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Complete Solutions to Illustration of chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The decompoistion of `N_(2)O_(5)` in `C CI_(4)` solution at `318 K` has been studied by monitoring the concentration of `N_(2)O_(5)` in the solution. Initially, the concentration of `N_(2)O_(5)` is `2.33 M` and after `184 min`, it is reduced to `2.08 M`. The reaction takes place according to the equation:
    `2N_(2)O_(5) rarr 4NO_(2) + O_(2)`
    Calculate the average rate of this reaction in terms of hours, minutes, and seconds. What is the rate of Production of `NO_(2)` during this periof?

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  2. Express the rate of the following reactions:
    (a) `PCl_(5) rarr PCl_(3) + Cl_(2)`
    (b) `2NO_(2) rarr 2NO + O_(2)`
    in terms of the concentrations of reactants and Products.

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  3. For each of the following reactions, express the given rate of change of concentration of the reactants or Products in that reaction:
    a.`H_(2)O_(2) + 2H^(o+) + 3l^(ɵ) rarr I_(3)^(ɵ) + 2H_(2)O`, `(-d[I^(ɵ)])/(d t) = ?`, `(-d[H^(o+)])/(d t) ? `
    (b) `16H^(o+) + 2Mn_(4)^(ɵ) + 101^(ɵ) rarr 2Mn^(2+) + 8H_(2)O + 5I_(2)`, `(-d[MNO_(4)^(ɵ)])/(d t) = ?`
    ( c) `4NH_(3) + 5O_(2) rarr 4NO_(2) + 6H_(2)O` , `(-d[NH_(3)])/(d t) = ?`

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  4. Ammonia and oxygen react at high temperature as:
    `4NH_(3) (g) + 5O_(2)(g) rarr 4NO(g) + 6H_(2)O (g)`
    In an experiment, the rate of formation of `NO` is `3.6 xx 10^(-3) Ms^(-1)`. Calculate (a) the rate of disappearance of ammonia and (b) the rate of formation of water.

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  5. The following reaction was carried out in water :
    `Cl_(2) + 2I^(ɵ) rarr I_(2) + 2Cl^(ɵ)`
    The initial concentration of `I^(ɵ)` was `0.25 mol L^(-1)` and the concentration after `10 min` was `0.23 mol L^(-1)`. Calculate the rate of disappearance of `I^(ɵ)` and rate of appearance of `I_(2)`.

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  6. For a reaction `Rto P`, the concentration of a reactant changes from 0.03 M to 0.02M in 25 minutes. Calculate the average rate of the reaction using the units of seconds.

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  7. In the following reaction, how is the rate of appearance of the underlined Product related to the rate of disappearance of the underlined reactant ?
    `BrO_(3)^(ɵ)(aq) + 5underline(Br)^(ɵ)(aq) + 6H^(o+) (aq) rarr 3underline(Br_(2))(l) + 3H_(2)O(l)`

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  8. For the reaction
    `H_(2) (g)+I_(2)(g) rarr 2HI(g)`, the rate of disappearance of `HI` will be `1.0 xx 10^(-4) mol L^(-1) s^(-1)`. The rate of appearance of `HI` will be

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  9. The rate of reaction is expressed as :
    `(1)/(2)(+d)/(d t)[C] = (1)/(3)(-d)/(d t)[D] = (1)/(4)(+d)/(d t)[A] = -(d)/(d t)[B]`
    The reaction is:

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  10. The term `-dx//dt` in the rate expresison refers to the

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  11. In a catalyst experiment involving the Haber process `N_(2) + 3H_(2) rarr 2NH_(3)`, the rate of reaction was measured as
    Rate `= (Delta[NH_(3)])/(Delta t) = 2.0 xx 10^(-4) mol L^(-1) s^(-1)`
    What is the rate of reaction expressed in terms of (a) `N_(2)` (b) `H_(2)` ?

