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Complete Solutions to Illustration of chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions85
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Consider the following cell reaction
    `Zn +2Ag^(o+)rarr Zn ^(2+)+2Ag.`
    Given that
    `a.` Calculate the standard `EMF` fo the cell.
    `b.` Which ion is more powerful oxidizing agent ?
    `c.` Which metal is more powerful reducing agent ?

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  2. Can a solution of `CuSO_(4)` be stored in `(a)` zinc `(Zn)` pot, `(b)` silver `(Ag)` pot ?

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  3. Construct a cell using given electrodes at `298K` and also calculate its standart `EMF`.
    Given ` :` `E^(c-)._(Zn|Zn^(2+))=0.76V`

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  4. If `E^(c-)._((Ag|Ag^(o+)))=-0.8V` and `E^(c-)._((H_(2)|2H^(o+)))=0 V` , in a cell arrangement using these two electrodes, find `E^(c-)._(cell)` and find out which electrode acts as anode and which acts as cathode.

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  5. Calculate `E^(C-)` for each cell and write the equation for each cell precess. Explaing the significance of any negative. `E^(c-)` value.
    `a.` `Cd(s)|Cd^(2+)(1.0M)||AgNO_(3)(1.0m)|Ag(s)`
    b. `Fe(s)|FeSO_(4)(1.0M)||ZnSO_(4)(1.0m)|Zn(s)`
    `c.` `Pt, Cl_(2)(g)(1 atm)|NaCl(1.0M)|Hg_(2)Cl_(2)(s)|Hg(s)`
    Given `E^(c-)._(Cd)=-0.40V,E^(c-)._((Fe))=-0.41V,E^(c-)._((Zn))=-0.76V`

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  6. For the reduction of `NO_(3)^(c-)` ion in an aqueous solution, `E^(c-)` is `+0.96V`, the values of `E^(c-)` for some metal ions are given below `:`
    `i.V^(2+)(aq)+2e^(-)rarr V, " "E^(c-)=-1.19V`
    `ii. Fe^(3+)(aq)+3e^(-) rarr Fe, " "E^(c-)=-0.04V`
    `iii. Au^(3+)(aq)+3e^(-) rarr Au, " "E^(c-)=+140V`
    `iv. Hg^(2+)(aq)+2e^(-) rarr Hg, " "E^(c-)=+0.86V`
    The pair`(s)` of metals that is `//` are oxidized by `NO_(3)^(c-)` in aqueous solution is `//` are

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  7. The following electrochemical cell is represented as `:`
    `a.` If an ammeter is connected between two platinum electrodes, predict the direction of flow of current.
    `b.` Will the current decrease or increase with time?
    Given `:E^(c-)._(2Hg^(2+)|Hg_(2)^(2+))=0.92V,E^(c-)._(Ce^(4+)//Ce^(3+))=1.61V`

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  8. The following reaction`:` occurs in the dry cell, called flash light battery, which is used to power radios, clocks, and flashlights `:`
    `2MnO_(2)(s)+8overset(o+)(N)H_(4)+Zn(s) rarr 2Mn^(3+)+8NH_(3)+An^(2+)+4H_(2)O`
    `a.` Write the anode and cathode reactions.
    `b.` Calculate `E^(c-)._(cell)` of the dry cell if the electrode potential of cathode `(E^(c-)._(reduction ))` varies between `0.49V` and `0.74V` and that of anode `E^(c-)._(reduction) ` is `-0.76V`.

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  9. Represent the cell in which following reaction takes place `:`
    `Mg(s)+2Ag^(o+)(0.0001M)rarr Mg^(2+)(0.130M)+2Ag(s)` calculate its `E_(cell)` if `E^(c-)._(cell)=3.17V. `

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  10. Calculate the reduction potential of the following electrodes `:`
    `a.` `Pt,H_(2)(4 atm)|H_(2)SO_(4)(0.01M)`
    `b.` `Pt,H_(2)(1 atm)| HCl (0.2 M)`
    `c.` Calculate the potential of hydrogen electrode in contact with a solution whose
    `i pH=5" "ii. pOH=4`

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  11. Calculate the equilibrium constant of the reaction `:`
    `Cu(s)+2Ag(aq) hArrCu^(2+)(aq) +2Ag(s)`

