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Complete Solutions to Taking it together of chapter FLUID MECHANICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEY NEETTaking it together
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The property of surface tension is obtained in

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  2. The water droplets in free fall are spherical due to

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  3. Due to capillary action, a liquid will rise in a tube, if the angle of contact is

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  4. A liquid wets a solid completely. The meniscus of the liquid in a sufficiently long tube is

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  5. A glass plate is partly dipped vertically in the mercury and the angle of contact is measured. If the plate is inclined, then the angle of contact will

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  6. Hair of shaving brush cling together when it is removed from water due to

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  7. Coatings used on raincoat are waterproof because they

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  8. Small droplets of liquid are usually more spherical in shape than larger drops of the same liquid because

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  9. Water does not wet an oily glass because

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  10. Which of the fact is not due to surface tension

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  11. On mixing the salt in water, the surface tension of water will

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  12. If two identical mercury drops are combined to form a single drop, then its temperature will

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  13. A water proofing agent chages the angle of contact from

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  14. Along a streamline,

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  15. In a streamline flow

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  16. A viscous fluid is flowing through a cylindrical tube. The velocity distribution of the fluid is best represented by the diagram

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  17. Which of the following diagrams does not represent a streamline flow?

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  18. A body measures 5 N in air and 2 N when put in water. The buoyant force is

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  19. The reading of a spring balance when a block is suspended from it in air is 60 N. This reading is changed to 40 N when the block is submerged in water. The relative density of the block is:

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  20. A hole is made at the bottom of the tank filled with water (density `=1000 kgm^(-3))`. If the total pressure at the bottom of the tank is three atmospheres (1 atmosphere `=10^(5) Nm^(-2))`, then the velocity of efflux is nearest to

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  21. An iron block is on a boat which floats in a pond. The block is thrown into the water. The level of water in the pond will be

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  22. The correct curve between the height or depression `h` of liquid in a capillary tube and its radius is

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  23. When two capillary tubes of different diameters are dipped vertically, the rise of the liquid is

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  24. The liquid in the capillary tube will rise if the angle of contact is

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  25. The surface tension of liuid at its boiling point

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  26. When the temperature increased the angle of contact of a liquid

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  27. The surface tension of a soap solution is `2xx10^(-2) N//m`. To blow a bubble of radius 1cm, the work done is

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  28. A liquid is coming out from a vertical tube. The relation between the weight of the drop W , surface tension of the liquid T and radius of the tube r is given by, if the angle of contact is zero

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  29. Prove that if two bubbles of radii `r_(1)` and `r_(2)(r_(1)ltr_(2))` come in contact with each other then the radius of curvature of the common surface `r=(r_(1)r_(2))/(r_(2)-r_(1))`

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  30. The excess pressure due to surface tension in a spherical liquid drop of radius r is directly proportional to

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  31. If two soap bubble of different radii are in communication with each other

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  32. Assuming that the atmosphere has the same density anywhere as at sea level `(rho =1.3 kgm^(-3))` and g to be constant `(g=10 ms^(-2))`. What should be the approximate height of atmosphere ?

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  33. If the angle of contact is less than `90^(@)` the pressure just inside the surface of a meniscus

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  34. The spider and insect move and run about on the surface of water without sinking because

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  35. If two glass plates are quite nearer to each other in water, then there will be force of

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  36. A tall cylinder is filled with viscous oil. A round pebble is dropped from the top with zero initial velocity. From the plot shown in figure, indicate the one that represents the velocity `(v)` of the pebble as a function of time `(t)`

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  37. A tank if filled with water upto height H. When a hole is made at a distance h below the level of water. What will be the horizontal range of water jet ?

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  38. A tank is filled to a height H. The range of water coming out of a hole which is a depth `H//4` from the surface of water level is

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  39. The density of ice `x cm^(-3)` and that of water is `y gcm^(-3)`. What is the change in volume when `mg` of ice melts?

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  40. Two capillary tubes P and Q are dipped in water. The height of water level in capillary P is 2/3 to the height in Q capillary. The ratio of their diameters is

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  41. In a surface tension experiment with a capillary tube water rises up to `0.1m`. If the same experiment is repeated in an artificial satellite, which is revolving around the earth, water will rise in the capillary tube up to a height of

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  42. Two parallel glass plates separated by a small distance x are dipped partly in a liquid of density " d" keeping them vertical .The surface tension of the liquid is T and angle of contact is `theta ` . What is the rise of the liquid between the plates due to capillarity ?