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  12. The approach to the following equilibrium was observed kinetically form both directions:
    `[PtCl_(4)]^(2-) +H_(2)O hArr [Pt(H_(2)O)Cl_(3)]^(ɵ)+Cl^(ɵ)`
    At `25^(@)C` it was found that at `0.3` inoic strength `- (Delta [PtCl_(4)]^(2-))/(Delta t) = (3.9 xx 10^(-5)s^(-1))[PtCl_(4)]^(2-)`
    `- (2.1 xx 10^(-3) L mol^(-1) s^(-1))[Pt(H_(2)O)Cl_(3)]^(ɵ)[Cl_(3)^(ɵ)]`
    What is the value of `k` for the complexation of the fourth `Cl^(ɵ)` by `Pt(II)` at `0.3` ionic strenght.

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  13. Which of the following expression can be used to describe the instantaneous rate of the reaction ?
    `2A+B rarr A_(2)B`

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  14. Which of the following will react at the highest rate ?

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  15. The reaction between `Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)` and `HNO_(2)` in an acidic medium is
    `Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-) + 5H^(o+) + 3HNO_(2) rarr 2Cr^(3+) + 3NO_(3)^(ɵ) + 4H_(2)O`.
    The rate of disappearance of `Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)` is found to be `2.4 xx 10^(-4) mol L^(-1) s^(-1)` during measured time interval. What will be the rate of disappearance of `HNO_(2)` during the same time interval?

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  16. The complexation of `Fe^(2+)` with the chelating agent dipyridyl has been studied Kinetically in both the forward and reverse direction, For the complexation reaction `Fe^(2+)+3` dipy `rarr [Fe(dipy)_(3)]^(2+)`, the rate of formation of the complex at `25^(@)C` is given by
    Rate `= (1.45 xx 10^(13) L^(3) mol^(-3) s^(-1)) [Fe^(2+)][dipy]^(3)` and for the reverse of the above eqaution, the rate of disappearance of the complex is
    `(1.22 xx 10^(-4) s^(-1)) [Fe(dipy)_(3)]^(2+]`
    What is `K_(s)`, the stability constant for the complex ?

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  17. For the reaction at `273 K`
    `NO(g) + O_(3)(g) rarr NO_(2)(g) + O_(2)(g)`
    It is observed that the pressure of `NO(g)` falls form `700 mm Hg` to `500 mm Hg` in `250 s`. Calculate the average rate of reaction in (a) `atm s^(-1)` , (b) `mol L^(-1) s^(-1)`.

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  18. The hydrogenation of vegetable ghee at `25^(@)C` reduces the pressure of `H_(2)` form `2 atm` to `1.2 atm` in `50min`. Calculate the rate of reaction in terms of change of
    (a) Pressure per minute
    (b) Molarity per second

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  19. For gaseous reactions, the rate is expressed in terms of `dP//dt` instead of `dc//dt` or `dn//dt` (where `c` is the concentration and `n` the number of `mol`). What is the relation among these expresisons ?

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  20. In the reaction, `2H_(2)O_(2) rarr 2H_(2)O + O_(2)` The rate of decompoistion of `H_(2)O_(2)` is `0.68 kg hr^(-1)`. What is the rate of formation of `O_(2)` and `H_(2)O` in `kg hr^(-1)` ?

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  21. Calculate the overall order of a reaction which has the rate expresison.
    (a) Rate`= k[A]^((1)/(2))[B]^((3)/(2))` , (b) Rate `= k[A]^((3)/(2))[B]^(-1)`

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  22. From the rate laws for the reactions given below, determine order with order to each species and the overall order:
    (a) `2HCrO_(4)^(ɵ) + 6l^(ɵ) + 14H^(o+) rarr 2Cr^(3+) + 3I_(2) + 8H_(2)O`
    Rate `= k[HCrO_(4)^(ɵ) ][I^(ɵ) ]^(2) [H^(o+)]^(2)`
    (b) `H_(2)O_(2) + 2I^(ɵ) +2H^(o+) rarr I_(2)+2H_(2)O`
    Rate `= k[H_(2)O_(2)] [I^(ɵ) ]`

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  23. The rate constant for the reaction, `2N_(2)O_(5) rarr 4NO_(2) + O_(2)` is `3.0 xx 10^(-5) s^(-1)`. If the rate is `2.40 xx 10^(-5) mol L^(-1) s^(-1)`, then the initial concentration of `N_(2)O_(5)` (in `mol L^(-1)`) is

