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Complete Solutions to Exercises Ingle Correct of chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE CHEMISTRYExercises Ingle Correct
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following solutions can be safely stored in a copper vessel ?

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  2. If `X` is the specific resistance of the solution and `N` is the normality of the solution, the equivalent conductivity of the solution is given by

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  3. By virtue of Faraday's second law of electrolysis, the electrochemical equivalent of the two metals liberated at the electrodes has the same ratio as that of their

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  4. The units of conductivity of the solution are

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  5. According of Kohlrausch law, the limiting value of molar conductivity of an electrolyte `A_(2)B` is

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  6. The values of `wedge_(m)^(oo)` for`NH_(4)Cl,NaOH,` and `NaCl` are, respectively, `149.74,248.1`,and `126.4 ohm^(-1)cm^(2)eq^(-1)`. The value of `wedge_(eq)^(oo)NH_(4)OH` is

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  7. `0.5F` of electricity is passed through `500mL` of copper sulphate solution. The amount of copper which can be deposited will be

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  8. On carrying out the electrolysis of acidified water, the volume of hydrogen liberated at `STP` condition is `22.4L`. The volume of oxygen liberated is

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  9. During the electrolysis of the aqueous solution of copper sulphate using `Pt` electrode, the reaction taking place at anode electrode is

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  10. In passing `3F` of electricity through three electrolytic cells connect in series containing `Ag^(o+),Ca^(2+),` and `Al^(3+)` ions, respectively. The molar ratio in which the three metal ions are liberated at the electrodes is

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  11. Given that `I_(2)+2e^(-) rarr 2I^(c-)," "E^(c-)=0.54V`
    `Br_(2)+2e^(-) rarr 2Br^(-)," "E^(c-)=1.69V`
    Predict which of the following is true.

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  12. The increase in the molar conductivity of `HCl` with dilution is due to

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  13. An electrochemical cell stops working after some time because

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  14. Which of the following statements is correct for a galvanic cell?

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  15. Given`E^(c-)._(Ag^(o+)|Ag)=+0.80V,E^(c-)._(Co^(2)|Co)=-0.28V, E^(c-)._(Cu^(2+)|Cu)=+0.34V,E^(c-)._(Zn^(2+)|Zn)=-0.76V`
    Which metal will corrode fastest ?

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  16. Red hot carbon will remove oxygen from the oxides `XO` and `Yo` but not from `ZO.Y` will remove oxygen from `XO`. Use this evidence to deduce the order of activity of the three metals `X,Y,` and `Z,` putting the most reactive first.

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  17. Among `Na,Hg,S,Pt` and graphite which can be used as electodes in electrolytic cell having aqueous solutions?

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  18. In an electrolytic cell current flows

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  19. The reaction `Cu^(2+)(aq)+2Cl^(c-)(aq) rarr Cu(s)+Cl_(2)(g)` has `E^(c-)._(cell)=-1.03V`. This reaction

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  20. Which statements is true about a spontaneous cell reaction in galvanic cell?

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  21. `Zn` acts as sacrifical or cathodic protect iont to prevent rusting of iron because

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  22. The oxidation potential of a hydrogne electrode at `pH=10` and `p_(H_(2))=1atm` is

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  23. `E^(c-)` of `Mg^(2+)|Mg,Zn^(2+)|Zn`, and `Fe^(2+)|Fe` are `-2.37V,-0.76V`, and `-0.44V`, respectively. Which of the following is correct ?

