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Complete Solutions to Archieves Subjective of chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE CHEMISTRYArchieves Subjective
Number Of Questions35
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A current of 3.7 A is passed for 6hrs. Between Ni electrodes in 0.5 L of 2 M solution of `Ni(NO_(3))_(2)`. What will be the molarity of solutionn at the end of electrolysis?

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  2. Consider the cell `:`
    Thee standard reduction potentials are `0.350V` for
    `Cu^(2+)(aq)+2e^(-)rarrCu ` and `-0.763V` for
    `Zn^(2+)(aq)+2e^(-) rarr Zn`
    `a.` Write the cell reaction.
    `b.` Calculate the `EMF` of the cell.
    `c.` Is the reaction spontaneous or not ?

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  3. In an electrolysis experiment, current was passed for `5h` through two cells connected in series. The first cell contains a solution of gold and second contains copper sulphate solution. In the first cell, `9.85g ` of gold was deposited. If the oxidation number of gold is `+3`, find the amount of copper deposited at the cathode of the second cell. Also calculate the magnitude of the current in ampere, `(` Atomic weight of `Au` is 1197 and atomic weight of `Cu` is `63.5)`.

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  4. How long a current of `3A` has to be passed through a solution of silver nitrate to coat a metal surface of `80cm^(2)` with a `0.005-mm-` thick layer ? The density of silver is `10.5g cm^(-3)`.

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  5. Give reasons in one or two sentences `:"` anhydrous `HCl` is a bad conductor of electricity but aqueous `HC`l is a good conductor.`"`

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  6. The `EMF` of the following cellis `1.05V` at `25^(@)C:`
    `Pt,H_(2)(g)(1.0 atm)|NaOH(0.1m),NaCl(0.1M)|AgCl(s),Ag(s)`
    `a.` Write the cell reaction,
    `b.` Calculate `pK_(w)` of water.

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  7. During the discharge of a lead storage battery, the density of sulphuric acid fell from `1.294 g mL^(-1)` to `1.139 g mL^(-)`. Sulphuric acid of density `1.294 g mL^(-1)` is `39%` by weight and that of density `1.139 g mL^(-1)` is `20%` by weight. The battery hold `3.5` litre of acied and discharge. Calculate the no. of ampere hour for which the battery must have been used. The charging and discharging reactions are:
    `Pb+SO_(4)^(2-) rarr PbSO_(4)+2e` (charging)
    `PbO_(2)+4H^(+)+SO_(4)^(2-)+2e rarr PbSO_(4)+2H_(2)O` (discharging)

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  8. A `100-W,100-V` incardescent lamp is connected in series with an electrolyte cell containing cadmium sulphate solution. How much cadmium will be deposited by the current flowing for `10h` ?

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  9. A cell contains two hydrogen electrodes. The negative electrode is in contact with a solution of `10^(-6)M` hydrogen ions. The `EMF` of the cell is `0.118V` at `25^(@)C`. Calculate the concentration of hydrogen ions at the positive electrode.

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  10. In a fuel cell, hydrogen and oxygen react to produce electricity. In process, hydrogen gas is oxidized at the anode and oxygen at the cathode. If `67.2L` of `H_(2)` at `STP` reacts in `15mi n` , what is the average current produced ? If the entire current is used for electro`-` deposition of copper from copper `(II)` solution, how many grams of copper will be deposited ?
    Anode reaction `: H_(2)=2overset(c-)(O)Hrarr2H_(2)O+2e^(-)`
    Cathode reaction `:O_(2)+2H_(2)O+2e^(-) rarr 4overset(c-)(O)H`

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  11. An acidic solution of `Cu^(2+0` salt containing `0.4g` of `Cu^(2+)` is electrolyzed until all the copper is deposited. The electrolysis is continued for seven more minutes with the volume of solution kept at `100mL` and the current at `1.2A`. Calculate the volume of gases evolved at `STP` during the entire electrolysis.

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  12. The standard reduction potential at `25^(@)C` of the reaction
    `2H_(2)O+2e^(-)hArrH_(2)+2overset(Θ)(O)H` is `-0.8277V`. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction.
    `2H_(2)OhArrH_(3)O^(o+)+overset(Θ)(O)H` at `25^(@)C` .