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  12. The standard electrode potential for Deniell cell is `1.1V`. Calculate the standart Gibbs energy for the reaction.
    `Zn(s) +Cu^(2+)(aq) hArr Zn^(2+)(aq)+Cu(s)`

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  13. For the cell `:`
    `Zn (s) |Zn^(2+)(a M)||Ag^(o+)(bM)|Ag(s)`.
    `a.` Write Nernst equation to show how `E_(cell)` vary with concentration of `Zn^(2+)` and `Ag^(o+)` ions. Given `E^(c-)._((Zn^(2+)|Zn))=0.76V,E^(-)._((Ag^(o+)|Ag))=0.80V. `
    `b.` Find `E_(cell)` for `[Zn^(2+)]=0.01M` and `[Ag^(c-)]=0.02M`.
    `c.` For what values of `Q` will the cell `EMF` be
    `i. 0.0V" "ii. 0.97 V`

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  14. Calculate the potential of the following half`-`cells`|` cells`:`
    `a. Cr|Cr^(3+)(0.1 M)||Fe^(2+)(0.01M)|Fe`
    Given `: E^(c-)._(Cr^(3+)|Cr)=-0.74V E^(c-)._(Fe^(2+)|Fe)=-0.44V`
    `b. 6e^(c-)+BrO_(3)^(c-)(aq)+3H_(2)OrarrBr^(c-)(aq)+6OH(aq)`
    Given `:E^(c-)._((BrO_(3)^(c-)|Br^(c-)))=0.61V,`
    `c. Ag|Ag^(o+)(0.1M)||Cl^(c-)(0.02M)|Cl_(2)(g)(0.5atm)|Pt`
    Given `E_((Ag^(o+)|Ag))=0.80V,E^(c-)((Cl_(2)|2Cl^(c-))=1.36V`
    `d. NO_(3) ^(c-)(aq)+2H^(o+)(aq)+e^(-)rarrNO_(2)+H_(2)O`
    Given `: E^(c-)._(NO_(3)^(c-)|NO_(2)=0.78V`
    What will be the reductino potential of the half cell in neutral solution ? Assuming all the other species to be at unit concentration.

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  15. The solution of `CuSO_(4)` in which `Cu` ord is dipped is diluted to 10 times, the reduction electrode potential will `:`
    `a.` Decrease by `0.03V" "b.` Decrease by `0.059V`
    `c.` Increase by `0.03 V" "d.` Increase by `-.059V`

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  16. For the cell`:`
    `E_(cell)` can be increased by
    `a. ` Decreasing `[Cu^(2+)]." "b.` Decreasing `[TI^(o+)]`
    `c.` Increasing `[Cu^(2+)] " "d. Increasing by `[TI^(o+)]`

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  17. A zinc electrode is placed in `0.1M` solution of `ZnSO_(4)` at `25^(@)C`. Assuming salt is dissociated to the extent of `20%` at this dilution. The potential of this electrode at this temperature is `:`
    `a. 0.79V" ".b. -0.79V" "c. -0.81V." "d. 0.81V`

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  18. If excess of` Zn` is added to `1.0M` solution of `CuSO_(4)` , find the concentration of `Cu^(2+)` ions at equilibrium.

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  19. Find the reduction potential of `AsO_(4)^(3-)|AsO_(2)^(c-)` in a solution when `18mL` of `0.1 N` solution of `NaI` is added to `20mL` of `0.1N Na_(3)AsO_(4)` solution at `pH=5.` The standard reduction potential of `AsO_(4)^(3-)|AsO_(2)^(c-)=-0.70V`.

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  20. Calculate the potential of the following cell `:`
    `Pt(s)|{:(Ce^(3+),(2M)) ,(Ce^(4+),(1M)):}||{:(Cr^(3+)(2M),) ,(Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)(1M),H^(o+)(1M)):}|Pt(s)`
    Given `:E^(c-)._(Ce^(3+)|Ce^(4+))=-1.7,E^(c-)._(Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)|Cr^(3+))=1.3V`

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  21. Explain the construction and working of Westron standard cell.

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  22. The `EMF` of Westron standard cell is `1.0153` at `20^(@)C` and `1.01807` at `25^(@)C`. Calculate`DeltaG,DeltaH,` and `Delta S` for the cell reaction at `25^(@)C`.

