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Complete Solutions to NUMERICALS of chapter ELECTROSTATICS AND CURRENT ELECTRICITY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions49
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What should be the position of charge ` q = 5 mu C ` for it to be in equilibrium on the line joining two charges ` q_1 = -4 mu C and q _ 2 = 16 mu C ` separated by 9 cm. Will the position change for any other value of charge q ? ( 9 cm from - 4 ` muC` )

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  2. Two point charges 4e and e each, at a separation r in air, exert force of magnitude F. They are immersed in a medium of dielectric constant 16. What should be the separation between the charges so that the force between them remains unchanged.

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  3. Two capacitors of capacitance ` 10 mu F and 20 muF ` are connected in series with a 6 V battery. If E is the energy stored in ` 20 muF` capacitor what will be the total energy supplied by the battery in terms of E.

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  4. Two point charges ` 6 mu C and 2 mu C ` are separated by 3 cm in free space. Calculate the work done in separating them to infinity.

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  5. ABC is an equilateral triangle of side 10 cm. D is the mid point of BC charge 100 ` muC, -100 muC and 75 muC ` are placed at B, C and D respectively. What is the force experienced by a ` 1 mu C ` positive charge placed at A ?

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  6. A point charge of ` 2 muC ` is kept fixed at the origin. Another point charge of ` 4 mu C ` is brought from a far point to a distance of 50cm from origin. (a) Calculate the electrostatic potential energy of the two charge system. Another charge of ` 11 muC ` is brought to a point 100 cm from each of the two charges. What is the work done ?

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  7. A ` 5 MeV alpha ` particle is projected towards a stationary nucleus of atomic number 40. Calculate distance of closest approach.

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  8. To what potential must a insulated sphere of radius 10 cm be charged so that the surface density of charge is equal of ` 1 muC//m^ 2 `.

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  9. A slab of material of dielectric constant K has the same area as the plates of a parallel capacitor, but has a thickness `((3)/(4) d)`,
    where d is the separation of the plates. How is the capacitance changed when the slab is inserted between the plates

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  10. A point charge developes an electric field of 40 N/C and a potential difference of 10 J/C at a point. Calculate the magnitude of the charge and the distance from the point charge.

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  11. Figure shows three circuits, each consisting of a switch and two capacitors initially charged as indicated. After the switch has been closed, in which circuit (if any) will the charges on the left hand capacitor (i) increase (ii) decrease (iii) remain same ?

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  12. For what value of C does the equivalent capacitance between A and B is ` 1 mu F ` in the given circuit.

    All capacitance given in micro farad.

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  13. A pendulum bob of mass 80 mg and carrying charge of ` 3 xx 10 ^(-8) C ` is placed in an horizontal electric field. It comes to equilibrium position at an angle of ` 37^@` with the vertical. Calculate the intensity of electric field. (g = `10 m//s^2` )

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  14. Eight chraged water drops, each with a radius of `1 mm` and a charge of `10^(10)C`, coalesce to from a single drop. The potential of the big is

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  15. What potential difference must be applied to produce an electric field that can accelerate an electron to 1/10 of velocity of light.

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  16. A ` 10 mu F ` capacitor can withstand a maximum voltage of 100 V across it,whereas another ` 20 mu F ` capacitor can withstand a maximum voltage of only 25 V. What is the maximum voltage that can be put across their series combination ?

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  17. Three concentric spherical metallic shells A, B and C of radii a, b and c (a lt b ltc) have surface charge densities `sigma`, `-sigma` and `sigma` respectively.
    `(i) Find the potential of the three shells A, B and C.
    (ii) If the shells A and C are at the same potential, obtain the relation between the radii a, b and c.

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  18. Four point charges are placed at the corners of the square of edge a as shown in the figure. Find the work done in disassembling the system of charges.

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  19. Find the potential at A and C in the following circuit :

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  20. Fig. shows two parallel plate capacitors X and Y having same area of plates and same separation between them : X has air while Y has dielectric of constant 4 as medium between plates

    (a) calculate capacitance of each capacitor, if equivalent capacitance of combination is ` 4 mu F ` (b) calculate potential difference between plate X and Y (c) what is the ratio of electrostatic energy stored in X & Y.

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  21. In the following arrangement of capacitors, the energy stored in the ` 6 mu F` capacitor is E.
    Find :
    (i) Energy stored in ` 12 mu F ` capacitors.
    (ii) Energy stored in ` 3mu F ` capacitor.
    (iii) Total energy drawn from the battery.

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  22. The charge passing through a conductor in a function of time and given as ` q = 2t ^2 - 4 t + 3 ` coulomb. Calculate (i) current though the conductor (ii) potential difference across it at ` t = 4 ` second. Given resistance of conductor is 4 ohm.

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  23. The resistance of a platinum wire at a point ` 0 ^@ ` C is 5.00 ohm and its resistance at steam point is 5.40 ` Omega `. When the wire is immersed in a hot oil bath, the resistance becomes `5.80 Omega`. Calculate the temperature of the oil bath and temperature coefficient of resistance of platinum.

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  24. Three identical cells, each of emf 2V and internal resistance 0.2 ohm, are connected in series to an external resistor of 7.4 ohm. Calculate the current in the circuit and the terminal potential difference across an equivalent.

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  25. Calculate the equivalent resistance and current shown by the ammeter in the circuit diagram given.

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  26. A storage battery of emf 12V and internal resistance of ` 1.5 Omega ` is being charged by a 12 V supply. How much resistance is to be put in series for charging the battery safely, be maintaining a constant charging current of 6 A.

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  27. Three cells are connected in parallel, with their like poles connected together, with wires of negligible resistance. If the emf of the cell are 2V, 1V and 4V and if their internal resistance are ` 4 Omega, 3 Omega and 2 Omega ` respectively, find the current through each cell.

