. From the top of a building, 16 m high water drop are falling at eqal intervals of time such that when the first drop reaches the ground, the fifth drop just starts. Find the distance between the successive drops at hat instant.

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  45. A ball is dropped from the top of a tower. After 2 s another ball is thrown vertically downwards with a speed of `40 ms^(-1)`. After how much time and at what distance below the top of tower the balls meet ?

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  46. Velocity-time equation of a particle moving in a straight line is, `v=(10+2t+3t^2)` (SI units) Find
    (a) displacement of particle from the mean position at time `t=1s,` if it is given that displacement is 20m at time `t=0`.
    (b) acceleration-time equation.

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  47. Displacement-time equation of a particle moving along x-axis is `x=20+t^3-12t` (SI units)
    (a) Find, position and velocity of particle at time t=0.
    (b) State whether the motion is uniformly accelerated or not.
    (c) Find position of particle when velocity of particle is zero.

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  48. With the help of the given velocity - time graph, find the
    (i) displacement in first three seconds and
    (ii) acceleration for the graph.

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  49. Acceleration - time graph of a particle moving in a straight line is shown in figure. Velocity of particle at time t = 0 is `2 ms^(-1)`. Find velocity at the end of fourth second.

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  50. Displacement - time graph of particle moving in a straight line is as shown in figure. State whether the motion is accelerated or not. Describe the motion in detail. Given,
    `s_(0)=20 m` and `t_(0) = 4 s`.

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  51. A particle is moving along the x-axis and its position-time graph is shown. Determine the sign of acceleration.

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  52. A car accelerates from rest at a constant rate `alpha` for some time, after which it decelerates at a constant rate `beta,` to come to rest. If the total time elapsed is t seconds. Then evalute (a) the maximum velocity reached and (b) the total distance travelled.

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  53. The acceleration versus time graph of a particle moving along a straight line is shown in the figure. Draw the respective velocity-time graph Given `v=0` at `t=0.`

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  54. Velocity-time graph of a particle moving in a straight line is shown in figure. Plot the corresponding displacement-time graph of the particle if at time `t=0,` displacement `s=0.`

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  55. A rocket is fired vertically upwards with a net acceleration of `4 m//s^2` and initial velocity zero. After `5s` its fuel is finished and it decelerates with g. At the highest point its velocity becomes zero. Then, it accelerates downwards with acceleration g and return back to ground. Plot velocity-time and displacement -time graphs for the complete journey. Take `g=10m//s^2.`

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  56. Anoop is moving due east with a velocity of `1 m//s` and Dhyani is moving due west with a velocity of `2 m//s.` what is the velocity of Anoop with respect to Dhyani?

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  57. Two parallel rail tracks run north-south. On one track train A moves noth with a speed of `54 km h^(-1)` and on the other track train B moves south with a speed of `90 km h^(-1)`. The velocity of train A with respect to train B is

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  58. A man A moves due to East with velocity `6 ms^(-1)` and another man B moves in `N-30^(@)E` with `6 ms^(-1)` . Find the velocity of B w.r.t. A.

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  59. Buses A and B are moving in the same direction with speed `20 ms^(-1)` and `15 ms^(-1)` respectively. Find the relative velcoity of A w.r.t. B and relative velocity of B w.r.t. A.

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  60. Car A has an acceleration of `2m//s^2` due east and car B,`4 m//s^2.` due north. What is the acceleration of car B with respect to car A?

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  61. A police van moving on a highway with a speed of `30 km h^(-1)` Fires a bullet at a thief's car speeding away in a same direction with a speed of `192 km h^(-1)`. If the muzzle speed of the buller is `150 m s^(-1)`, with what speed does the bullet hit thief's car? .

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  62. Delhi is at a distance of 200 km from Ambala. Car A set out from Ambala at a speed of `30 kmh^(-1)` and car B set out at the same time from Delhi at a speed of `20 kmh^(-1)`. When they will meet each other ? What is the distance of that meeting point from Ambala ?

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  63. Two car travelling towards each other on a straith road at velocity `10 ms^(-1)` and `12 ms^(-1)` respectively. When they are 150 m apart, both the drivers apply their brakes and each car decelerates at `2 ms^(-2)` until it stops. How far apart will they be when both of them come to a halt ?

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  64. To a man walking at the rate of `3 km//h` the rain appear to fall vetically douwnwards. When he increases his speed `6 km//h` it appears to meet him at an angle of `45^@` with vertically. Find the speed of rain.

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  65. A man crosses a river in a boat. If he cross the river in minimum time he takes `10 min` with a drift `120 m.` If he crosses the river taking shortest path, he takes `12.5 min,` find
    (a) width of the river
    (b) velocity of the boat with respect to water
    (c) speed of the current

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  66. A man wants to reach point B on the opposite bank of a river flowing at a speed as shown in figure. What minimum speed relative to water should the man have so that he can reach point B? In which direction should he swim?

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  67. A man can row a boat with 4km/h in still water, if he is crossing a river where the current is 2 km/h.
    (a) In what direction will his boat be holded, if he wants to reach a point on the other bank, directly opposite to starting point?
    (b) If width of the river 4km, how long will the man take to cross the river, with the condition in part (a)?
    (c) In what direction shou ld he heat the boat if he wants to cross the river in shorest time and what is this minimum time?
    (d) How long will it take him to row 2 km up the stream and then back to his starting point?

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  68. A boat moves relative to water with a velocity `v` which is `n` times less than the river flow velocity `u`. At what angle to the stream direction must the boat move to minimize drifting ?

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  69. Car A and car B start moving simultaneously in the same direction along the line joining them. Car A moves with a constant acceleration `a=4 m//s^2,` while car B moves with a constant velocity `v=1 m//s.` At time `t=0,` car A is `10 m` behind car B. Find the time when car A overtake car B.

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  70. An open lift is moving upward with velocity `10 m//s.` It has an upward acceleration of `2 m//s^2.` A ball is projected upwards with velocity `20 m//s` relative to ground. Find
    (a) time when ball again meets the lift
    (b) displacement of lift and ball at that instant.
    (c) distance travelled by the ball upto that instant.
    Take `g=10 m//s^2`

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  71. Two ships A and B are `10 km` apart on a line running south to north. Ship A farther north is streaming west at `20 km//h` and ship B is streaming north at `20 km//h.` What is their distance of closest approach and how long do they take to reach it?

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  72. An aeroplane has to go from a point O to another point A, at distance d due `37^(@)` East of North. A wind is blowing due North at a speed of `10 ms^(-1)`. The air speed of the plane is v. (i) Find the direction in which the pilot should head the plane to reach the point A. (ii) Find the time taken by the plane to go from O to A.

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  73. An aircraft flies at `400 km//h` in still air. A wind of `200sqrt2 km//h` is blowing from the south towards north. The pilot wishes to travel from A to a point B north east of A. Find the direction he must steer and time of his journey if `AB=1000 km.`

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter MOTION IN A PLANE of DC PANDEY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11