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  13. The standard reduction potential of `Cu^(2+)|Cu` and `Ag^(o+)|Ag` electrodes are `0.337` and `0.799V`, respectively. Construct a galvanic cell using these electrodes so that its standard `EMF` is positive. For what concentration of `Ag^(o+)` will the `EMF` of the cell , at `25^(@)C`, be zero if the concentration fo `Cu^(2+)` is `0.01M`?

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  14. Calculate the quantity of electricity that would be required to reduce `12.3g` of nitrobenzene to aniline, if the current efficiency for the process is `50%`. If the potential drop across the cell is `3.0V`, how much energy will be consumed?

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  15. Zinc granules are added in excess to 500 mL of 1M `Ni(NO_(3))_(2)` solution of `25^(@)C` untill the equilibrium is reached. If `E_(Zn^(2+)//Zn)^(@)` and `E_(Ni^(2+)//Ni)^(@)` are `-0.75V` and `-0.24V` respectively, find out the `[Ni^(2+)]` at equilibrium.

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  16. A current of `1.70A` is passed trhough `300.0 mL` of `0.160M` solution of `ZnSO_(4)` for `230s` with a current efficiency of `90%`. Find out the molarity of `Zn^(2+)` after the deposition of `Zn`. Assume the volume of the solution to remain constant during the electrolysis.

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  17. For the galvanic cell: `Ag|AgCI(s)|KCI(0.2M)||KBr(0.001M)|AgBr(s)|Ag`, calculate the EMF generated and assign correct polarity to each electrode for a spontaneous process after taking into account the cell reaction at `25^(@)C`.
    `[K_(sp(AgCI)) = 2.8 xx 10^(-10), K_(sp(AgBr)) = 3.3 xx 10^(-13)]`

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  18. An aqueous solution of `NaCl` on electrolysis gives `H_(2)(g), Cl_(2)(g),` and `NaOH` accroding to the reaction `:`
    A direct current of `25A` with a current efficiency of `62%` is passed through `20L` of `NaCl` solution `(20%` by weight`)`. Write down the reactions taking place at the anode and cathode. How long will it take to produce `1 kg ` of `Cl_(2)`? What will be the molarity of the solution with respect to hydroxide ion ? `(` Assume no loss due to evaporation . `)`

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  19. The standard reduction potential for the half cell `:`
    `NO_(3)^(-)(aq)+2H^(+) +e^(-) rarr NO_(2)(g)+H_(2)O` is `0.78V`.
    `a.` Calculate the reduction potential in `8M H^(o+)`.
    `b.` What will be the reduction potential of the half cell in a neutral solution ? Assume all the other species to be at unit concentration.

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  20. Chromium metal can be plated out from an acidic solution containing `CrO_(3)` according to the following equation `:`
    `CrO_(3)(aq)+6H^(o+)+6H^(o+)(aq)+6e^(-) rarr Cr(s)+3H_(2)O`
    `a.` How many grams of chromium will be plated out by `24000C` ?
    `b.` How long will take to plate out `1.5g` of chromium by using `12.5 A` current ?

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  21. The standard reduction potential of the `Ag^(o+)|Ag` electrode at `298K` is `0.799V`. Given that for `AgI,K_(sp)=8.7xx10^(-17)`, evaluate the potential of the `Ag^(o+)|Ag` electrode in a saturated solution of `AgI`. Also calculate the standard reduction potential of the `I^(c-)`|AgI|Ag` electrode.

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  22. The Edison storage cell is represented as `:`
    The half`-` cell reactions are `:`

    `a.` What is the cell reaction ?
    `b.` What is the cell `EMF` ? How does it depend on the concentration of `KOH` ?
    `c.` What is maximum amount of electrical energy that can be obtained from `1 mol ` of `Ni_(2)O_(3)` ?