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  24. The decompoistion of ammonia on platinum surface follows the change
    `2NH_(3) rarr N_(2) + 3H_(2)`
    (a) What does `(-d[NH_(3)])/(dt)` denote?
    (b) What does `(d[N_(2)])/(dt)` and `(d[H_(2)])/(dt)` denote?
    ( c) If the decompoistion is zero order then what are the rates of Production of `N_(2)` and `H_(2)` if `k = 2.5 xx 10^(-4) M s^(-1)` ?
    If the rates obeys `- (d[NH_(3)])/(d t) = (k_(1)[NH_(3)])/(1+k_(2)[NH_(3)])`, what will be the order for decompoistion of `NH_(3)`, if (i) `[NH_(3)]` is every less and (ii) `[NH_(3)]` is very high? (`k_(1)` and `k_(2)` are constants)

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  25. The rate constant for the reaction:
    `CO_(2) + overset(ɵ)(OH) rarr HCO_(3)^(ɵ)`
    in the aqueous solution is `4 xx 10^(-3) L mol^(-1) s^(-1)`. Calculate the number of mole of `CO_(2)` and `overset(ɵ)(OH)` are `10^(-6)` and `10^(-1) mol L^(-1)`. Also predict the mole of `HCO_(3)^(ɵ)` formed per second.

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  26. For a reaction `3A rarr` Products, it is found that the rate of reaction doubles. If the concentration of `A` is increased four times, calculated the order of reaction.

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  27. The rate of a reaction starting with initial concentration of `2 xx 10^(-3)` and `1 xx 10^(-3) M` are equal to `2.40 xx 10^(-40)` and `0.60 xx 10^(-4) M s^(-1)`, respectively. Calculate the order or reaction w.r.t. reactant and also the rate constant.

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  28. The reaction `2A + B + C rarr D + 2E` is found to be first order in `A`, second order in `B` and zero order in `C`.
    (a) Write the rate expresison.
    (b) What is the effect on rate on increaisng the concentration of `A, B`, and `C` two times ?

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  29. For `2A + B + underset((excess))(C ) rarr` Products, calculate:
    (a) Rate expresison, uisng rate law.
    (b) Units of rate and rate constant.
    (c ) Effect on rate, if the concentration of `A` is doubled and that of `B` is tripled.

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  30. The rate of reaction: `2NO(g) + Cl_(2) (g) rarr 2NOCl (g)`, becomes doubled when the concentration of `Cl_(2)` is doubled. However, when the concentration of both the reactants are doubled, the rate becomes eight times. What is the order w.r.t. `NO` and w.r.t. chlorine ? What is the total order?

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  31. Show by uisng rate laws how much the rate of reaction `2NO(g) + O_(2)(g) rarr 2NO(g)` will change if the volume of the reaction vessel is diminished to `1//3` of its initial volume.

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  32. What would be the effect on the rate of reaction due to the four-fold increase in a reactant concentration, if the order of reaction were the following:
    (a) Zero order , (b) First order
    ( c) `1//2` order , (d) Fourth order

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  33. The experiment rate law for the reaction `S_(2)O_(8)^(2-)(aq) + 2I^(ɵ)(aq) rarr 2SO_(4)^(2-) (aq) + I_(2)(aq)` is `k[S_(2)O_(8)^(2-)] [I^(ɵ)]`. How would the rate change if
    (a) Concentration of `S_(2)O_(8)^(2-)` is halved.
    (b) Concentration of `S_(2)O_(8)^(2-)` and `I^(ɵ)` are halved.

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  34. For the reaction `A + B rarr C + D`, doubling the concentration of both the reactants increases the reaction rate by `8` times and doubling the initial concentration of only `B` ismply doubles the reaction rate. What is the rate law for the reaction ?

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  35. For the non-equilibrium process, `A + B rarr` Product, the rate is first-order w.r.t. `A` and second order w.r.t. `B`. If `1.0 mol` each of `A` and `B` were inrofuced into `1.0 L` vessel and the initial rate was `1.0 xx 10^(-2) mol L^(-1) s^(-1)`, calculate the rate when half the reactants have been turned into Products.

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  36. The rate constant in numerically the same for the theee reaction of first, second, and third order. Which reaction should be the fastest and it this true for all ranges of concentrations?