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  23. The `EMF` of the cell `:`
    `Cd|CdCl_(2)(` solution `)(1atm)|AgCl(s)|Ag` is `0.675` at `25^(@)C`. The temperature coefficient of the cell is `-6.5xx10^(-4)` `d e g r e e^(-1)`. Find the change in heat content and entropy for the electrochemical reaction that occurs when `1F` of electricity is drawn for it.

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  24. At `25^(@)C` , the free energy of formation of `H_(2)O(l)` is `-56,700 Cal mol^(-1)`. The free energy of ionization of water to `H^(o+)` and `overset(c-)(O)H` is `19050 cal mol^(-1)`. What is the reversible `EMF` of the following cell at `25^(@)C:`
    `H_(2)(g)(1 atm)|H^(o+)||overset(c-)(O)H,O_(2)(g),1atm`

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  25. Find `K_(c)` for the complex`:`
    `E^(c-)._((Ag^(o+)//Ag))=0.8V` and `E^(c-)._{[Ag(NH_(3))_(2)]^(o+)|Ag|NH_(3))=0.37V`

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  26. The standard free energy of formation of `AgCl(s)` at `25^(@)C` is `-109.7kJ mol^(-1)` and `[H^(o+)+Cl^(c-)](aq)` is `-131.2kJ mol^(-1)`. Find `E^(c-)` of a cell up cells, with standard hydrogen electrode, and `Cl^(c-)|Ag|AgCl(s)`.

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  27. The `EMF` of the following cellis `1.05V` at `25^(@)C:`
    `Pt,H_(2)(g)(1.0 atm)|NaOH(0.1m),NaCl(0.1M)|AgCl(s),Ag(s)`
    `a.` Write the cell reaction,
    `b.` Calculate `pK_(w)` of water.

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  28. If the oxidation of oxalic acid by acidic `MnO_(4)^(c-)` solution is carried out in a reversible cell, then what is the electrode reaction and equilibirum constant of the cell reaction.
    Given `:`

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  29. Find the standard electrode potential of `MnO_(4)^(c-)|MnO_(2).` The standard electrode potential of `MnO_(4)^(c-)|Mn^(2+)=1.51V` and `MnO_(2)|MnO_(2)|Mn^(2+)=1.23V`.

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  30. Find the `EMF` of the concentration cell represented as given below`:`

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  31. Calculate the `EMF` of the following concentration cells a `30^(@)C` and predict whether the cells are exergonic or endergonic. `[` Assume `Kw` does not chage at `30^(@)C]`
    `a. Pt|H_(2)(g)(1 atm)|H^(o+)(10^(-6)M)||H^(o+)(10^(-4)M)|H_(2)(g)(1atm)|Pt`
    `b. Pt||Hg_(2)(1atm)|NaOH(10^(-4)M)||H^(o+)(10^(-5)M)|H_(2)(g),(1 atm)|Pt`
    `c. Pt|H_(2)(g)(1 atm)|H_(2)SO_(4)(0.05M)||KOH(10^(-3)M)|H_(2)(g)(1atm)|Pt`
    `d. Pt|H_(2)(g)(1 atm)|CH_(2)COOH(10^(-2)M)||CsOH(10^(-3)M)|H_(2)(g)(1atm)|Pt(pK_(a) of CH_(3)COOH=4.74)`
    `e. Pt|H_(2)(g)(1atm)|H_(2)O||HCl(10^(-3)M)|H_(2)(g)(1 atm)|Pt`

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  32. Calculate the `EMF` of the following concentration cells at `30^(@)C` and predict whether the cells are exergonic or endergonic.

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  33. The `EMF` of the following cell is `0.180 V` at `30^(@)C`.

    Find `EMF_(cell)` when
    `a. 40 mL of 0.2M NaOH` is added to the negative terminal of the battery .
    `b.` `50 mL` of `0.2 M NaOH` is added to the negative terminal of the battery .
    `c.` `50mL` OF `0.2M NaOH` is added to `100 mL` of `H_(2)SO_(4)` at the positive terminal of the battery.

