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Complete Solutions to VERY SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS of chapter ELECTROSTATICS AND CURRENT ELECTRICITY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions73
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Draw schematically an equipotential surface of a uniform electrostatic field along x - axis

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  2. Sketch field lines due to (i) two equal positive charges near each other (ii) a dipole.

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  3. Name the physical quantity whose SI unit is volt/meter. Is it a scalar or a vector quantity ?

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  4. Two point charges repel each other with a force F when placed in water of dielectric constant 81. What will be the force between them when placed the same distance apart in air ?

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  5. Electric dipole moment of ` CuSO_4 ` molecule is ` 3.2 xx 10 ^(-28) Cm`. Find the separation between copper and sulphate ions.

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  6. Net capacitance of three identical capacitors connected in parallel is 12 microfarad. What will be the net capacitance when two of them are connected in (i) parallel (ii) series ?

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  7. A charge ` q ` is placed at the centre of an imaginary spherical surface. What will be the electric flux due to this charge through any half of the sphere.

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  8. Draw the electric field vs distance (from the centre ) graph for (i) a long charged rod having linear charge density `lamda gt 0 ` (ii) spherical shell of radius R and charge ` Q gt 0 ` .

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  9. In which orientation,a diole placed, in a uniform field is in (i) stable (ii) unstable equilibrioum?

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  10. A charge Q is distribution over a metal sphere of radius R. What is the electric field and electric potential at the centre ?

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  11. If a body contains `n _ 1 ` electrons and ` n_2 ` protons then what is the total charge on the body ?

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  12. How much positive and negative charge is there in a water molecule ?

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  13. How does the energy of dipole change when it is rotated from unstable equilibrium to stable equilibrium in a uniform electric field.

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  14. What is the ratio of electric field intensity at a point on the equatorial line to the field at a point on axial line when the points are at the same distance from the centre of the dipole ?

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  15. Draw equipotential surface for a dipole.

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  16. An uncharged insulated conductor A is brought near a charged insulated condutor B. what happens to charge and potential of B ?

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  17. A point charge Q is placed at point O shown in Fig. Is the potential difference ` V_A- V_B` positive, negative or zero, if Q is (i) positive (ii) negative charge.

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  18. A proton and an electron are placed in a uniform electric field. Which of the following is correct?

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  19. In an uniform electric field of strength E, a charge particle Q moves point A to point B in the direction of the field and back from B to A. Calculate the ratio of the work done by the electric field in taking the charge particle from A to B and from B to A.

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  20. If a dipole having charge ` pm 2muC ` is placed inside a sphere of radius 2m , what is the net flux linked with the surface.

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  21. Four charges ` + q, -q, + q, -q ` are placed as shown in the figure. What is the work done in bringing a test charge from ` oo ` to point 0.
    Here, OA = OB = OC = OD & ` q_0 ` = Test charge

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  22. Calculate electric flux linked with a sphere of radius 1 m and charge of 1C at its centre.

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  23. If the metallic conductor shown in the figure is continuously charged from which of the points A, B, C or D does the charge leak first. Justify.

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  24. What is dielectric strength ? Write the value of dielectric strength of air.

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  25. Two charges `-q and + q ` are located at points ` A (0, 0, -a ) and B(0, 0 + a ) `. How much work is done in moving a test charge from point ` (b, 0, 0 ) ` to ` Q (-b, 0, 0) ` ?

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  26. If an electron is accelerated by a Potential difference of 1 Volt, Calculate the gain in energy in Joule and electron volt.

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  27. Describe schematically the equipotential surfaces corresponding to
    A field that uniformly increases in magnitude but remains in the same (say Z) direction

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  28. Figure shows six charged lumps of plastic coin. The cross - section of a Guassian surface S is indicated. What is the net electric flux through the surface ?

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  29. Without referring to the formula ` C = in_0 ` A/d. Explain why the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor reduces on increasig the separation between the plates?

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  30. Draw field lines to show the position of null point for two charges ` + Q _ 1 and -Q_2 ` when magnetic of ` Q _ 1 gt Q_2 ` and mark the position of null point.

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  31. How does the relaxation time of electron in the conductor change when temperature of the conductor decreases.

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  32. Sketch a graph showing variation of resistivity with temperature of (i) Copper (ii) Carbon.

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  33. The emf of the driver cell in the potentiometer experiment should be greater than the emf of the cell to be determined. Why?

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  34. You are required to select a carbon resistor of resistance ` 47 kOmega pm 10 %` from a large collection. What should be the sequence of color bands used to code it ?

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  35. Find the value of `i` in the given circuit :

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  36. Two wires of equal length one of copper and other of manganin have the same resistance. Which wire is thicker?

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  37. Three copper wires of length and cross-sectional areas are (L,A)`(2L,(A)/(2)),(L//2,2A)`, resistance is

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  38. V - I graph for a metallic wire at two different temperatures, ` T_1 and T_2 ` is as shown in the figure. Which of the two temperature is higher and why ?