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  37. The rate law for the following reactions:
    `Ester + H^(o+) rarr "Acid" + "Alcohol"`, is
    `dx//dt = k(ester)[H_(3)O^(o+)]^(0)`
    What would be the effect on the rate if
    (a) concentration of ester is doubled.
    (b) concentration of `H^(o+)` ion is doubled.

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  38. Mechanism of the reaction is:
    `A_(2) overset(k_(1))hArr 2A`
    `A + B overset(k_(2))rarr C`
    `A_(2) + C overset(k)rarr D + A`
    What is (a) `(-d[A_(2)])/(dt)`, (b) `(-d[A])/(dt)`, (c ) `(d[C])/(d t)`, (d) `(d[D])/(dt)` ?

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  39. Mechanism of the reaction is:
    `A overset(k_(1))rarrB, 2Aoverset(k_(2))rarr C + D`
    What is `(-d[A])/(dt)` ?

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  40. Mechanism of the reaction is:
    What is `(-d[A])/(dt)` ?

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  41. Mechanism of the reaction is:
    `A underset(k_(1))overset(k_(2))hArr B` ...(i)
    `B+A overset(k_(3))hArr C` ...(ii)
    `ul(bar(2A rarr C))` ...(iii)
    What is (a) `(-d[A])/(dt)`, (b) `(d[B])/(dt)` , (c ) `(d[C])/(dt)`

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  42. Mechanism of the reaction is:
    `A_(2) overset(k_(2))hArr 2A`
    `A + B overset(k_(2))rarr C`
    `A_(2) + C overset(k)rarr D + A`
    What is (a) `(-d[A_(2)])/(dt)`, (b) `(-d[A])/(dt)`, (c ) `(d[C])/(d t)`, (d) `(d[D])/(dt)` ?

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  43. `2N_(2)O_(5) rarr 4NO_(2) + O_(2)`
    If `(-d[N_(2)O_(5)])/(dt) = k_(1)[N_(2)O_(5)]`
    `(d[NO_(2)])/(dt) = k_(2)[N_(2)O_(5)]`
    `(d[O_(2)])/(dt) = k_(3)[N_(2)O_(5)]`
    What is the relation between `k_(1), k_(2)`, and `k_(3)`?

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  44. `2SO_(2) + O_(2) underset(k_(2))overset(k_(1))hArr 2SO_(3)`
    What are the expresison for the rate law of the forward and backward reactions?

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  45. Mechanism of the reaction is:

    What is (a) `(-d[A])/(dt)`, (b) `(d[A_(1)])/(dt)` , (c ) `(d[A_(n)])/(dt)`, (d) `(d[A_(1)])/(-d[A])` for same time?

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  46. The rate law for the decompoistion of gaseous `N_(2)O_(5)`,
    `N_(2)O_(5)(g) rarr 2NO_(2)(g) + (1)/(2)O_(2)(g)` is observed to be:
    `r = (-d[N_(2)O_(5)])/(dt) = k[N_(2)O_(5)]`
    A reaction machanism which has been suggested to be conisstent with this rate law is
    `N_(2)O_(5)(g) overset(k_(eq))hArr NO_(2)(g)+NO_(3)(g) ("fast equilibrium")`
    `NO_(2) (g) + NO_(3)(g) overset(k_(1))rarr NO_(2)(g) + NO(g) + O_(2)(g)` (slow)
    `NO(g) + NO_(3)(g) overset(k_(2))rarr 2NO_(2)(g)` (fast)

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  47. The termolecular reaction
    `2NO(g) + H_(2)(g) rarr 2NOH(g)` is found to be third order obeying the rate law `r = k[NO]^(2)[H_(2)]`. Show that it is conisstent with either of the following mechanisms:
    (a) `2NO(g) overset(k_(eq))hArr N_(2)O_(2)(g) ("fast equilibrium")`
    `N_(2)O_(2)(g) + H_(2)(g) overset(k')rarr 2NOH(g)` (slow)
    (b) `2NO(g) +H_(2)(g) overset(k'_(eq))hArr NOH_(2)(g) ("fast equilibrium")`
    `NOH_(2)(g) + NO(g) overset(k'')rarr 2NOH(g)` (slow)