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  34. A hydrogen electrode placed in a solution containing `CH_(3)COOK` and `CH_(3)COOH` in the ration `a:b` and `b:a` has electrode potential values of `-1.59` and `+1.0V,` respectively. Calculate `pK_(a)` of `CH_(3)COOH.`

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  35. Two buffer solutions `A` and `B` each made with benzoic acid and sodium benzoate differ in their `pH` by two units. A has salt`:` acid`a:b. B` has salt`:` acid `=b:a.` If `agtb`, then the value of `a:b` is
    `a. 3.17" "b.10.0" "c.3.0" "d. 6.0`

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  36. Calculate the charge on mercurous ion and its magnetic moment. `EMF` of the cell given below is `0.0295V` at `25^(@)C`.
    `Pt, Hg(l)|{:(0.01 M mercurous),(nitrate solution),(i n 0.1 M HNO_(3)):}||{:(0.1 M mercurous),(nitrate solution i n),(0.1 M HNO_(3)):}|Hg(l),Pt`

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  37. The quinhydrone electrode `(Q,H^(o+)|H^(2)Q)` is used in conjunction with a saturated calomel electrode, as represented below`:`

    `EMF_(cell)=0.264V` at `30^(@)C`. Calculate the `pH` of unknown solution at this temperature.
    Given `:E_(calomel)=0.24V` and `E^(c-)._(2H^(o+),Q|H_(2)Q)=0.7V`

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  38. If the `EMF` of the above cell is `0.03V,E_(SC E)=0.24V,E^(c-)._(glass)=0.51V,` then calculate the `pH` of buffer solution at `30^(@)C`.

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  39. For galvanic cell,
    Calculate the `EMF` generated and assign correct polarity to each electrode for spontaneous or exergonic process at `25^(@)C`.
    Given `:. K_(sp)` of `AgCl=3.0xx10^(-10),K_(sp)` of `AgBr=4.0xx10^(-13)`.

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  40. `EMF` of the cell
    `|Ag|AgNO_(3)(0.1M)||K Br(1 N),AgBr(s)|Ag is -0.6V` at `298K`
    `AgNO_(3) ` is `80%` and `KBr` is `60%` dissociated.
    Calculate `a.` Solubility and
    `b. K_(sp)` of `AgBr` at `298 K`.

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  41. Estimate the `E^(c-)` reduction for `Cu|CuS` electrode.
    Given `: K_(sp) ` of `CuS=8.0 xx 10^(-36),E^(c-)._((Cu|Cu^(2+)))=-0.34V`

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  42. `1F` of electricity is passed through `10 L` of a solution of aqueous solution of `NaCl` . Calculate the `pH` of the solution.

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  43. A current strength of `96.5 A` is passed for `10s` through `1L` of a solution of `0.1 M` aqueous `CuSO_(4)`. Calculate the `pH` of the solution.

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  44. A solution of `CuSO_(4)` is electrolyzed for `10 ` min with a current of `1.5A`. What is the mass of `Cu` deposited at the cathode? `[` Atomic mass of `Cu=63g]`

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  45. In the electrolysis of `7.2L` aqueous solution of `CuSO_(4)`, a current of `9.65A` passed for 2 hours.
    `a.` Calculate the weight of `Cu` deposited at cathode.
    `b.` Calculate the volume of `O_(2)` produced at anode at `27^(@)C` and `1 atm` pressure.
    `c.` Calculate the `pH` of the solution after electrolysis.
    `[` Atomic mass of `Cu=63g]`

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  46. How many grams of `Cl_(2)(g)` can be produced by the electrolysis molten `NaCl` with a current of `5.5A` for `25 m i n` ? `[` Atomic weight of `Cl=35.5 am u]`

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  47. What is the volume of `O_(20` liberated at anode at `STP` in the electrolysis of `CdSO_(4)` solution when a current of `2 A` is passed for `8 m i n ?`

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  48. What weight of `Ni` is plated out in an electrolysis of aqueous `NiSO_(4)` solution that it takes place to deposit `2G` OF `Ag` in a silver coulometer that is arranged in series with `NiSO_(4)` electrolytic cell. `[` Atomic weight of `Ag=107.8 am u , ` atomic weight of `Ni=58.7 am u]`

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  49. What is the amount of `Al` deposited on the electrolysis of molten `Al_(2)O_(3)` when a current of `9.65 A` is passed for `10.0 s` .

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  50. Calculate the number of Faradays required to electrolyze `6.35g` of `Cu^(o+)(aq)` ions from an aqueous solution.