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  28. A 16 ohm resistance wire is bent to form a square. A source of emf 9 volt is connected across one of its sides. Calculate the potential difference across any one of its diagonals.

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  29. A length of uniform ‘heating wire’ made of nichrome has a resistance 72 ` Omega`. At what rate is the energy dissipated if a potential difference of 120V is applied across (a) full length of wire (b) half the length of wire (wire is cut into two). Why is it not advisable to use the half length of wire ?

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  30. With a certain unknown resistance X in the left gap and a resistance of `8 Omega ` in the right gap, null point is obtained on the metre bridge wire. On putting another ` 8 Omega` in parallel with ` 8 Omega ` resistance in the right gap, the null point is found to shift by 15 cm. Find the value of X from these observations.

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  31. Figure show a potentiometer circuit for comparison of two resistances. The balance point with a standard resistance R = ` 10 Omega ` is found to be 160 cm. While that with the unknown resistance X is 134.4 cm. Determine the value of X.

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  32. In a potentiometer, a standard cell of emf 5V of negligible internal resistance maintains a steady current through Potentiometer wire of length 5m. Two primary cells of emf `E_1 and E_2 ` are joined in series with (i) same polarity (ii) opposite polarity. The balancing point are found at length 350 cm and 50 cm in two cases respectively.
    (i) Draw necessary circuit diagram.
    (ii) Find the value of emf ` E_1 and E_2 ` of the two cells (if ` E_1 gt E_2`)

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  33. Potential difference across terminals of a cell are measured (in volt) against different current (in ampere) flowing through the cell. A graph was drawn which was a straight line ABC. Using the data given in the graph. Determine (i) the emf. (ii) The internal resistance of the cell.

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  34. Four cells each of internal resistance ` 0.8 Omega ` and emf 1.4 V, d are connected (i) in series (ii) in parallel. The terminals of the battery are joined to the lamp of resistance `10 Omega`. Find the current through the lamp and each cell in both the cases.

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  35. In the figure, an ammeter A and a resistor of resistance ` R = 4 Omega ` have been connected to the terminals of the source to form a complete circuit. The emf of the source is 12V having an internal resistance of ` 2 Omega`. Calculate voltmeter and ammeter reading.

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  36. In the circuit shown, the reading of voltmeter is 20V. Calculate resistance of voltmeter. What will be the reading of voltmeter if this is put across ` 200 Omega ` resistance ?

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  37. (i) Calculate Equivalent Resistance of the given electrical network b/w points A and B.
    (ii) Also calculate the current through CD & ACB if a 10V d.c. source is connected b/w points A and B and the value of R = ` 2 Omega `

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  38. A potentiometer wire AB of length 1m is connected to a driver cell of emf 3V as shown in figure. When a cell of emf 1.5V is used in the secondary circuit, the balance point is found to be 60 cm. On replacing this cell by a cell of unknown emf, the balance point shifts to 80 cm. :

    (i) Calculate unknown emf of ` epsi'` the cell.
    (ii) Explain with reason, whether the circuit works if the driver cell is replaced with another a cell of emf 1V.
    (iii) Does the high resistance R, used in the secondary circuit affect the balance point ? Justify your answer.

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  39. A battery of emf 10 v and internal resistane `3 Omega` is connected to a resistor. If the current in the circuit is 0.5 A, what is the resistane of the resistors ? What is the terminal voltage of the battery when the circuit is closed ?

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  40. A network of resistance is connected to a 16V battery with internal resistance of ` 1 Omega ` as shown in Fig. on next page.
    (i) Compute the equivalent resistance of the network.
    (ii) Obtain the current in each resistor.
    (iii) Obtain the voltage drop ` V_(AB), V_(BC) & V_(CD)`.

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  41. The number density of free electrons in a copper conductor is estimated at `8.5 xx 10^(28) m^(-3)`. How long does an electron take to drift from one end of a wire 3.0 m long to its other end? The area of cross-section of the wire is `2.0 xx 10^(-6)m^(2)` and it is carrying a current of 3.0A.

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  42. A voltmeter of resistance ` 400 Omega ` is used to measure the potential difference across the ` 100 Omega` resistor in the circuit shown in figure. What will be the reading of voltmeter.

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  43. Find magnitude of current supplied by battery. Also find potential difference between points P and Q in the given fig.

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  44. A copper wire of length 3 m and radius r is nickel plated till its radius becomes 2r. What would be the effective resistance of the wire, if specific resistance of copper and nickel are ` rho _c and rho_n` respectively.

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  45. Given two resistors X and Y whose resistances are to be determined using an ammeter of resistance ` 0.5 Omega` and a voltmeter of resistance ` 20 k Omega`. It is known that X is in the range of a few ohms, while Y is in the range of several thousand ohm. In each case, which of the two connection shown should be chosen for resistance measurement ?

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  46. When resistance of ` 2Omega ` is connected across the terminals of a battery, the current is 0.5A. When the resistance across the terminal is ` 5 Omega`, the current is 0.25A. (i) Determine the emf of the battery (ii) What will be current drawn from the cell when it is short circuited.

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  47. A part of a circuit in steady state, along with the currents flowing in the branches and the resistances, is shown in the figure. Calculate energy stored in the capacitor of ` 4 mu F ` capacitance.

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  48. With two resistance `R_1 and R_2 (>R_1)` in the two gaps of a metre bridge the balance was found to be 1/3 m from the zero end. When a `6 Omega `resistance is connected in series with the smaller of the two resistance, the point is shifted to 2/3 m from the same end, then `R_1 and R_2` are

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  49. A voltmeter with resistance `500 Omega` is used to measure the emf of a cell of internal resistance `4 Omega`. The percentage error in the reading of the voltmeter will be

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