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  48. For and elementary reaction
    `2A underset(k_(2))overset(k_(1))hArr B`, the rate of disappearance of `A` iss equal to
    (a) `(2k_(1))/(k_(2))[A]^(2)`
    (b) `-2k_(1)[A]^(2) + 2k_(2)[B]`
    ( c) `2k_(1)[A]^(2) - 2k_(2)[B]`
    (d) `(2k_(1) - k_(2))[A]`

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  49. Conisder the following reactions:
    I. `A+B underset(k_(-1))overset(k_(1))hArr C`
    II. `C + B overset(k_(2))rarr D`
    Then `k_(1)[A][B]-k_(-1)[C]-k_(2)[C][B]` is equal to

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  50. The rate expresison of some reactions are given below. Propose a probable mechanism of each of the following reactions:
    (a) `2N_(2)O_(5) rarr 4NO_(2) + O_(2)`, Rate `= k[N_(2)O_(5)]`
    (b) `2NO_(2) + F_(2) rarr 2NO_(2)F`, Rate `= k [NO_(2)][F_(2)]`

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  51. In the following reaction:
    `2NO(g)+O_(2)(g) overset(k')rarr2NO_(2)(g)`
    What is the predicted rate law, if the mechanism is
    `NO+O_(2)(g) overset(k_(eq))hArr NO_(3) ("fast")` (fast)
    `NO_(3) + NO overset(k_(1))rarr NO_(2) + NO_(2)` (slow)

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  52. A reaction is found to proceed in two steps as `A + B rarr E` (slow),, `A+E rarr C+D` (fast). Write the law expresison and overall balanced equation.

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  53. A chemical reaction proceeds as follows:
    `A + C rarr D + F` (Slow)
    `F + B rarr G` (Fast)
    `G + C rarr E` (Fast)
    Suggest rate law, overall under,units for rate constant, and overall reaction.

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  54. For the chemical reaction:
    `5Br^(ɵ) + BrO_(3)^(ɵ) + 6H^(o+) rarr 3Br_(2) + 3H_(2)O`
    Rate `= k[Br^(ɵ)] [BrO_(3)^(ɵ)] [H^(o+)]`
    What is the molecularity and order of reaction with respect to `[Br^(ɵ)]` ?

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  55. For the chemical reaction
    `I^(ɵ) + OCl^(ɵ) rarr Cl^(ɵ) + OI^(ɵ)`
    Rate `= (k[OCl^(ɵ)] [I^(ɵ)])/([overset(ɵ)(OH)]`
    a. What is the order and moleculartiy of the reaction ?
    b. In the above reaction, what are the molecularity and order with respect to

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  56. The chemical reaction `2O_(3) overset(k_(1))rarr 3O_(2)` proceeds as follows:
    `O_(3) overset(k_(eq))hArr O_(2)+O` (fast)
    `O + O_(3) overset(k)rarr 2O_(2)` (slow)
    What should be the rate law expresison ?

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  57. Mechanism of a reaction is given below:
    `X_(2) rarr 2X, k_(1) = 10^(5) s^(-1)` (forward)
    `k_(2) = 10^(5)s^(-1)` (backward)
    `X + Z rarr XZ, k_(3) = 10^(-4) M^(-1) s^(-1)`
    Write the rate law and calculate the order of overall reaction.

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  58. For the reaction
    `2Fe^(2+) + H_(2)O_(2) rarr 2Fe^(3+) + 2overset(ɵ)(OH)`, the rate of formation of `Fe^(3+)` is given by
    Rate `= k[Fe^(2+)][H_(2)O_(2)]`. Suggest a mechanism for the reaction and and indicate a probable rate-determining step.