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  51. `100mL` of `0.3 M Fe^(3+)(aq)` ions were electrolyzed by a charge of `0.072F.` In electrolysis, metal was deposited and `O_(2)(g)` was evolved. At the end of electrolysis, it is desired to oxidize the un`-`electrolyzed metal ion.
    `Fe^(3+)+e^(-) rarrFe^(2+)`
    The moles of `Fe^(2+)` ions left un`-`electrolyzed in the solution is
    `a. 0.009" "b.0.021" "c.0.072" "d.0.042`

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  52. Marshall's acid `(H_(2)S_(2)O_(8))` or peroxodisulphuric acid is prepared by the electrolytic oxidation of mmol`H_(2)SO_(4)` as `:`
    `2H_(2)SO_(4) rarr H_(2)S_(2)O_(8)+2H^(o+)+2e^(-)`
    `O_(2)(g)` and `H_(2)(g)` are obtained as byproducts. In such electrolysis `4.48L` of `H_(2)(g)` and `1.12L` or `O_(2)(g)` were produced at `STP`. The weight of `H_(2)S_(2)O_(8)` formed is
    `a. 9.7g" "b.19.4g" "c.14.5g" "d.29.1g`

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  53. What volume of `0.2M FeSO_(4)` can be oxidized by a current of `0.965` ampere hour?

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  54. `100mL `of `1M` solution of `CuBr_(2)` was electrolyzed with a current of `0.965` ampere hour. What is the normality of the remaining `CuBr_(2)` solution ?
    `a. 1.64" "b.3.28" "c.0.82" "d.4.92`

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  55. In a `500mL` of `0.5M CuSO_(4)` solution, during electrolysis `1.5xx10^(23)` electron were passed using copper electrodes. Assume the volume of solution remains unchanged during electrolysis. Which of the following statements is`//` are correect?
    `a.` At the end of electrolysis, the concentration of the solution is `0.5M`.
    `b. 7.9 g` of `Cu` is deposited on the cathode.
    `c. 4 g ` of `Cu` is dissolved from the anode.
    `d. 7.9 g` of `Cu` ions are discharged.

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  56. A `Zn` rod weighing `1.0g` is taken in `100mL` of `1M CuSO_(4)` solution . After some time, `[Cu^(2+)]` in solution `=0.9M(` atomic weight of `Zn=65.5g)`. Which of the following statements is `//` are correct ?
    `a. 0.655g` of `Zn` was lost during the reaction.
    `b. 0.327 g `of `Zn` was lost during the reaction .
    `c.` There is no change in the molarity of `SO_(4)^(2-)` ion.
    `d.` There is a change in the molarity of `SO_(4)^(2-)` ion.

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  57. A sodium salt of ternary acid of molybdenum `(` atomic mass `=96)` has the formula `Na_(2)MoO_(n)`. When an acidified solution of `Na_(2)MoO_(n)` is electrolyzed, `O_(2)` gas is liberated corresponding to a volume of `0.112L` at `STP` and `0.32g` of `Mo` is deposited. Find the formula of salt. .

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  58. Calculate the quantity of electricity required to reduct `24.6g` of nitrobenzene to aniline if the current efficienty is `75%`. If the potential drop across the cell is `4.0V`, how much energy is consumed `(Mw` of `C_(6)H_(5)NO_(2)=123g mol^(-1))`

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  59. Find the volume of gases evolved by passing `0.1 A` of current for `965s`, through an aqueous solution of sodium succinate at `27^(@)C` and `1 atm`.

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  60. A current strength of `1.0 A` is passed for `96.5s` through `200mL` of a solution of `0.05 M KCl` . Find
    `a.` The amoudn of gases produced
    `b.` The concentration of final solution `w.r.t. overset(c-)(O)H` ions
    `c. pH` of the solution.

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  61. `100mL CuSO_(4)(aq)` was electrolyzed using inert electrodes by passing `0.965A `till the `pH` of the resulting solution was 1. The solution after electrollysis was neutralized, treated with excess `KI` and titrated with `0.04M Na_(2)S_(2)O_(3)`. Volume of `Na_(2)S_(2)O_(3)` required was `35mL`. Assuming no volume change during electrolysis, calculate:
    (a) duration of electrolysis if current efficiency is `80%`
    (b) initial concentration `(M)` of `CuSO_(4)`.

