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Complete Solutions to (A) Taking it together of chapter MOTION IN A PLANE of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEY NEET(A) Taking it together
Number Of Questions75
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A bo walks to his school at a distance of 6 km with constant speed of `2.5 kmh^(-1)` and walks back with a constant speed of `4 kmh^(-1)`. His average speed for round trip expressed in `kmh^(-1)`, is

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  2. A man walks on a straight road form his home to a market 2.5 km away with speed of 5 `(km)/(hr)`. Finding the market closed, he instantly turns and walks back home with a speed of 7.5 `(km)/(hr)`. The average speed of the man over the intervel of time 0 to 40 min is equal to

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  3. The distance travelled by a particle starting from rest and moving with an acceleration `(4)/(3) ms^-2`, in the third second is.

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  4. A particle moves in a straight line with a constant acceleration. It passing through a distance 135 m in t second. The value of t (in second) is

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  5. A particle moves along x-axis as `x=4(t-2)+a(t-2)^2`
    Which of the following is true?

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  6. A car moving with a velocity of 10m/s can be stopped by the application of a constant force F In a distance of 20m. If the velocity of the car is 30m/s. It can be stopped by this force in

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  7. A vehicle travels half the distance (L) with speed ` V_1` and the other half with speed ` V_2`, then its average speed is .

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  8. The x and y coordinates of a particle at any time t are given by `x=7t+4t^2` and `y=5t`, where x and t is seconds. The acceleration of particle at `t=5`s is

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  9. A body `A` starts from rest with an acceleration `a_1`. After `2` seconds, another body `B` starts from rest with an acceleration `a_2`. If they travel equal distances in the `5th` second, after the start of `A`, then the ratio `a_1 : a_2` is equal to :

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  10. Figure given shows the distance - time graph of the motion of a car. It follows from the graph that the car is

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  11. Which of the following speed - time `(upsilon-t)` graph is physically not possible ?

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  12. The displacement (x)-time (t) graph of a particle is shown in figure. Which of the following is correct ?

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  13. The velocity fo a body depends on time according to equation, ` v= 2.0 + 0.1 t^2`. The body is undergoing.

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  14. A particle shows distance-time curve as given in this figure. The maximum instantaneous velocity of the particle is around the point.

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  15. The displacement-time graph of moving particle is shown below

    The instantaneous velocity of the particle in negative at the point

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  16. The velocity `upsilon` of a particle as a function of its position (x) is expressed as `upsilon = sqrt(c_(1)-c_(2)x)`, where `c_(1)` and `c_(2)` are positive constants. The acceleration of the particle is

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  17. A person walks up a stalled escalator in 90 s. When standingon the same escalator, now moving, he is carried in 60 s.The time it would take him to walk up the moving escalator will be:

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  18. A car starts moving along a line, first with acceleration a=5 `ms^(-2)` starting from rest then uniformly and finally decelerating at the same rate a, comes to rest.The total time of motion is `tau=25 s`. The average velocity during the time is equal to lt v gt =72 km/hr.How long does the partial move uniformly ?

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  19. The displacement (x) of a particle depends on time t as `x=alpha t^(2)-beta t^(3)`. Choose the incorrect statements from the following.

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  20. A starts from rest, with uniform acceleration a. The acceleration of the body as function of time t is given by the equation a = pt, where p is a constant, then the displacement of the particle in the time interval t = 0 to `t=t_(1)` will be

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  21. A ball is dropped onto the floor from a height of 10 m. It rebounds to a height of 5 m. If the ball was in contact with the floor for `0.01 s`, what was its average acceleration during contact ? (Take `g=10 ms^(-2)`)

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  22. Particle A is moving along X-axis. At time t = 0, it has velocity of `10 ms^(-1)` and acceleration `-4ms^(-2)`. Particle B has velocity of `20 ms^(-1)` and acceleration `-2 ms^(-2)`. Initially both the particles are at origion. At time t = 2 distance between the particles are at origin. At time t = 2 s distance between the particles is

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  23. At a metro station, a girl walks up a stationary escalator in time `t_1` If she remains stationary on the escalator, then the escalator take her up in time `t_2`. The time taken by her to walk up the moving escalator will be.

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  24. The displacement of a body along X-axis depends on time as `sqrt(x)=t+1`. Then the velocity of body.

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  25. A cyclist starts from the centre O of a circular park of radius 1km, reaches the edge P of the park, then cycles along the PQ circumference and returns to the centre along OQ as shown in fig. If the round trip taken ten minute, the net displacement and average speed of the cyclist (in kilometer and kilometer per hour) is

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  26. A particle moves along a straight line `OX`. At a time `t` (in seconds) the distance `x` (in metre) of the particle is given by `x = 40 +12 t - t^3`. How long would the particle travel before coming to rest ?