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  43. A balloon has volume of `2000 m^(3)`. It is filled with hydrogen`(rho=0.009 gL^(-1))`. If the density of air is `1.29 gL^(-1)`, it can lift a total weight of

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  44. A raft of mass M=600 kg floats in calm water with 7 cm submerged. When a man stands on the raft, 8.4 cm are submerged, the man's mass is

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  45. A cylinder of mass M and density `d_(1)` hanging from a string, is lowered into a vessel of cross-sectional area A, containing a liquid of density `d_(2) (d_(2) lt d_(1))` until it is fully immersed. The increase in pressure at the bottom of the vessel is

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  46. Which of the following statements are ture in case when two water drops coalesce and make a bigge drop:

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  47. A piston of cross-sectional area `100 cm^(2)` is used in a hydraulic pressure to exert a force of `10^(7)` dyne on the water. The cross-sectional area of the other piston which support a truck of mass 2000 kg is

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  48. An ideal fluid flows through a pipe of circular cross-section made of two sections with diameters `2.5 cm` and `3.75 cm`. The ratio of the velocities in the two pipes is

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  49. The angle of contact at the interface of water glass is `0^(@)` ethylalcohol-glass is `0^(@)` mercury glass is `140^(@)` and methyliodide-glass is `30^(@)` A glass capillary is put in a through containing one of these four liquids. It is observed that the meniscus is convex. The liquid in the through is

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  50. A uniformly tapering vessel is filled with a liquid of density `900 km//m^3.` The force that acts on the base of the vessel due to the liquid is `(g = 10 ms^(-2))`

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  51. For the arrangement shown in the figure, the force at the bottom of the vessel is

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  52. An object of uniform density is allowed to float in water kept in a beaker. The object has triangular cross-section as shown in the figure. If the water pressure measured at the three points A, B and C below the object are `P_(A), P_(B) " and " P_(C )` respectively. Then

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  53. Which graph represents the variation of surface tension with temperature over small temperature ranges for water?

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  54. A cylindrical vessel of 100 cm height is kept filled upto the brim. It has four holes 1,2,3,4 which are respectively at heights of 27 cm, 30 cm , 50 cm and 80 cm from the horizontal floor. The water falling at the maximum horizontal distance from the vessel comes from

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  55. A solid shell loses half, its weight in water. Relative density of shell is 0.5 what fraction of its volume is hollow ?

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  56. A tank full of water has a small hole at its bottom. Let `t_(1)` be the time taken to empty the first half of the tank and `t_(2)` be the time needed to empty the rest half of the tank, then

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  57. An open U-tube contains mercury. When 11.2 cm of water is poured into one of the arms of the tube, how high does the mercury rise in the other arm from its initial level ?

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  58. A small ball (mass m) falling under gravity in a viscous medium experience a drag force proportional to the instantaneous speed u such that `F_(drag)=ku`. Then the terminal speed of ball within viscous medium is

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  59. A capillary tube of radius R is immersed in water and water rises in it to a height H . Mass of water in the capillary tube is . M If the radius of the tube is doubled, mass of water that will rise in the capillary tube will now be

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  60. The pressure of water in a pipe when tap is closed is `5.5xx10^(5) Nm^(-2)`. The velocity with which water comes out on opening the tap is

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  61. The level of water in a tank is 5 m high. A hole of area of cross section 1 `cm^(2)` is made at the bottom of the tank. The rate of leakage of water for the hole in `m^(3)s^(-1)` is `(g=10ms^(-2))`

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  62. Water is flowing through two horizontal pipes of different diameters which are connected together. The diameters of the two pipes are 3 cm and 6 cm respectively. If the speed of water in the narrower tube is `4 ms^(-1)`. Then the speed of water in the wider tube is

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  63. A block of wood floats in water with `(4//5)th` of its volume submerged. If the same block just floats in a liquid, the density of liquid in `(kg m^(-3))` is

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  64. Water flows along horizontal pipe whose cross-section is not constant. The pressure is 1 cm of Hg, where the velocity is 35 cm/s . At a point where the velocity is 65cm/s then pressure will be

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  65. For a body immersed in a liquid, when the weight of the body is less than the upthrust then the body will

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  66. Three liquids of equal masses are taken in three identical cubical vessels A, B and C. Their densities are `rho_(A), rho_(B) " and " rho_(C )` respectively but `rho_(A) lt rho_(B) lt rho_(C )`. The force exerted by the liquid on the base of the cubical vessel is

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  67. A solid of density D is floating in a liquid of density d. If `upsilon` is the volume of solid submerged in the liquid and V is the total volume of the solid, then `upsilon//V` equal to

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  68. An object weights `m_(1)` in a liquid of density `d_(1)` and that in liquid of density `d_(2)` is `m_(2)`. The density of the object is

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  69. An iceberg of density `900kg//m^(3)` is floating in water of density `1000 kg//m^(3)`. The percentage of volume of ice cube outside the water is

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  70. In the figure shown,

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  71. A balloon has volume of `1000 m^(3)`. It is filled with hydrogen `(rho=0.09 gL^(-1))`. If the density of air is `1.29 gL^(-1)`, it can lift a total weighht of

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  72. A boat having a length of 3 m and breadth of 2 m is floating on a lake. The boat sinks by 1 cm when a man gets on it. The mass of the mas is:

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  73. A small block of wood of relative density 0.5 is submerged in water. When the block is released, it stats moving upwards, the acceleration of the block is `(g=10 ms^(-2))`

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  74. A raft of wood (density`=600kg//m^(3))` of mass `120 kg` floats in water. How much weight can be put on the raft to make it just sink?