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  23. An excess of liquid mercury is added to an acidicfied solution of `1.0xx10^(-3) M Fe^(3+)` . It is found that `5%` of `Fe^(3+)` remains at equilibrium at `25^(@)C`. Calculate `E^(c-)._((Hg_(2)^(2+)|Hg))` assuming that the only reaction that occurs is
    `2Hg+2Fe^(3+) rarr Hg_(2)^(2+)+2Fe^(2+)`
    Given `: E^(c-)._((Fe^(3+)|Fe^(2+)))=0.77V`

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  24. The standard reduction potential for `Cu^(2+)|Cu` is `+0.34V`. Calculate the reduction potential al `pH=14` for the above couple . `K_(sp)` of `Cu(OH)_(2)` is `1.0xx10^(-19)`

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  25. How many grams of silver could be plated out on a serving tray by the electrolysis of a solution containing silver in `+1` oxidation state of a period of `8.0h` at a current of `8.46A` ? What is the area of the ray, if the thickness of the silver plating is `0.0254 cm` ? The density of silver is 10.5 g cm^(-3)`.

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  26. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction : `Fe^(2+)+Ce^(4+)hArr Fe^(3+)+Ce^(3+)` Given, `E_(Ca^(4+)//Ce^(3+))^(@)=1.44V` and `E_(Fe^(3+)//Fe^(2+))^(@)=0.68V`

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  27. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction `:`
    The standard reduction potential in acidic conditions is `0.78V ` and `0.54V` , respectively, for `Fe^(3+)|Fe^(2+)` and `I_(3)^(c-)|I^(c-)` couples

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  28. Find the solubility product of a saturated solution of `Ag_(2)CrO_(4)` in water at `298K`, if the `EMF` of the cell `:`
    `Ag|Ag^(o+)(satAg_(2)CrO_(4)sol)||Ag(0.1M)|Agis 0.164V` at `298K`.

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  29. A cell, `Ag|Ag^(o+)||Cu^(2+)|Cu` , initially contains `1 M Ag^(o+)` and `1M Cu^(2+)` ions. Calculate the change in the cell the potential after the passage of `9.65A` of current for `1h.`

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  30. Copper sulphate solution `(250 ML)` was electrolyzed using a platinum anode and a copper cathode. A constant current of `2mA` was passed for `16 mi n`. It was found that after electrolysis the absorbance of the solution was reducted to `50%` of its original value . Calculate the concentration of copper sulphate in the solution to begin with.

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  31. The following electrochemical cell has been set up `:`
    If an ammeter is connected between two platinum electrodes, predict the direction of the flow of current. Will the current increase or decreases with time ?

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  32. The standard potential of the following cell is 0.23 V at `15^(@)C` and `0.21V` at `35^(@)C`.`Pt|H_(2) |HCl(aq) |Agcl (s)|g(s)`
    (i) write the cell reaction .
    (ii) Calculate `DeltaH^(@)` and `DeltaS^(@)` for the cell reaction by assuming that these quantities remain unchanged in the range `15^(@)C` to `35^(@)C`.
    (iii) calculate the solubility of `AgCl` in water at `25^(@)C`.
    Give , the standard reduction potential of the `(Ag^(+)(aq) //Ag(s)` is 0.80 V at `25^(@) C`.

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  33. Two students use same stock solution of `ZnSO_(4)` and a solution of `CuSO_(4)`. The `EMF` of one cell is `0.03` higher than the other. The concentration of `CuSO_(4)` in the cell with higher `EMF` value is `0.5M`. Find the concentration of `CuSO_(4)` in the other cell.
    `(` Take `2.303 RT//F=0.06)`

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  34. Find the equilibrium constant for the reaction `:`
    Given that `E^(c-).._(Cu^(2+)|Cu^(o+))=0.15V,E^(c-)._(ln^(2+)|ln^(o+))=-0.4V,`

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  35. We have taken a saturated solution of `AgBr`, whose `K_(sp)` is `12xx10^(-14).` If `10^(-7)M` of `AgNO_(3)` are added to `1L` of this solutino, find the conductivity `(` specific conductance `)` of the solution in terms of `10^(-7)S m^(-1)` units.
    Given `:`
    `lambda^(@)._((Ag^(o+)))=6xx10^(-3)S m^(2) mol^(-1)`
    `lambda^(@)._((Br^(c-)))=8xx10^(-3)S m^(2)mol^(-1)`
    `lambda^(@)._((NO_(3)^(C-)))=7XX10^(-3)S m^(2) mol^(-1)`

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Archieves Subjective questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12