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  59. Deduce the rate law for the converison of `H_(2)` and `I_(2)` to `HI` at `440^(@)C` corresponding to the following proposed mechanism:
    step I: `I_(2) hArr 2I ("fast") (k_(1))`
    Step II: `I+H_(2) hArr IH_(2) ("fast") (k_(2))`
    Step III: `IH_(2) + I rarr 2HI` (slow) `(k)`

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  60. For the overall reaction between `A` and `B` to yield `C` and `D`, two mechanism are proposed:
    `{:(I,A+BrarrAB^(**)rarr C + D,,k'_(1) = 1 xx 10^(-5)M^(-1)s^(-1),),(II,A rarrA^(**)rarrE,,,k_(1) = 1 xx10^(-4)s^(-1),),(,E+BrarrC+D,,,k'_(1) = 1 xx 10^(-10)s^(-1),):}`
    a. Write the rate law expresison fr each mechanism when initial concentration of each is `0.1 M`.
    b. At that concentration of `A` and/or `B`, will the inherent rates be equal?

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  61. The initial concentratin of `N_(2)O_(5)` in the following first order reaction
    `N_(2)O_(5)(g) to 2NO_(2)(g)+(1)/(2O_(2))(g) was 1.24 xx10^(-2) mol L^(-1)` at 318K. The concentration of `N_(2)O_(5)` after 60 minutes was `0.20xx10^(-2) mol L^(-1).` Calculate the rate constant of the reaction at 138 K.

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  62. A first order reaction has a rate constant, `k = 5.5 xx 10^(-14) s^(-1)`, calculate the half life of reaction.

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  63. Show that in case of a first order reaction, the time required for `99.9%` of the reaction to take place is about `10` times that the required for half the reaction.

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  64. For a first order reaction, calculate the ratio between the time taken to complete `3//4th` of the reaction and time to complete half of the reaction.

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  65. Identify the reaction order form each of the following rate constants:
    a. `k = 7.06 xx 10^(-3) mol L^(-1) s^(-1)`
    b. `k = 5.6 xx 10^(-5) s^(-1)`
    c. `k = 1.25 xx 10^(-2) mol^(-1)l s^(-1)`
    d. `k = 1.25 xx 10^(-2) mol L^(2)s^(-1)`
    e. `k = 5.0 xx 10^(-6) atm^(-1)s^(-1)`

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  66. For the following reaction:
    `2A + B +C rarr A_(2)B + C`
    The rate law has been determined to be
    Rate `= k[A][B]^(2)` with `k = 2.0 xx 10^(-6) mol^(-2) L^(2) s^(-1)`
    For this reaction, determine the initial rate of the reaction with `[A] = 0.1 mol L^(-1), [B] = 0.2 mol L^(-1), C = 0.8 mo, L^(-1)`. Determine the rate after `0.04 mol L^(-1)` of `A` has reacted.

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  67. A drug becomes ineffective after `30%` decompoistion. The original concentration of a sample was `5 mg mL^(-1)` which becomes `4.2 mg mL^(-1)` during `20` months. Assuming the decompoistion of first order, calculate the expiry time of the drug in month. What is the half life of the Product?

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  68. The half life of a first order reaction is `60 min`. How long will is take to consume `90%` of the reactant?

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  69. A first order reaction has a rate constant of `15 xx 10^(-3) s^(-1)`. How long will `5.0 g` of this reaction take to reduce to `3.0 g` ?

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  70. If in a reaction `A rarr` Products, the concentrations of reactant `A` are `c_(0), ac_(0), a^(2)c_(0) a^(3)c_(0)`, …after time interval `0,t,2t,3t`…. Where `a` is constant, given, `0 lt alt 1`, show that the reaction is of first order. Also calculate the relation in `k, a`, and `t`.

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  71. Reaction `A` follows first order kinetics and reaction `B` follows second order kinetics. If their half lives are equal, compare their rates (i) at the start of the reaction and (ii) after lapse of one half life.

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  72. For the reaction of I, II and III orders, `k_(1) = k_(2) = k_(3)` when concentrations are expressed in mole `L^(-1)`. What will be the relation in `k_(1), k_(2), k_(3)`, if the concentration are expressed in `mol mL^(-1)`?

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  73. Starting with one mole of a compound `A`, it is found that the reaction is `3//4` completed in `1 hr`. Calculate the rate constant if the reaction is of
    a. First order , b. Second order

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  74. In the decompoistion of `N_(2)O_(5)`, the plot between the reciprocal of concentration of the reactant and the time was found to be linear as shown in figure below. Determine the order of reaction.