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  24. If the solution of the `CuSO_(4)` in which copper rod is immersed is diluted to 10 times, the electrode potential :

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  25. Deduce from the following `E^(c-)` values of half cells, what combination of two half cells would results in a cell with the largest potential?
    `{:(I. , A+e(-) rarr A^(c-),,,,E^(c-)=-0.24V),(II., B^(c-)+e^(-)rarr B^(2-),,,,E^(c-)=+1.25V),(III.,C^(c-)+2e^(-) rarr C^(3-),,,,E^(c-)=-1.25V),(IV. , D+2e^(c-)rarr D^(2-),,,, E^(c-)=+0.68V):}`

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  26. Calculate the solubility product of `Co_(2)[Fe(CN)_(6)]` in water at `25^(@)C`.
    Given, conductivity of saturated solutions of `Co_(2)[Fe(CN)_(6)]` is `2.06 xx 10^(-6) Omega^(-1)cm^(-1)` and that of water used is `4.1 xx 10^(-7) Omega^(-1)cm^(-1)`. The ionic molar conductivities of `Co^(2+)` and `[Fe(CN)_(6)]^(4)` are `86.0 Omega cm^(2)mol^(-1)` and `444.0 Omega^(-1) cm^(2)mol^(-1)`, respectivly.

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  27. Given `E^(c-)._(Fe^(2+)|Fe)` and `E^(c-)._(Fe^(3+)|Fe^(2+))` are `-0.44` and `0.77V` respectively.
    If `Fe^(2+),Fe^(3+)` and `Fe` blocks are kept together, then `[Fe^(3+)]` `……………………` and `[Fe^(2+)]…………………….` .

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  28. The dissociation of a wask electrolyte obeys the law of mass action. It was found by

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  29. During electrolysis of fused calcium hydride, the hydrogen is produced at

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  30. The increase in the value of molar conducitivity of acetic acid with dilution is due to

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  31. Which of the following is anodic reaction.

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  32. The value of molar conductivity of `HCl` is greater than that of `NaCl` at a particular temperature because

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  33. A galvanic cell is set up from a zinc bar weighing `100g` and `1.0L` of `1.0M CuSO_(4)` solution. How long would the cell run if it is assumed to deliver a steady current of `1.0A. (` Atomic mass of `Zn=65)`.

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  34. The charge required for the reduction of `1 mol` `Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)` ions to `Cr^(3+)` is

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  35. In order to completely oxidize `0.1 mol` of `MnO_(4)^(2-)` to permanganate ion. The quantity of electricity required is

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  36. Which of the following reactions occurs at the anode during the recharging of lead storage battery ?

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  37. In `H_(2)-O_(2)` fuel cell, the reaction occurring at cathode is

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  38. The thermodynamic efficiency of cell is given by

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  39. `10800 C` of electricity passed through the electrolyte deposited `2.977g` of metal with atomic mass `106.4 g mol^(-1)`. The charge on the metal cation is

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  40. In which of the following will the corrosion of iron be most rapid?

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  41. The two `Pt` electrodes fitted in a conductance cell are `1.5 cm` apart while the cross`-` sectional area of each electrode is `0.75cm`. What is the cell constant?

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  42. For a reaction `A(s)+2B^(o+) rarr A^(2+)+2B`
    `K_(c)` has been found to be `10^(12)`. The `E^(c-)._(cell)` is

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  43. Rust is a mixture of

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  44. Galvanized iron sheets are coated with

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  45. An example of a simple fuel cell is

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  46. For an electrolyte solution of `0.05 mol L^(-1)` , the conductivity has been found to be `0.0110S cm^(-1)`. The molar conductivity is

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  47. How much will the reduction potential of a hydrogen electrode change when its solution initially at `pH=0` is neutralized to `pH=7` ?

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  48. If `E^(c-)._(Fe^(3+)|Fe)` and `E^(c-)._(Fe^(2+)|Fe)` are `=-0.36 V` and `-0.439V`, respectively, then the value of `E^(c-)._(Fe^(3+)|Fe^(2+))`

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  49. The standard electrode of a metal ion `(Ag|Ag^(o+))` and metal `-` insoluble salt anion `(Ag|AgCl|Cl^(c-))` are related as

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  50. The standard reduction potential at `25^(@)C` for the reaction,
    volt. The equilibrium constant for the reaction `:`

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  51. What would be the magnitude of `EMF` of the following cell`:`

    at `25^(@)C` ? The ionization constant of acetic acid, `K_(a)~ 10^(-5)`, while that of formic acid, `K_(a)~10^(-4)`

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  52. The rusting of iron takes place as follows `:`
    `2H^(o+)+2e^(-) +(1)/(2)O_(2)rarr H_(2)O(l)," "E^(c-)=+1.23V`
    `Fe^(2+)+2e^(-) rarr Fe(s)," "E^(c-)=-0.44V`
    Calculae `DeltaG^(c-)` for the net process.