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  39. Out of ` V- I ` graph for parallel and series combination of two metallic resistors, which one represents parallel combination of resistors ? Justify your answer.

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  40. Why is the potentiometer preferred to a voltmeter for measuring emf of a cell ?

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  41. How can a given 4 wires potentiometer be made more sensitive ?

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  42. Can we use copper wire as potentiometer wire ? Explain.

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  43. In the figure, what is the potential difference between A and B ?

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  44. A copper wire of resistance `R_(0)` is strerched till its length is increased to n times of its original length. What will be its new resistance?

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  45. Two resistance ` 5 Omega and 7 Omega ` are joined as shown to two batteries of emf 2V and 3V. If the 3V battery is short circuited. What will be the current through ` 5 Omega `

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  46. Calculate the equivalent resistance between points A and B in the figure given below.

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  47. What is the largest voltage you can safely put across a resistor marked `196 Omega-1W`?

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  48. When does the terminal voltage of a cell become (i) greater than its emf (ii) less than its emf ?

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  49. A car battery is of 12V. Eight dry cells of 1.5 V connected in series also give 12V, but such a combination is not used to start a car. Why ?

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  50. Two electric lamps A and B marked 220 V, 100 W and 220 V, 60 W respectively. Which of the two lamps has higher resistance ?

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  51. Resistors of high value are made up of carbon. Why ?

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  52. Draw graph showing the variation of electronic field & electronic potential with distance 'r' due to point change.

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  53. Net capacitance of three identical capacitors in series is `1 muF`. What will be their net capacitance in parallel ? Find the ratio of energy stored in two configurations if they are connected to the same source.

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  54. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C is charged to a potential V. It is then connected to another uncharged capacitor having the same capacitance. Find out the ratio of the energy stored in the combined system to that stored initially in the single capacitor.

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  55. A proton and a alpha particle are accelerated from rest through a potential difference of 100 volt. Find (i) Their KE in eV and Joule (ii) which particle will move faster.

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  56. An electron starting from rest takes ` 14 xx 10 ^(-9) ` sec to reach from one plate to other of a capacitor placed 2 cm apart. If charge to mass ratio of electron is ` 1.8 xx 10 ^(11) CI kg`. Then find the potential difference between the plates.

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  57. An alpha particle of charge ` 3.2 xx 10 ^(-19) C ` and mass ` 6.8 xx 10 ^(-27) Kg ` is initially moving at speed ` 10 ^(7) m/s` when it is at far distance from another fixed point charge ` 112 xx 10 ^(-19) C`. Find the distance of closest approach.

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  58. If the electric field strength of air is ` 3 xx 10 ^(6) V//m`, what will be the maximum potential at the surface of a metal sphere of radius 1m.

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  59. Two point charge each +3 µC are placed along the diameter of a circle of radius 15 cm. Calculate the ectric potential at the ends of perpendicular diameter

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  60. An electric dipole of dipole moment ` 40 xx 10 ^(-6) C -m` is enclosed by a closed surface. What is the net flux coming out of the surface?

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  61. Does the charge given to a metallic sphere depend on whether it is hollow or solid ? Give reason for your answer.

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  62. A and B are two conducting spheres of the same radius, A being solid and B hollow. Both have same field on their surface. What will be the relation between the charges on the two spheres?

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  63. How does the electric flux due to a point charge enclosed by a spherical Gaussian surface get a affected when its radius is increased ?

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  64. How does the Coulomb force between two point charges depend upon the dielectric constant of the intervening medium?

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  65. The distance of the field point, on the equatorial plane of a small electric dipole, is halved. By what factor will the electric field, due to the dipole, change?

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  66. Two plane sheets of charge densities ` + sigma and - sigma ` are kept in air as shown in figure.What are the electric field intensities at points A and B?

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  67. Why does the electric field inside a dielectric decrease when it is placed in an external field ?

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  68. A charge Q is uniformly distributed over a ring of radius a.Obtain an expression for electric field intensity at a point on the axis of ring. show that at far point ring behaves as a point charge.

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  69. Figure shows electric lines of force due to two point charges ` q _ 1 and q _ 2 ` placed at points A and B respectively. Write the nature of charge on them.

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  70. Two points charges ` q _ 1 and q _2 ` are placed close to each other. What is the nature of force between the charges when ` q _ 1 lt 0, q _ 2 gt 0, q _ 1 lt 0, q _ 2 lt 0`

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  71. A metal rod of square cross-section area A having length ` l` has current I flowing through it, when a potential difference of V volt is applied across its ends (figure I). Now the rod is cut parallel to its length in two Identical pieces and joined as shown in (figure-II). What potential difference must be maintained across the length ` 2l ` so that the current in the rod is still remains I ?

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  72. State the condition under which the terminal potential difference across a battery and its emf are equal.

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  73. State the condition for maximum current to be drawn from the cell.

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