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Complete Solutions to Archieves Single Correct of chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE CHEMISTRYArchieves Single Correct
Number Of Questions25
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The standard reduction potentials at `298K` for the following half reactions are given against each

    Which is the strongest reducting agent?

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  2. Faraday's laws of electrolysis are related to

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  3. A solution containing `1 mol` per litre of each `Cu(NO_(3))_(2), AgNO_(3),` and` Hg_(2)(NO_(3))_(2)` is being electrolyzed by using inert electrodes. The values of standard electrode potentials in volts `(` reduction potential `)` are
    `Ag|Ag^(o+)=+0.80, 2Hg|Hg_(2)^(2+)=+0.79`
    With increasing voltage, the sequence of deposition of metals at the cathode will be

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  4. The electrice charge for eeletrode deposition of `1g` equivalent of a substance is

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  5. The reaction
    `1//2Hg(g)+AgCl(s) rarr H^(o+)(aq)+Cl^(c-)(aq)+Ag(s) ` occurs in the galvanic cell.

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  6. When a lead storage battery is discharged.

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  7. The standard reductino potentials `E^(c-)` for the half reactinos are as follows`:`
    `ZnrarrZn^(2+)+2e^(-)" "E^(c-)=+0.76V`
    `FerarrFe^(2+)+2e^(-) " "E^(c-)=0.41V`
    The `EMF` for the cell reaction
    `Fe^(2+)+Znrarr Zn^(2+)+Fe`

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  8. The standard reduction potentials of `Cu^(2+)|Cu` and `Cu^(2+)|Cu^(o+)` are `0.337V` and `0.153V`, respectively. The standard electrode potential fo `Cu^(o+)|Cu` half cell is

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  9. The standard reduction potential values of three metallic cations, `X,Y,` and `Z` are `0.52,-3.03,` and `-0.18V`, respectively. The order of reducing power of the corresponding metal is

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  10. The gas`X` at `1 atm` is bubbled through a solution containing a mixture of `1MY^(c-)` and `1MZ^(c-)` at `25^(@)C` . If the order of reduction potential is `ZgtYgtX`, then

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  11. For the electrochemical cell, `(M|M^(o+))||(X^(c-)|X),E^(c-)._((M^(o+)|M))=0.44V` and `E^(c-)._((X|X^(c-)))=0.334V`

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  12. Arrange the following compounds in the order of increasing conductance `: HCl, LiCl, NaCl, KCl. `

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  13. A standard solution of `KNO_(3)` is used to make salt bridge, because

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  14. Standard electrode potential data are useful for understanding the suitability of an oxidant in a redox titration. Some half cell reaction and their standard potentials are given below:
    `MnO_(4)^(-)(aq) +8H^(+)(aq) +5e^(-) rarr Mn^(2+)(aq) +4H_(2)O(l) E^(@) = 1.51V`
    `Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)(aq) +14H^(+) (aq) +6e^(-) rarr 2Cr^(3+)(aq) +7H_(2)O(l), E^(@) = 1.38V`
    `Fe^(3+) (aq) +e^(-) rarr Fe^(2+) (aq), E^(@) = 0.77V`
    `CI_(2)(g) +2e^(-) rarr 2CI^(-)(aq), E^(@) = 1.40V`
    Identify the only correct statement regarding quantitative estimation of aqueous `Fe(NO_(3))_(2)`

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  15. In an electrolytic cell, the flow of electrons is form

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  16. `Zn|Zn^(2+)(a=0.1M)||Fe^(2+)(a=0.01M)Fe.`
    The `EMF` of the above cell is `0.2905`. The equilibrium constant for the cell reaction is

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  17. The rusting of iron takes place as follows `:`
    `2H^(o+)+2e^(-) +(1)/(2)O_(2)rarr H_(2)O(l)," "E^(c-)=+1.23V`
    `Fe^(2+)+2e^(-) rarr Fe(s)," "E^(c-)=-0.44V`
    Calculae `DeltaG^(c-)` for the net process.

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  18. Electrolysis of dilute aqueous `NaCl` solution was carried out by passing `10mA` current. The time required to liberate `0.01mol` of `H_(2)` gas at the cathode is `(1F=96500C mol ^(-1))`

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  19. Consider the following cell reation `:`
    `2Fe(s)+O_(2)(g)+4H^(o+)(aq) rarr 2Fe^(2+)(aq)+2H_(2)O(l)" "E^(c-)=1.67V`
    `At[Fe^(2+)]=10^(-3)M,p(O_(2))=0.1atm` and `pH=3` .
    The cell potential at `25^(@)C` is

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  20. `AgNO_(2)(aq)` was added to an aqueous `KCl` solution gradually and the conductivity of the solution was measured. The plot conductivity of the solution was measured. The plot of conductance `(wedge)` versus the volume of `AgNO_(3)` is

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  21. given `E_(S_(2)O_(8)^(2-)//SO_(4)^(2-)^(@)=2.05V` `E_(Br_(2)//Br^(-))^(@)=1.40V` `E_(Au^(3+)//Au)^(@)=1.10V` ,brgt `E_(O_(2)//H_(2)O)^(@)=1.20V` Which of the following is the strongest oxidizing agent ?

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  22. The metal that cannot obtained by electrolysis of an aqueous solution of its salts is `:`

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  23. The resistance of a conductivity cell filled with `0.1 M KCl` solution is `100 Omega`. If `R` of the same cell when filled with `0.02 M KCl` solution is `520 Omega`, calculate the conductivity and molar conductivity of `0.02 M KCl` solution. The conductivity of `0.1 M KCl `solution is `1.29 S m^(-1)`.

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  24. The equivalent conductance of `NaCl` at concentration of `C` and at infinite dilution are `lambda_(C)` and `lambda_(oo)` respectively. The correct relationship between `lambda_(C)` and `lambda_(oo)` is given as `:`
    `(` where the constant `B` is positive `)`

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  25. Find the standard electrode potential of `MnO_(4)^(c-)|MnO_(2).` The standard electrode potential of `MnO_(4)^(c-)|Mn^(2+)=1.51V` and `MnO_(2)|MnO_(2)|Mn^(2+)=1.23V`.

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Archieves Single Correct questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12