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Complete Solutions to SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (2 MARKS) of chapter ELECTROSTATICS AND CURRENT ELECTRICITY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions59
Academic Year2023-24
  1. An oil drop of mass ` m` carrying charge - Q is to be held stationary in the gravitational field of the earth. What is the magnitude and direction of the electrostatic field required for this purpose ?

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  2. Draw E and V versus r on the same graph for a point charge.

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  3. Find position around dipole at which electric potential due to dipole is zero but has non zero electric field intensity

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  4. Derive an expression for the work done in rotating an electric dipole from its equilibrium position to an angle ` theta ` with the uniform electrostatic field.

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  5. An electrostatic field line cannot be discontinsous. Why ?

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  6. A thin long conductor has linear charge density of 20 ` muC//m`. Calculate the electric field intensity at a point 5 cm from it. Draw a graph to show variation of electric field intensity with distance from the conductor.

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  7. What is the ratio of electric field intensity at a point on the equatorial line to the field at a point on axial line when the points are at the same distance from the centre of the dipole ?

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  8. Show that the electric field intensity at a point can be given as negative of potential gradient.

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  9. A charged metallic sphere A having charge ` q_A` is brought in contact with an uncharged metallic sphere of same radius and then separated by a distance ` d`. What is the electrostatic force between them

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  10. An electron and a proton travel through equal distances in the same uniform electric field E. Compare their time of travel. (Neglect gravity)

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  11. The electric potential V at any point in space is given ` V = 20 x ^3` volt, where `x` is in meter. Calculate the electric intensity at point P (1, 0, 2).

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  12. Justify why two equipotential surfaces cannot intersect.

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  13. Find equivalent capacitance between A and B in the combination given below : each capacitor is of 2 ` mu F`.

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  14. What is the electric field at O in Figures (i), (ii) and (iii), ABCD is a square of side r.

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  15. What should be the charge on a sphere of radius 4 cm, so that when it is brought in contact with another sphere of radius 2 cm carrying charge of 10 `mu C`, there is no transfer of charge from one sphere to other ?

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  16. For an isolated parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C and potential difference V, what will be change in (i) charge on the plates (ii) potential difference across the plates (iii) electric field between the plates (iv) energy stored in the capacitor, when the distance between the plates is increased ?

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  17. Does the charge given to a metallic sphere depend on whether it is hollow or solid ? Give reason for your answer.

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  18. Two charges ` Q_1 and Q_2 ` are separated by distance r. Under what conditions will the electric field be zero on the line joining them (i) between the charges (ii) outside the charge?

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  19. Obtain an expression for the electric field intenstiy at a point on the equatorial line of an electric dipole.

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  20. The electric field component in the figure are ` vecE _ x = 2 x hati , vecE_y = E_z = 0`. Calculate the electric flux through, (1, 2, 3) the square surfaces of side 5 m

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  21. Calculate the work required to separate two charges ` 5 muc and -2 muc ` placed at (- 3 cm, 0, 0) and (+ 3 cm, 0, 0) infinitely away from each other

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  22. What is electric field between the plates with the separation of 2 cm and (i) with air (ii) dielectric medium of dielectric constant K. Electric potential of each plate is marked in the following figure.

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  23. A RAM (Random access Memory) chip a storage device like parallel plate capacitor has a capacity of 55pF. If the capacitor is charged to 5.3V, how may excess electrons are on its negative plate ?

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  24. The figure shows the Q (charge) versus V (potential) graph for a combination of two capacitors. identify the graph representing the parallel combination.

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  25. Calculate the work done in taking a charge of 1 `mu C ` in a uniform electric field of 10 N/C from B to C given AB = 5 cm along the field and AC = 10 cm perpendicular to electric field

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  26. (i) Can two equaipotential surfaces intersect each other ? Give reasons
    (ii) Two charges `-q and +q` are located at point A (0, 0 -a) and B(0, 0, +a) respectively. How much work is done in moving a test charge from point `P (7, 0, 0) " to " Q(-3, 0, 0)` ?

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  27. The potential at a point A is – 500 V and that at another point B is + 500 V. What is the work done by external agent to take 2 units (S.I.) of negative charge from B to A.

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  28. In charging a capacitor of capacitance C by a source of emf V, energy supplied by the sources QV and the energy stored in the capacitor is ` 1//2 QV`. Justify the difference.