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  53. For the electrolytic production of `NaClO_(4)` from `NaClO_(3)` according to the reaction `NaClO_(3)+H_(2)O rarr NaClO_(4)+H_(2). ` How many faradays of electricity would be required to produce `0.5 mo l e` of `NaClO_(4)`?

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  54. If the specific conductane of `1 M H_(2)SO_(4)` solution is `26xx10^(2)S cm^(2)`, then the equivalent conductivity would be

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  55. The highest electrical conductivity of the following aqueous solutions is of

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  56. Which of the following statements is wrong ?

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  57. Which of the following statement is correct ?

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  58. For a dilute solution of a strong electrolyte, the variation of molar conductivity with concentration is given by

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  59. How many coulombs are required for the oxidation of `1 mol` of `H_(2)O` to `O_(2)`?

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  60. On electrolysis of a solution of dilute `H_(2)SO_(4)` between platinum electrodes , the gas evolved at the anoe is

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  61. In electrolysis of very dilute of `NaOH` using platinum electrodes

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  62. During the electrolysis of fused `NaCl` , which reaction occurs at anode ?

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  63. Two platinum electrodes were immersed in a solution of `CuSO_(4)` and electric current was passed through the solution. After some time, it was found that colour of `CuSO_(4)` disappeared with evolution of gas at the electrode. The colourless solution contains.

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  64. In an experiment setup for the measurement of `EMF` of a half cell using a reference electrode and a salt bridge, when the salt bridge is removes, the voltage

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  65. The reference calomel electrode is made from which of the following ?

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  66. When electricity is passed through a solution of `AlCl_(3)` and `13.5g` of `Al` is deposited, the number of `Faraday of electricity passed must be `………………….F`.

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  67. What weight of copper will be deposited by passing 2 faradays of electricity through a cupric salt `(` atomic weight of `Cu=63.5)` ?

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  68. A cell constant is generally found by measuring the conductivity of aqueous solution of

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  69. A solution of sodium sulphate was electrolyzed using some inert electrode. The product at the electrodes are

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  70. A solution of `9.65A` flowing for `10 mi n` deposits `3.0g` of the metal which is monovalent. The atomic mass of the metal is

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  71. A certain current liberates `0.5g` of hydrogen in 2 hours. How many grams of copper can be liberated by the same current flowing for the same time in a copper sulphate solution ?

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  72. The mass of copper that will be deposited at cathode in electrolysis of `0.2M` solution of copper sulphate when a quantity of electricity equal to that required to liberate `2.24L` of hydrogen from `0.1M` aqueous `H_(2)SO_(4)` is passed `(` atomic mass of `Cu=63.5)` will be

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  73. Which of the following is a strong electrolyte ?

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  74. The standard reduction potential of `Li^(o+)|Li,Ba^(2+)|Ba, Na^(o+)|Na` and `Mg^(2+)|Mg` are `-3.05,-2.71,-2.71`, and `-2.37` volts, respectvely. Which one of the following is the strongest oxidizing agent ?

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  75. The resistance of `1N` solution of acetic acid is `250ohm`, when measured in a cell of cell constant `1.15 cm^(-1)`. The equivalent conductance `(` in `ohm^(-1) cm^(2)eq^(-1))` of `1N` acetic acid is

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  76. What volume of `0.1N FeSO_(4)` can be oxidized by a current of 2 ampere hours ?

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  77. `500mL` of `1N` solution of `CuCl_(2)` was electrolyszed with a current fo 2 amperes for 1 hour. What is the normality of the remaining `CuCl_(2)` solution ?