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  62. A current of `5.0 A` is passed through a `100L` aqueous solution of sodium soccinate for `4.0h`. The gases produced at anode are collected separately at `25^(@)C` and `1.0 atm` pressure. Find the volume of gases. Also find the `pH` of solution at the end of electrylysis . `(` Assume that at the start of electrolysis, `pH` of solution is `7.0` at `25^(@)C)`

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  63. A lead storage cell is discharged which causes `H_(2)SO_(4)` electrolyte to change from a concentration of `40%` by weight `(` density `1.25g mL^(-1)C` to one of `30%` by weight. The original volume of electrolyte is `1L`. How many Faradays have left the anode of battery. Overall reaction of lead storage cell is `:` ltbr. `Pb(s)+PbO_(2)+2H_(2)SO_(4)(l) rarr 2PbSO_(4)(s)+2H_(2)O`

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  64. The density of copper is `8.95 g mL^(-1)`. Find out the number of coulombs needed to plate an area of `100cm^(2)` to a thickness of `10^(-2)cm` using `CuSO_(4)` solution as electrolyte. `(` Atomic weight of `Cu=63.5g)`

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  65. What is the `(i)` volume of gases evolved at `STP` and `(ii)pH` of solution on the electrolysis of `10L` of the following solutions when `1F` of electricity is passed `:`
    `a.` Aqueous solution of `Na_(2)SO_(4)`
    `b.` Aqueous solution of `CH_(3)COONa`
    `c.` Aqueous solution of `HCOOK`

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  66. `18.97 g` fused `SnCl_(20` was electrolyzed using inert electrodes. `1.187g Sn` was deposited at cathode. If nothing is obtained during electrolysis, calculate the ration of weight of `SnCl_(2)` and `SnCl_(4)` in fused state after electrolysis.
    Atomic weight of `Sn=118.7, Mw `of `SnCl_(2)=189.7, Mw` of `SnCl_(4)=260.7`

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  67. The resistance of a conductivity cell filled with `0.1 M KCl` solution is `100 Omega`. If `R` of the same cell when filled with `0.02 M KCl` solution is `520 Omega`, calculate the conductivity and molar conductivity of `0.02 M KCl` solution. The conductivity of `0.1 M KCl `solution is `1.29 S m^(-1)`.

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  68. The electrical resistance of a column of `0.05 M N aOH ` solution of diameter `1 cm` and length `50 cm` is `5.55 xx 10^(3)ohm`. Calculate its resistivity , conductivity, and molar conductivity.

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  69. The resistance of `0.01N` solution of an electrolysis is `210 Omega` at `298 K` with a cell constant of `0.88 cm^(-1)`. Calculate the conductivity and equivalent conducitivty of the solution.

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  70. The resistance and conductivity of `0.02 M KCl` solution are `82.4 ohm` and `0.002768 S ch^(-1)` respectively . When filled with `0.005 N K_(2)SO_(4)`, the solution had a resistance of `324ohm`. Calculate `:`
    `a.` Cell constant
    `b.` Conductance of `K_(2)SO_(4)` solution
    `c.` Conductivity of `K_(2)SO_(4)` solution
    `d.` Equivalent conductivity of `K_(2)SO_(4)` solution
    `e.` Molar conductivity of `K_(20SO_(4)` solution.

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  71. The resistance of decinormal solution of a salt occupying a volume between two platinum electrodes `1.80 cm` apart and `5.4 cm^(2)` area was found to be `32 ohm`. Calculate `k` and `wedge _(eq)`.

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  72. `wedge _(eq)` of `0.10N` solution of `CaI_(2)` is `100.0 Scm^(2)eq^(-1)` at `298 K.G^(**)` of the cell `=0.25 cm^(-1)`. How much current will flow potential difference between the electrode is `5V` ?

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  73. The resistance of a solution `A` is `50 ohm` and that of solution `B` is `100ohm,` both solutions are taken in the same conductivity cell. If equal volumes of solution`A` and `B` are mixed, what is the resistance of the mixture using the same cell ? `(` Assume there is no change or increase in the `prop` of `A` and `B` on mixing `)`.