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  75. An object of w and density `rho` is submerged in liquid of density `sigma`, its apparent weight will be

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  76. A stone of relative density K is released from rest on the surface of a lake. If viscous effects are lgnored, the stone sinks in water with an acceleration of

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  77. A body floats in a liquid contained in a beaker. The whole system shown in figure is falling under gravity, the upthrust on the body due to the liquid is

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  78. The relative density of ice is 0.9 and that of sea water is 1.125. What fraction of the whole volume of an iceberg appears above the surface of the sea ?

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  79. A metallic sphere floats in immiscible mixture of water (density `10^(3) kgm^(-3))` and a liquid (density `8xx10^(3) kgm^(-3))` such that its `(2//3)` part is in water and `(1//3)` part in the liquid. The density of the metal is

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  80. In the given figure, the velocity `v_(3)` will be

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  81. A water tank standing on the floor has two small holes punched in the vertical wall one above the other. The holes are 2.4 cm and 7.6 cm above the floor. If the jest of water from the holes hit the floor at the same point, then the height of water in the tank is

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  82. A body of volume V and desnity `rho` is initially submerged in a non-viscous liquid of density `sigma (gt rho)`. If it is rises by itself through a height h in the liquid. Its kinetic energy will

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  83. The pressure of the gas in a cylindrical chamber is `p_(0)`. The vertical force exerted by the gas on its hemispherical end is

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  84. Water rises in a capillary tube to a certain height such that the upward force due to surface tension is balanced by `75xx10^-4` newton force due to the weight of the liquid. If the surface tension of water is `6xx`10^-2` newton/metre the inner circumference of the capillary must be:

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  85. Water rises upto 10 cm height in a long capillary tube. If this tube is immersed in water so that the height above the water surface is only 8 cm, then

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  86. If a capillary tube is dipped into liquid and the levels of the liquid inside and outside are same, then the angle of contact is

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  87. Water rises to a height of 30 mm in a capillary tube. If the radius of the capillary tube is made `3//4` of its previous value. The height to which the water will rise in the tube is

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  88. A vessel, whose bottom has round holes with diameter of 0.1 mm , is filled with water. The maximum height to which the water can be filled without leakage is (S.T. of water =75 dyne/cm , g=1000 cm/s)

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  89. A long cylinderical glass vessel has a small hole of radius r at its bottom. The depth to which the vessel can be lowered vertically in a deep water (surface tension S) without any water entering inside is

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  90. If a water drop is kept between two glass plates, then its shape is

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  91. Two small drops of mercury each of radius r form a single large drop. The ratio of surface energy before and after this change is

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  92. A non viscous liquid is flowing through a frictionless duct, cross-section varying as shown in figure.

    Which of the following graph represents the variation of pressure p along the axis of tube ?

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  93. There is a hole at the bottom of a large open vessel. If water is filled upto a height h, it flows out in time t. if water is filled to a height 4h, it will flow out in time

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  94. A container has a small hole at its bottom. Area of cross-section of the hole is `A_(1)` and that of the container is `A_(2)`. Liquid is poured in the container at a constant rate ` Q m^(3)s^(-1)`. The maximum level of liquid in the container will be

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  95. Air stream flows horizontally past an aeroplane wing of surface area `4 m^(2)`. The speed of air over the top surface is `60 ms^(-1)` and under the bottom surface is `40 ms^(-1)` The force of lift on the wing is (density of air =`1 kgm^(-3)`)

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  96. Water from a tap emerges vertically downwards with an initial spped of `1.0ms^-1`. The cross-sectional area of the tap is `10^-4m^2`. Assume that the pressure is constant throughout the stream of water, and that the flow is steady. The cross-sectional area of the stream 0.15 m below the tap is

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  97. There are two holes `O_(1) " and " O_(2)` in a tank of height H. The water emerging from `O_(1) " and " O_(2)` strikes the ground at the same points, as shown in figure. Then

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  98. Two rain drops of same radius r falling with terminal velocity v merge and from a bigger drop of radius R. The terminal velocity of the bigger drop is

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  99. A cubical vessel of height `1` m is full of water. What is the workdone in pumping water out of the vessel?

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  100. A cubical block of steel of each side equal to 1 is floating on mercury in vessel. The densities of steel and mercury are `rho_(s) " and " rho_(m)`. The height of the block above the mercury level is given by

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Taking it together questions and complete solutions for chapter FLUID MECHANICS of DC PANDEY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11