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  75. A drop of solution (volume `0.05 mL`) contains `3 xx 10^(-6) "mole" H^(o+)` ions. If the rate constant of disappearance of `H^(o+)` ions is `1 xx 10^(7) mol L^(-1) s^(-1)`, how long would it take for `H^(o+)` ions in the drop of disappear?

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  76. For a reaction , a graph was plotted between reactant concentration `c` and time as shown in the figure below.

    Identify the order of the reaction with respect to the reactant. Can the concentration of the reactant be theoretically zero after infinite time?

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  77. `2A + 3B rarr `Product
    a. What is the molecularity of the reaction?
    b. What is order w.r.t. `A` and `B` in the following cases:

    i. When `((dx)/(dt)) = k[A]` and `B` is in excess.
    ii. When `((dx)/(dt)) = k[B]^(2)` and graph is true.
    iii. When the rate is doubled, then the concentration of `A` is doubled, and the rate is eight when the concentration of `A` and `B` is doubled.

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  78. For the hypothetical reaction
    `2A + B rarr` Products
    following data obtained:
    `|{:("Experiment number","Initial conc of (A)" (mol L^(-1)),"Initial conc of (B)" (mol L^(-1)),"Initial rate mol" L^(-1) s^(-1),),(1,0.10,0.20,3 xx 10^(2),),(2,0.30,0.40,3.6 xx 10^(10^(3)),),(3,0.30,0.80,1.44 xx 10^(4),),(4,0.10,0.40,...,),(5,0.20,0.60,...,),(6,0.30,1.20,...,):}|`
    Find out how the rate of the reaction depends upon the concentration of `A` and `B` and fill in the blanks given in the table.

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  79. The data for the reaction: `A + B overset(k)rarr C`.
    `|{:("Experiment",[A]_(0),[B]_(0),"Initial rate"),(1,0.012,0.035,0.10),(2,0.024,0.070,0.80),(3,0.024,0.035,0.10),(4,0.012,0.070,0.80):}|`
    The rate law corresponding to the above data is
    (a) Rate `= k[B]^(3)` , (b) Rate `= k[B]^(4)`
    ( c) Rate `= k[A][B]^(3)` , (d) Rate `= k[A]^(2)[B]^(2)`

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  80. Rate of a reaction `A + B rarr` Product, is given as a function of different initial concentration of `A` and `B`.
    `|{:([A] (mol L^(-1)),(B) (mol L^(-1)),"Initial rate" (mol L^(-1) min^(-1)),),(0.01,0.01,0.005,),(0.02,0.01,0.010,),(0.01,0.02,0.005,):}|`
    Determine the order of the reaction with respect to `A` and with respect to `B`. What is the half life of `A` in the reaction ?

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  81. For a reaction in which `A` and `B` form `C`, the following data were obtained form theee experiments:

    What is the rate equation of the equation and what is the value of rate constant ?

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  82. The chemical reaction between mercuric chloride and potasisum oxalate proceeds as under:
    `2HgCl_(2) + K_(2)C_(2)O_(4) rarr KCl + 2CO_(2) + Hg_(2)Cl_(2)`
    The mass of `Hg_(2)Cl_(2)` precipitated form different solutions in a given time at `100^(@)C` was as follows:
    `|{:("Experiment number",HgCl_(2) (mol L^(-1)),K_(2)C_(2)O_(4) (mol L^(-1)),"Time (min)",Hg_(2)Cl_(2) "precipitated (mole)"),(1,0.0836,0.404,65,0.0068),(2,0.0836,0.202,120,0.0031),(3,0.0418,0.404,60,0.0032):}|`
    form the data calculate order of the reaction.

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  83. A certain radio isotope `._(Z)X^(A)` (half life `= 10 ` days) decays to give `._(Z-2)Y^(A-4)` . If `1.0 g` atom of `X` is kept in a sealed vessel, find the volume of helium accumulated at `STP` in `20` days ?

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  84. The population of India in 1998 was `800` million. What will be the population in `2000` and `2100` if there is no change in the present growth rate which is `25` per `1000` per year?