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  27. Two boys are standing at the ends A and B of a ground, where `AB=a`. The boy at B starts running in a direction perpendicular to AB with velocity `v_(1)`. The boy at A starts running simultaneously with velocity v and catches the other boy in a time t, where t is :

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  28. A bullet emerges from a barrel of length `1.2 m` with a speed of `640 ms^(1)`. Assuming constant acceleration, after the gun is fired is

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  29. From the top of a tower, 80m high from the ground a stone is thrown in the horizontal direction with a velocity of `8 ms^(1)`. The stone reaches the ground after a time t and falls at a distance of d from the foot of the tower. Assuming `g=10ms^(2)`, the time t and distance d are given respectively by

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  30. A boggy of uniformly moving train is suddenly detached from train and stops after covering some distance. The distance covered by the boggy and distance covered by the train in the same time has relation

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  31. A man is 45 m behind the bus when the bus starts acceleration from rest with acceleration `2.5(m)/(s^2)`. With what minimum velocity should man start running to catch the bus?

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  32. A body moves for a total of nine second starting from rest with uniform acceleration and then with uniform retardation, which is twice the value of acceleration and then stop. The duration of uniform acceleration is

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  33. A point initially at rest moves along x-axis. Its acceleration varies with time as `a = (6t + 5) m//s^(2)`. If it starts from origin, the distance covered in 2 s is:

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  34. The time taken by a block of wood (initially at rest) to slide down a smooth inclined plane 9.8 m long (angle of inclination is `30^(@)`) is

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  35. A particle move a distance `x` in time `t` according to equation `x = (t + 5)^-1`. The acceleration of particle is alphaortional to.

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  36. A ball is thrown straight upward with a speed v from a point h meter above the ground. The time taken for the ball to strike the ground is

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  37. The position of a particle along X-axis at time t is given by `x=2+t-3t^(2)`. The displacement and the distance travelled in the interval, t = 0 to t = 1 are respectively

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  38. A stone is allowed to fall freely from rest. The ratio of the time taken to fall through the first metre and the second metre distance is

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  39. Which of the following represents uniformly accelerated motion ?

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  40. A particle moves along a straight line. Its position at any instant is given by `x = 32t-(8t^3)/3` where x is in metres and t in seconds. Find the acceleration of the particle at the instant when particle is at rest.

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  41. A point moves in a straight line so it's displacement `x` meter at time `t` second is given by `x^(2)=1+t^(2)`. It's acceleration in `ms^(-2)` at time `t` second is .

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  42. The displacement `x` of a particle varies with time `t` as `x = ae^(-alpha t) + be^(beta t)`. Where `a,b, alpha` and `beta` positive constant.
    The velocity of the particle will.

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  43. The ration of the distance traversed, in successive intervals of time by a body, falling from rest, are

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  44. A particle starting from rest. Its acceleration (a) versus time (t) is as shown in the figure.
    The maximum speed of the particle will be.

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  45. The acceleration (a)-time(t) graph for a particle moving along a straight from rest is shown in figur. Which of the following graph is the best representation of its velocity (v) with time (t) ?

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  46. A point moves with uniform acceleration and `v_(1), v_(2)`, and `v_(3)` denote the average velocities in the three successive intervals of time `t_(1).t_(2)`, and `t_(3)` Which of the following Relations is correct?.

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  47. The velocity-time graph for a particle moving along X-axis is shown in the figure. The corresponding displacement-time graph is correctly shown by

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  48. The given graph shows the variation of velocity with displacement. Which one of the graphs given below correctly represents the variation of acceleration with displacement ?

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  49. The displacement x of a particle in a straight line motion is given by `x=1-t-t^(2)`. The correct representation of the motion is

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  50. The verical of point above the ground is twice that of Q. A particle is projected downward with a speed of `5 ms^(-1)` from P and at the same time another particle is projected upward with the same speed from W. Both particle reach the ground simultaneously, then

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  51. Among the four graphs shown in the figure there is only one graph for which average velocity over the time interval (0,T) can vanish for a suitably chosen `T`. Which one is it ?

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  52. A lift is coming from `8th` floor and is just about to reach `4th` floor. Taking ground floor as origin and positive direction upwards for all quantities, which one of the following is correct ?

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  53. In one dimensional motion, instantaneous speed `v` satisfies `(0 le v lt v_0)`.