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  74. Arrange the following compounds in the order of increasing conductance `: HCl, LiCl, NaCl, KCl. `

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  75. Arrange the following compounds in the order of decreasing molar conductivity in aqueous solution.
    `i.a. K[Co(NH_(3))_(2)(NO_(2))_(4)]`
    `b. [Cr(NH_(3))_(3)(NO_(2))_(3)]`
    `c." " [Cr(NH_(3))_(5)(NO_(2))]_(3)[Co(NO_(2))_(6)]_(2)`
    `d." "[Mg(Cr(NH_(3)(NO_(2))_(5)]`
    `ii. a. Li[Co(NH_(3))_(2)(NO_(2))_(4)]" "b." "Na[Co(NH_(3))_(2)(NO_(2))_(4)]`
    ` c.K[Co(NH_(3))_(2)(NO_(2))_(4)]" "d." "Cs[Co(NH_(3))_(2)(NO_(2))_(4)]`
    `iii. a. Pt(NH_(3))_(6)Cl_(4)"" b." " Cr(NH_(3))_(6)Cl_(3)`
    `c." " Co(NH_(3))_(4)Cl_(3)" "d. K_(2)PtCl_(6)`

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  76. The molar conductivity of `KCl` solution at different concentrations at `298 K` is given below `:`
    `{:(c or M (mol L^(-1)),wedge_(m)(Scm^(2)mol^(-1))),(0.000198,148.61),(0.000309,148.29),(0.000521,147.81),(0.000989,147.09):}`
    Show that a plot between `wedge_(m)` and `sqrt(c)` is a straight line. Determine the value of `wedge_(m)^(@)` and `A` for `KCl` .

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  77. The conductivity `(k)` of a saturated solution of `AgBr` at `298K` is `8.5xx10^(-7)Scm^(-1)`. If `lambda^(@)._(Ag^(o+))` and `lambda^(@)._(Br^(c-))` are 62 and `78 S cm^(2)mol^(-1)` , respectively, then calculate the solubility and `K_(sp)` of `AgBr`.

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  78. `wedge^(@)._(m)` for `CaCl_(2)` and `MgSO_(4)` from the given data.
    `lambda_(Ca^(2+))^(@)=119.0S cm^(2)mol^(-1)` ltbr. `lambda_(Cl^(c-))^(@)=76.3S cm^(2)mol^(-1)`
    `lambda_(Mg^(2+))^(@)=106.0S cm^(2)mol^(-1)`
    `lambda_(SO_(4)^(2-))^(@)=160.0 cm^(2)mol^(-1)`

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  79. `wedge_(m)^(@)` for `NaCl,HCl`, and `NaAc` are`126.4, 425.9,` and `91.0 S cm^(2) mol^(-1)` , respectively . Calculate `wedge ^(@)` for `Hac.`

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  80. The conductivity of `0.001028 M` acetic acid is `4.95xx10^(-5) S cm^(-1)`. Calculate dissociation constant if `wedge_(m)^(@)` for acetic acid is `390.5 S cm^(2) mol ^(-1)`.

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  81. The molar conductivity of acetic at infinite dilution is `390.7` and for `0.01 M` acetic acid is `3.9.7 S cm^(2)mol^(-1).` Calculate `(a) alpha ` and `(b) pH` of solution.

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  82. The ionic equivalent conductivities of `C_(2)O_(4)^(2-),K^(o+),` and `Na^(o+)` ions are `x,y,` and `z S cm^(2) Eq^(-1)` respectively. Calculate `wedge_(eq)^(@)` of `(NaOOC-COOK).`

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  83. The ionic molar conductivities of `C_(2)O_(4)^(2-),K^(o+)`, and `Na^(o+)` ions are `x^('),y^('),` and `z^(')S cm^(2) mol ^(-1)` , respectively. Calculate `wedge_(m)^(@)` and `wedge_(eq)^(@)` of `(NaOOC-COO)`.

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  84. The ionic equivalent conductivities of `K^(o+), Al^(3+)` , and `SO_(4)^(2-)` ions are `x,y,` and `z S cm^(2) Eq^(-1)`, respectively. Calculate `wedge_(m)^(@)` and `wedge_(eq)^(@)` for `(K_(2)SO_(4).Al_(2)(SO_(4))_(3).24H_(2)O)(` Potash alum `).`

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  85. From the following molar conductivities at infinite dilution `:`
    `wedge_(m)^(@)` for `Ba(OH)_(2)=457.6Omega^(1)cm^(2)mol^(-1)`
    `wedge_(m)^(@)` for `BaCl_(2)=240.6Omega^(-1) cm^(2)mol^(-1)`
    `wedge_(m)^(@)` for `NH_(4)Cl=129.8 Omega^(-1) cm^(2) mol^(-1)`
    Calculate `wedge_(m)^(@)` for `NH_(4)OH`.

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Illustration questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12