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  78. Ionic strength of `0.4 M CaCl_(2)` is

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  79. Ionic strength of `0.4 M CaCl_(2)` is

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  80. Ionic strength of a solution made by mixing equal volumes of `0.01 M NaCl` and `0.02 M AlCl_(3)`

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  81. Marshell's acid is prepared by the electrolytic oxidation of `H_(2)SO_(4)` as
    `2H_(2)SO_(4) rarr H_(2)S_(2)O_(8)+2H^(o+)+2e^(-)`
    Oxygen and hydrogen are byproducts. In such electrolysis `2.24L` of `H_(2)` and `0.56L` of `O_(2)` were product at `STP`. The weight of `H_(2)S_(2)O_(8)` fromed is

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  82. The volume of gases evolved at `STP` by passing `0.1A` of current for `965g`, through an aqueous solution of potassium acetate

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  83. The mass of gases evolved in Question is

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  84. The volume of gases evolved at `STP` by passing `0.2A` of current for `965 s` through an aqueous solution of sodium furmarate is

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  85. The products obtained at cathode and anode on electrolysis of aqueous sodium succinate are

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  86. What is the electrode potential of a gasous hydrogen electrode dipped in a solution `pH=5.0` relative to the calomel electrode with an electrode potential of `+0.28V` ?

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  87. The `EMF` of concentration cell consisting of two zinc electrodes, one dipping into `M//4` solution of `ZnSO_(4)` and the other into `M//16` solution of the same salt at `25^(@)C` is

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  88. A certain electrode has standard `(` reduction potential `)` of `0.384 V`. The potential when measured against a normal calomel electrode `(` with electrode potential`=0.28V)` is

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  89. The potential of a hydrogen electrode in a solution with `pOH=4` at `25^(@)C` is

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  90. How much will the reduction potential of a hydrogen electrode change when its solution initially at `pH=0` is neutralized to `pH=7` ?

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  91. Consider the electrode `Ag|AgCl(s),Cl^(c-)(0.1M),i.e.,` silver electrode in contact with` 0.1M KCl` solution saturated with `AgCl` . If it is combined with the electrode `Ag|Ag^(o+)(0.1M)` to form a complete cell, the `EMF` would be `(K_(sp)of AgCl=10^(10)` at `25^(@)C)`

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  92. A current strength of `1.0A` is passed for `96.5 s` through `100mL` of a solution of `0.05 M KCl`. The concentration of the final solution with respect to `overset(c-)(O)H` ions is

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  93. In Question `pH` of the final solution will be

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  94. The standard `EMF` of decinormal calomel electrode is `0.268 V`. The `EMF` is

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  95. The satandard `EMF` of quinhydrone is `0.699V`. The `EMF` of the quinhydrone electrode dipped in a solution with `pH=10` is

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  96. A hydrogen electrode placed in a solution containing sodium acetate and acetic acid in the ratio of `x:y` and `y:x` has an electrode potential value `E_(1)` and `E_(2)` volts, respectively, at `25^(@)C`. The `pK_(a)` value of acetic acid is

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  97. Given standard `E^(c-):`
    `Fe^(3+)+3e^(-)rarrFe," "E^(c-)=-0.036`
    Fe^(2+)+2e^(-)rarr Fe," "E^(c-)=-0.440V`
    The `E^(c-)` of `Fe^(3+)+e^(-) rarr Fe^(2+) ` is

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  98. Given the ionic equivalent conductivities for the following ions `:`
    The `wedge_(eq)^(@)` for potash alum `(K_(2)SO_(4).Al_(2)(SO_(4))_(3).24H_(2)O)` is `:`

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  99. For the cell `Zn(s)|Zn^(2+)||Cu^(2+)|Cu(s)`, the standard cell voltage, `E^(c-)._(cell)` is `1.10V`. When a cell using these reagents was prepared in the lab, the measured cell voltage was `0.98V`. One possible explanatino for the observed voltage is

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  100. `DeltaG=DeltaH-TDeltaS` and ltBRgt `DeltaG=DeltaH+T[(d(DeltaG))/(dT)]_(p),` then` ((dE_(cell))/(dT))` is

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Exercises Ingle Correct questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12