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  54. The displacement of a particle is moving by `x = (t - 2)^2` where `x` is in metres and `t` in second. The distance covered by the particle in first `4` seconds is.

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  55. A partachutist after bailing out falls 50 m without friction. When parachute opens, it decelerates at `2 ms^(-2)`. At what height did he bail out

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  56. The velocity `(upsilon)` of a particle moving along X-axis varies with its position x as shown in figure. The acceleration (a) of particle varies with position (x) as

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  57. A car A moves along north with velocity 30 km/h and another car B moves along east with velocity 40 km/h. The relative velocity of A with respect to B is

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  58. Rain is falling vertically downward with velocity `4m//s.` A man is moving horizontally with velocity `3 m//s`, the velocity of rain with respect to man is

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  59. A ship is travelling due east at a speed of `15 km//h.` Find the speed of a boat heading `30^@` east of north if it appears always due north from the ship.

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  60. A man takes `3 h` to cover a certain distance along the flow and takes `6h` to cover the same distance opposite to flow. In how much time, he will cross this distance in still water.

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  61. A river `500m` wide is flowing at a rate of `4 m//s.` A boat is sailing at a velocity of `10 m//s` with respect to the water, in a direction perpendicular to the river. The time taken by the boat to reach the opposite bank

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  62. A ball is dropped vertically from `a` height `d` above the ground . It hits the ground and bounces up vertically to a height ` (d)//(2). Neglecting subsequent motion and air resistance , its velocity `v` varies with the height `h` above the ground as

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  63. The driver of a train moving at a speed ` v_(1)` sights another train at a disane ` d`, ahead of him moving in the same direction with a slower speed ` v_(2)`. He applies the brakes and gives a constant teradation ` a` to his train. Show that here will be no collision if ` d gt (v_(1) -v_(2))^(2) //2 a`.

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  64. A boat which has a speed of `5 km` per hour in still water crosses a river of width 1 km along the shortest possible path in fifteen minutes. The velocity of the river water in km per hour is :-

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  65. Two car `A` and `B` travelling in the same direction with velocities `v_1` and `v_2(v_1 gt v_2)`. When the car `A` is at a distance `d` ahead of the car `B`, the driver of the car `A` applied the brake producing a uniform retardation `a`. There wil be no collision when.

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  66. Water drops fall at regular intervals from a tap 5 m above the ground. The third drop is leaving the tap, the instant the first drop touches the ground. How far above the ground is the second drop at that instant. `(g = 10 ms^-2)`

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  67. A ball is thrown vertically up with a velocity `u`. It passes three points `A, B` and `C` in its upward journey with velocities `u/2, u/3` and `u/4`, respectively. Find `(AB)/(BC)`.

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  68. A particle moving along x-axis has acceleration `f`, at time `t`, given by `f = f_0 (1 - (t)/(T))`, where `f_0` and `T` are constant.
    The particle at `t = 0` has zero velocity. In the time interval between `t = 0` and the instant when `f = 0`, the particle's velocity `(v_x)` is :

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  69. The position `x` of a particle with respect to time `t` along the x-axis is given by `x=9t^(2)-t^(3)` where `x` is in meter and `t` in second. What will be the position of this particle when it achieves maximum speed along the positive `x` direction

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  70. Two particles P and Q simultaneously start moving from point A with velocities `15 m//s` and `20 m//s` respectively. The two particles move with acceleration equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. When P overtakes Q at point B then its velocity is `30 m//s`, the velocity of Q at point B will be

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  71. A body falling from a high mimaret travels 40 meters in the last 2 seconds of its fall to ground. Height of minaret in meters is (take `g=10(m)/(s^2)`)

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  72. A small block slides without friction down an iclined plane starting form rest. Let `S_(n)` be the distance traveled from time `t = n - 1` to `t = n`. Then `(S_(n))/(S_(n + 1))` is:

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  73. A particle located at `x = 0` at time `t = 0`, starts moving along with the positive ` x-direction` with a velocity 'v' that varies as ` v = a sqrt(x)`. The displacement of the particle varies with time as

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  74. A body falls freely from the top of a tower. It covers 36% of the total height in the lkast second before striking the ground level. The height of the tower is

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  75. An elevator car whose floor to ceiling distance is equal to `2.7 m` starts ascending with constant acceleration `1.2 m//s^(2)`, 2 sec after the start a bolt begins falling from the ceiling of the car. Answer the following question `(g=9.8 m//s^(2))`
    The bolt's free fall time is

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(A) Taking it together questions and complete solutions for chapter MOTION IN A PLANE of DC PANDEY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11