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  29. An electric dipole of dipole moment p, is held perpendicular to an electric field. If the dipole is released does it have (a) only rotational motion (b) only translatory motion (c) both translatory and rotatory motion explain?

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  30. The net charge of a system is zero. Will the electric field intensity due to this system also be zero.

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  31. A point charge Q is kept at the intersection of (i) face diagonals (ii) diagonals of a cube of side a. What is the electric flux linked with the cube in (i) & (ii) ?

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  32. There are two large parallel metallic plates `S_(1)` and `S_(2)` carrying surface charge densities `sigma_(1)` and `sigma_(2)` respectively `(sigma_(1) gt sigma_(2))` placed at a distance d apart in vacuum. Find the work done by the electric field in moving a point charge q at distance `a(a lt d)` from `S_(1)` towards `S_(2)` along a line making an angle `pi//4` with the normal to the plates.

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  33. Explain how electron mobility changes for a good conductor, when (i) the temperature of the conductor is decrased at constant potential difference and (ii) applied potential difference is doubled at constant temperature.

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  34. On what factors, does the potential gradient of the potentimeter wire depend?

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  35. What are super-conductors? Write their two applications.

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  36. Two copper wires with their lengths in the ratio 1 : 2 and resistances in the ratio 1 : 2 are connected (i) in series (ii) in parallel with a battery. What will be the ratio of drift velocities of free electrons in two wires in (i) and (ii) ?

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  37. The current through a wire depends on time as `i= i_0 + at ` where ` i_0= 4A and a = 2As^(-1)`. Find the charge crossing a section of wire in 10 seconds.

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  38. In the arrangement of resistors shown, what fraction of current I will pass through ` 5 Omega ` resistor ?

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  39. A 100W and a 200 W domestic bulbs joined in parallel are connected to the mains. Which bulb will glow more brightly ? Justify.

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  40. A battery has an emf of 12V and an internal resistance of ` 2 Omega`. Calculate the potential difference between the terminal of cell if (a) current is drawn from the battery (b) battery is charged by an external source.

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  41. In a potentiometer arrangment, a cell of emf 1.25 V gives a balance point at 35.0 cm length of the wire. If the cell is replaced by another cell and the balance point shifts to 63.0 cm`, what is the emf of the second cell ?

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  42. In a meter bridge, the balance point is found to be 39.5 cm from end A. The known resistance Y is ` 12.5 Omega`. Determine unknown resistance `X`.

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  43. A meterbridge is in balance condition. Now if galvanometer and cell are interchanged, the galvanometer shows no deflection. Give reason.

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  44. If the emf of the driving cell be decreased, what will be effect on the position of zero deflection in a potentiometer ? Explain .

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  45. Why should the area of cross-section of the meter-bridge wire be uniform ? Explian

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  46. Given any two limitations of Ohm’s law.

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  47. Which one of the two, an ammeter or a milliammeter, has a higher resistance and why?

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  48. Name two factors on which the resistivity of a given material depends ? A carbon resistor has a value of ` 62 kOmega ` with a tolerance of 5%. Give the colour code for the resistor.

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  49. If the electron drift speed is so small ` (~ 10 ^(-3) m//s) ` and the electron’s charge is very small, how can we still obtain a large amount of current in a conductor.

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  50. A battery of emf 2.0 volts and internal resistance ` 0.1 Omega ` is being charged with a current of 5.0 A. What is the potential difference between the terminals of the battery ?

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  51. Why should the jockey be not rubbed against potentiometer wire ?

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  52. What is meant by the sensitivity of a potentiometer of any given length ?

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  53. Five identical cells, each of emf E and internal resistance r, are connected in series to form (a) an open (b) closed circuit. If an ideal voltmeter is connected across three cells, what will be its reading ?

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  54. An electron in a hydrogen atom is considered to be revolving around a proton with a velocity ` (e^2)/(n) ` in a circular orbit of radius ` (n^2)/(me^2)`. If I is the equivalent current, express it in terms of m, e, n.

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  55. In the given circuit, with steady current, calculate the potential drop across the capacitor in terms of V.

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  56. .A cell of emf E and internal resistance r is connected across a variable resistor. Plot a graph showing variation of terminal voltage V of cell versus the current.

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  57. Winding of rheostat wire are quite close to each other why do not they get short circuted ?

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  58. Why is it necessary to obtain the balance point in the middle of bridge wire ? Explain.

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  59. What are the possible cause of one side deflection in Galvanometer while performing potentiometer experiment ?

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