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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter CENTRE OF MASS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions40
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two bodies of masses 1 kg and 2 kg are located at (1,2) and (-1,3), respectively. Calculate the coordinates of center of mass.

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  2. Two particles of masses 1kg and 2kg are located at `x=0` and `x=3m`. Find the position of their centre of mass.

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  3. Two points objects of mass 1.5g and 2.5g respectively are a distance of 16cm apart, the center of mass is at distance x from the object of mass 1.5g. Find the value of x

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  4. The position vectors of three particles of mass `m_(1) = 1kg, m_(2) = 2kg and m_(3) = 3kg` are `r_(1) = (hat(i) + 4hat(j) +hat(k))`m, `r_(2) = (hat(i)+hat(j)+hat(k))`m and `r_(3) = (2hat(i) - hat(j) -hat2k)`m, respectively. Find the position vector of their center of mass.

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  5. Four particles of masses 1kg, 2kg, 3kg and 4kg are placed at the four vertices A, B, C and D of a square of side 1m. Find the position of centre of mass of the particles. Assume that D is situated at the origin.

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  6. Three point masses `m_(1) = 2Kg, m_(2) = 4kg and m_(3)= 6kg` are kept at the three corners of an equilateral triangle of side 1 m. Find the locationo of their center of mass.

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  7. The linear density of a thin rod of length 1m lies as `lambda = (1+2x)`, where x is the distance from its one end. Find the distance of its center of mass from this end.

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  8. A straight rod of length L has one of its end at the origin and the other at `X=L`. If the mass per unit length of the rod is given by `Ax` where A is constant, where is its centre of mass?

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  9. Find the position of center of mass of the uniform lamina shown in figure, if small disc of radius `a/2` is cut from disc of radius `a`.

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  10. A small disc of radius 2cm is cut from a disc of radius 6cm. If the distance their centers is 3.2cm, what is the shift in the center of mass of the disc?

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  11. Two identical rods each of mass `m` and length are connected as shown. Locate `c.m.`

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  12. Two blocks of masses `5 kg and 2 kg` are placed on a frictionless surface and connected by a spring. An external kick gives a velocity of `14 m//s` to the heavier block in the direction of lighter one. The magnitudes of velocities of two blocks in the centre of mass frame after the kick are respectively :

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  13. Find the velocity of center of mass of the system shown in the figure.

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  14. Two particles of masses 2 kg and 4 kg are approaching each other with acceleration `1 ms^(-2)` and `2 ms^(-2)`, respectively, on a smooth horizontal surface. Find the magnitude of acceleration of center of mass of the system.

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  15. Two particles of mass `m_(1)` and `m_(2)` are projected from the top of a tower. The particle `m_(1)` is projected vertically downward with speed u and `m_(2)` is projected horizontally with same speed. Find acceleration of CM of system of particles by neglecting the effect of air resistance.

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  16. Two particles of masses `2m` and `3m` are placed at separation `d` on a smooth surface. They move towards each other due to mutual attractive force. Find (a) acceleration of c.m. (b) Velocity of c.m. when separation between particles becomes `d//3`. ( c) At what distance from the initial position of mass `2m`, the particles collide.

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  17. In the arrangement shown in Figure, `m_A=2kg` and `m_B=1kg`. String is light and inextensible. Find the acceleration of centre of mass of both the blocks. Neglect friction everywhere.

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  18. Two particles A and B of mass 1 kg and 2 kg respectively are projected in the direction shown in figure with speeds `u_(A) = 200 ms^(-1)` and `u_(B) = 50 ms^(-1)`. Initially they were 90 m apart. Find the maximum height attained by the center of mass of the particles. Assume acceleration due to gravity to be constant. (Take, `g=10 ms^(-2)`.

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  19. A bullet mass 10gm is fired from a gun of mass 1 kg . If the recoil velocity is 5 `m//s`, the velocity of the muzzle is

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  20. The object at rest suddenly explodes into three parts with the mass ratio `2:1:1`. The parts of equal masses move at right angles to each other with equal speeds. What is the speed of the third part after the explosion?

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  21. A `0.5 kg` ball moving with a speed of `12 m//s` strikes a hard wall at an angle of `30^(@)` with the wall. It is reflected with the same speed and at the same angle . If the ball is in contact with the wall for `0.25 s`, the average force acting on the wall is

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  22. A man of mass `m_1` is standing on a platform of mass `m_2` kept on a smooth horizontal surface. The man starts moving on the platform with a velocity `v_r` relative to the platform. Find the recoil velocity of platform.