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  85. The experiment data for the reaction `2A + B_(2) rarr 2AB` is
    `|{:("Experiment",[A] M,[B_(2)] M,"Initial rate" (mol L^(-1) s^(-1)),),(I,0.50,0.5,1.6 xx 10^(-4),),(II,0.50,1.0,3.2 xx 10^(-4),),(III,1.00,1.0,3.2 xx 10^(-4),):}|`
    Write the most probable rate equation for the reacting giving reason for you answer.

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  86. form the gaseous reaction
    `2A + B_(2) rarr 2AB`, the following rate data were obtained at `300 K`.

    Calculate the rate constant for the reaction and the rate of formation of `AB` when `[A]` is `0.02` and `[B_(2)]` is `0.04 mol L^(-1)` at `300K`.

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  87. For a chemical reaction `A rarr B`, it is found that the rate of reaction doubles when the concentration of `A` is increased `4` times. What is the order of reaction ? Suggest the rate law also.

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  88. For a hypothetical reaction `A + B rarr C`, suggest the rate law and order form the following data:
    `|{:("Experiment",[A] (mol L^(-1)),[B] (mol L^(-1)),"Refer of reaction" (mol L^(-1) s^(-1)),),(I,0.25,0.25,3.0 xx 10^(-3),),(II,0.50,0.25,6.0 xx 10^(-3),),(III,0.50,0.50,1.20 xx 10^(-2),):}|`

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  89. For the chemical reaction
    `A + B + C rarr E`,
    The rate of reaction is doubled when the concentration of `B` was doubled, and when the concentration of both `A` and `B` were doubled the rate becomes doubled and when the concentration of both `B` and `C` were doubled the rate becomes quardrupled. What is order with respect `A, B`, and `C` and total order?

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  90. For the chemical reaction `A + 2B rarr C`, the rate of reaction is increased by `2.82` times when the concentration of `A` is doubled and increased by `9` times when the concentration of `B` was tripled. What is the order with respect to `B` and `A` and total order ?

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  91. The rate of a gaseous reaction is given by the expresison `k[A]^(2)[B]^(3)`. The volume of the reaction vessel is suddenly reduced to one-half of the initial volume. The reaction rate relative to the original rate will be

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  92. For a chemical reaction `A rarr B`, the rate of reaction increases by a factor of `1.837` when the concentration of `A` is increased by `1.5` time. The order of reaction with respect to `A` is:

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  93. The rate of the reaction
    `3A + 2B rarr` Products
    is given by the rate expresison: Rate `= k[A][B]^(2)`
    If `A` is taken in excess, the order of the reaction would be

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  94. For the decompoistion of `HI` at `1000 K(2HI rarr H_(2)+I_(2))`, following data were obtained:
    `|{:([HI] (M),"Rate of decomposition of HI" (mol L^(-1) s^(-1))),(0.1,2.75 xx 10^(-8)),(0.2,11 xx 10^(-8)),(0.3,24.75 xx 10^(-8)):}|`
    The order of reaction is

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  95. What will be the initial rate of a reaction if its rate constant is `10^(-3) min^(-1)` and the concentration of reactant is `0.2 mol dm^(-3)` ? How much of reactant will be converted into Products in `200 min`?

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  96. Which of the following graphs is not for zero order reaction?

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  97. Using the given graph showing concentration of reactants and Products as a function of times for the reaction:
    `A_(3) rarr 3A`
    The time `t_(1)` corresponds to

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  98. The plot of In `(c_(0))/(c_(0)-x)` against `t` is a straight line, showing the reaction to be a

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  99. The reaction
    `CH_(3)COF + H_(2)O rarr CH_(3)COOH + HF`
    has been studied under the following initial conditions
    `{:(Case I,,,Case II,),([H_(2)O]_(0) = 1.00 M,,,[H_(2)O]_(0)=0.02M,),([CH_(3)COF]_(0) = 0.01 M,,,[CH_(3)COF]_(0) = 0.80 M,):}`
    Concentration were monitored as a function of time and are given below:

    Determine the order of reaction and rate constant for the reaction.

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  100. The half-life periof and initial concentration for a reaction are as follows. What is order of reaction ?
    `|{:("Initial concentration (M)",350,540,158),(t_(1//2) (hr),425,275,941):}|`

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Illustration questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12