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Complete Solutions to Exercises Integer of chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The half-life periof of a radioactive element is `40` days. If `32 g` of this element is stored for `160 days`, calculate the weight of the element that would remain in gram.

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  2. If one starts with `1` Curie `(Ci)` of radioactive substance `(t_(1//2)=15 hr)` the activity left after a periof of two weeks will be about `0.02x muCi`. Find the value of `x`.

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  3. If `80%` of a radioactive element undergoing decay is left over after a certain periof of time `t` form the start, how many such periofs should elapse form the start for just over `50%` of the element to be left over?

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  4. Hydrolyiss of an alkyl halide `(RX)` by dilute alkali `[OH]^(ɵ)` takes place ismultaneously by `SN^(2)` and `SN^(1)` pathways. A plot of `-(1)/([RX]) (d[R-X])/(dt)` vs `[OH]^(ɵ)` is a straight line of the slope equal to `2 xx 10^(3) mol^(-1) L h^(-1)` and intercept equal to `1 xx 10^(2) h^(-1)`. Calculate the initial rate `("mole" L^(-1) min^(-1))` of consumption of `RX` when the reaction is carried out taking `mol L^(-1)` of `RX` and `0.1 mol L^(-1)` of `[OH]^(ɵ)` ions.

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  5. Following is the graph between `log t_(1//2)` and `log a` (`a` initial concentration) for a given reaction at `27^(@)C`.

    Find the order of reaction.

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  6. For the reaction `A rarr` Products, it is found that the rate of reaction increases by a factor of `6.25` when concentration of `A` increases by a factor of `2.5`. Calculate the order of reaction with respect to `A`.

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  7. In the case of a first order reaction, the time required for `93.75%` of reaction to take place is `x` time required for half of the reaction. Find the value of `x`.

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  8. For the reaction `NO_(2)+COrarrCO_(2)+NO`, the experimental rate expresison is `-dc//dt = k[NO_(2)]^(2)`. Find the number of molecules of `CO` involved in the slowest step.

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  9. Following are two first order reaction with their half times given at `25^(@)C`.
    `A overset(t_(1//2) = 30 min)rarr` Products
    `B overset(t_(1//2)=40 min)rarr` Products
    The temperature coefficients of their reactions rates are `3` and `2`, respectively, beween `25^(@)C` and `35^(@)C`. IF the above two resctions are carried out taking `0.4 M` of each reactant but at different temperatures: `25^(@)C` for the first order reaction and `35^(@)C` for the second order reaction, find the ratio of the concentrations of `A` and `B` after an hour.

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  10. Conisder the following statement for a second order reaction and score of each statement.
    `2A rarr P`
    `|{:(,,"Score"),(a.,[A]=([A_(0)])/(1+kt),3),(b.,"A plot of" 1//[A]^(2) "vs time will be straight line",2),(c.,"Half life is long when the concentration is low",1):}|`
    Find the total score of the correct statements.

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  11. Two substances `A (t_(1//2) = 5 min)` and `B(t_(1//2) = 15 min)` follow first order kinetics and are taken in such a way that initially `[A] = 4[B]`. The time after which the concentration of both the substance will be equal is `5x min`. Find the value of `x`.

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  12. The initial concentration of both the reactants of a second order reaction are equal and `60%` of the reaction gets completed in `30s`. How much time will be taken in `20%` completion of the reaction?

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  13. A second order reaction requires `70 min` to change the concentration of reactants form `0.08 M` to `0.01 M`. The time required to become `0.04 M = 2x min`. Find the value of `x`.

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  14. For the reaction:
    `H_(2) + Cl_(2) underset("Sunlight")rarr2HCl`
    taking place on water. Find the order of reaction.

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  15. What is the order of reaction for which rate becomes half if volume of the container having same amount of reactant is doubled? Assume gaseous phase reaction.

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Exercises Integer questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12