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  23. A wooden plank of mass `20kg` is resting on a smooth horizontal floor. A man of mass `60kg` starts moving from one end of the plank to the other end. The length of the plank is `10m`. Find the displacement of the plank over the floor when the man reaches the other end of the plank.

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  24. A block of mass `M` with a semi - circular track of radius `R` rests on a smooth floor. A sphere of mass `m` and radius `r` is released from rest from `A`. Find the velocity of sphere and track , when the sphere reaches `B`.

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  25. A particle of mass m is projected with velocity making an angle of `45^(@)` with the horizontal When the particle lands on the level ground the magnitude of the change in its momentum will be .

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  26. A disc of mass 100 g is kept floating horizontally in air by firing bullets, each of mass 5 g with the same velocity at the same rate of 10 bullets per second. The bullets rebound with the same speed in opposite direction. Find the velocity of each bullet at the time of impact.

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  27. Two balls of masses m and 2m moving in opposite directions collide head on elastically with velocities `v` and `2v`. Find their velocities after collision.

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  28. A simple pendulum of length `1m` has a wooden bob of mass `1kg`. It is struck by a bullet of mass `10g` moving with a speed of `200m//s`. The bullet gets embedded into the bob. Obtain the height to which the bob rises before swinging back.
    Take `g=10m//s^(2)`.

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  29. A body falling on the ground from a height of 10m, rebounds to a height 2.5 m Calculate
    (i) The percentage loss in KE
    (ii) Ratio of the velocities of the body just before nd just after the collision.

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  30. A pendulum bob of mass `10^(-2) kg` is raised to a height `5 xx 10^(-2)` m and then released. At the bottom of its swing, it picks up a mass `10^(-3) kg`. To what height will the combined mass rise?

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  31. A planck of mass `5kg` is placed on a frictionless horizontal plane. Further a block of mass `1kg` is placed over the plank. A massless spring of natural length `2m` is fixed to the plank by its one end. The other end of spring is compressed by the block by half of spring's natural length. They system is now released from the rest. What is the velocity of the plank when block leaves the plank? (The stiffness constant of spring is `100N//m`)

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  32. An object of mass `40kg` and having velocity `4 m//s` collides with another object of mass `60 kg` having velocity `2 m//s` . The loss of energy when the collision is perfectly inelastic is

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  33. A particle of mass m moving with speed u collides perfectly inelastically with another particle of mass 2m at rest. Find loss of kinetic energy of system in the collision.

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  34. The mass of the railway carriage is 8000 kg which is movinig with the speed of `54 km h^(-1)` collides with the another stationary carriage of same mass. Determine the loss in kinetic energy in this process.

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  35. A ball is moving with velocity `2m//s` towards a heavy wall moving towards the ball with speed `1m//s` as shown in figure. Assuming collision to be elastic, find the velocity of ball immediately after the collision.

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  36. A ball of mass 2kg moving with speed 5m/s collides directly with another ball of mass 3kg moving in the same direction with speed 4m/s. The coefficient os restitution is 2/3. Find the velocities of both ball after the collision.

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  37. A block of mass 5 kg moves from left to right with a velocity of `2ms^(-1)` and collides with another block of mass 3 kg moving along the same line in the opposite direction with velocity `4 ms^(-1)`.
    (i) If the collision is perfectly elastic, determine velocities of both the blocks after their collision.
    (ii) If coefficient of restitution is 0.6, determine velocities of both the blocks after their collision.

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  38. A particle of mass `2kg` moving with a velocity `5hatim//s` collides head-on with another particle of mass `3kg` moving with a velocity `-2hatim//s`. After the collision the first particle has speed of `1.6m//s` in negative x-direction, Find
    (a) velocity of the centre of mass after the collision,
    (b) velocity of the second particle after the collision.
    (c) coefficient of restitution.

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  39. An object of mass m moving with speed u collides one dimentionally with another identical object at rest. Find their velocities after collision, if coefficient of restitution of collision is e.

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  40. Three identical balls, ball I, ball II and ball III are placed on a smooth floor on a straight line at the separation of `10m` between balls as shown in figure. Initially balls are stationary. But I is given velocity of `10m//s` towards ball II, collision between balls I and II is inelastic with coefficient of restitution `0.5` but collision between balls II and III is perfectly elastic. What is the time interval between two consecutive collisions between ball I and II?

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter CENTRE OF MASS of DC PANDEY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11