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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples (Electrochemical Cell) of chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE CHEMISTRYSolved Examples (Electrochemical Cell)
Number Of Questions36
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Calculate `EMF` of the following half cells `:`
    `a. Pt, H_(2)(2 atm)|HCl(0.02M)" "E^(c-)=0V`
    `b. Pt , Cl_(2)(10 atm)|HCl(0.1 M)" "E^(-c)=1.36V`

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  2. Calculate `pH` of the half cell `:`
    `Pt,H_(2)(1 atm)|H_(2)SO_(4)" "E^(0)=-0.3V`

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  3. A graph is plotted between `E_(cell)` and `log .([Zn^(2+)])/([Cu^(2+)])` . The curve is linear with intercept on `E_(cell)` axis equals to `1.10V`. Calculate `E_(cell)` for the cell.

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  4. Given `:`
    `NO_(3)^(c-) rarrNO_(2)(` acidic medium `), " "E^(c-)=0.8V`
    `NO_(3)^(c-) rarr NO_(3)OH(` acidic medium`)" "E^(c-)=0.74V`
    At what `pH` the above two half reactions will have same `EMF` values ? Assume the concentration of all the species to be unity. `(` Take `0.059~~0.06)`

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  5. The standard potential of a cell using the reaction is `1.12`. The heat of the reaction is `-504.2kJ mol ^(-1)` at `25^(@)C`. Calculate the entropy change.

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  6. The standard potential of a cell using the reaction `+3HgO(s)+2(overset(c-)(O)H) (aq)` is `0.489V` at `25^(@)C`. What is the equilibrium constant of the reaction ?

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  7. The `EMF` of the cell `:`
    `Ag|AgCl,0.1 MKCl||0.1 M AgNO_(3)|Ag` is `0.45V. 0.1 M KCl `is `85%` dissociated and `0.1 M AgNO_(3)` is `82%` dissociated. Calculate the solubility product of `AgCl` at `25^(@)C`.

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  8. Calculate the potential corresponding to the following cell. Given
    `Pt|Co^(2+)(2.0M),Co^(3+)(0.01M)||Cr^(3+)(0.5M),Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)(4.0M),H^(o+)(1.5M)|Pt `

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  9. Estimate the standard reduction potential for the copper `//` copper sulphide electrode. For `CuS,K_(sp)=8.5 xx 10^(-36),E^(c-)._(Cu|Cu^(2+))=-0.34V.`

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  10. Knowing that `K_(sp)` for `AgCl` is `1.0 xx 10^(-10)`, calculate `E` for a silver `//` silver chloride electrode immersed in `1.00 M KCl ` at `25^(@)C.E^(c-)._(Ag^(o+)|Ag)=0.799V`.

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  11. Consider the following half reactions `:`
    `PbO_(2)(s)+4H^(o+)(aq)+SO_(4)^(2-)+2e^(-)rarrPbSO_(4)9s)+2H_(2)O" "E^(c-)=+1.70V`
    `PbSO_(4)(s)+2e^(-)rarr Pb(s)+SO_(4)^(2-)(aq)" "E^(c-)=-0.31V`
    `a.` Calculate the value of `E^(c-)` for the cell.
    `b.` Calculate the voltage generated by the cell if `[H^(o+)]=0.10M` and `[SO_(4)^(2-)]=2.0M`
    `c.` What voltage is generated by the cell when it is at chemical equilibrium ?

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  12. The `EMF` of the cell
    `Ag|0.1(N)AgNO_(3)||1(N) KBr, AgBr(s)|Ag` was found to be `-0.64V` at `298 K. 0.1 N Ag NO_(3)` is `81.3%` dissociated and` 1N KBr` is `75.5%` dissociated.
    Calculate `:`
    `a.` Solubility
    `b.` Solubility product of `AgBr ` at `298 K`

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  13. For the cell `Zn|ZnCl_(2)(m)|AgCl,E` is `1.24V` at `25^(@)C` and `1.260V` at `35^(@)C` of `m=10^(-3)`. Write down the cell reaction and calculate `DeltaG, DeltaH,` and `DeltaS` at `25^(@)C`.

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  14. A saturated calomel electrode is coupled through a salt bridge with a quinhydrone electrode dipping in `0.1 M NH_(4)Cl`. The observed `EMF` at `25^(@)C` is `0.152V`. Find the dissociated constant of `NH_(4)OH`. The oxidation potential of saturated calomel electrode`=-0.699V` at `25^(@)C`.

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  15. Two weak acid solutions `HA_(1)` and `HA_(2)` with the same concentration and having `pK_(a)` values 3 and 5 are placed in contact with hydrogen electrode `(1 atm ` and `25^(@)C)` and are interconnected through a salt bridge. Find the `EMF` of the cell.

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  16. Find the solubility of `AgCl` in `0.1 M CaCl_(2)`. `E^(c-)._(Ag^(o+)|Ag)=0.799V` and that of `AgCl|Ag=0.222V`.

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  17. The `EMF` of the cell `:`
    `Ag|Ag_(2)CrO_(4)(s),K_(2)CrO_(4)(0.1 M)||AgNO_(3)(0.1M)||Ag` is `206.5mV.` Calculate the solubility of `Ag_(2)CrO_(4)` in `1M Na_(2)CrO_(4)` soluion.

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  18. The `EMF` of a galvanic cell `Pt|H_(2)(1 atm)|HCl(1M)|Cl_(2)(g)|Pt` is `1.29V`. Calculate the partial pressure of` Cl_(2)(g)`. `E^(c-)._(Cl_(2)|Cl^(c-))=1.36V`.

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  19. Calculate the potential of silver electrode in a saturated solution of `AgBr(K_(sp)=6xx10^(-13))` containing `0.1 M KB r . E^(c-)._(Ag^(o+)|Ag)=0.80V.`

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  20. A solution of `Fe^(2+)` is titrated potentiaometrically using `Ce^(4+)` solution . Calculate the `EMF` of the redox electrode thus formed when
    `a. 50%` of `Fe^(2+)` is titrated
    `b. 90%` of `Fe^(2+)` is titrated
    `c. 110%` titration is done
    Given `:E^(c-)._(Fe^(2+)|Fe^(3+))=-0.77V` and `Fe^(2+)Ce^(4+)rarrFe^(3+)+Ce^(3+),K=10^(14)`

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  21. Find the `EMF ` of the cell at `25^(@)C`.
    `E^(c-)._(red("quinhydrone electrode ")=0.699V`
    `E^(c-)._(red(" calomel electrode")=+0.268V`.

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  22. The `EMF` of the following cell is found to be `-0.46V:`

    If the standard electrode potential of Zince Is `-0.763V`, find the value of `K_(2)` for `H_(2)SO_(4)`, where `K_(2)=([H^(o+)][SO_(4)^(2-)])/([HSO_(4)^(c-)])`

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  23. The `EMF` of the following cell is observed to be `0.118V` at `25^(@)C:`

    If `30mL` of `0.2M NaOH` is added to the negative terminal of the battery, find the `EMF` of the cell.

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  24. Find the standard electrode potential of `I_(2)|2I^(c-)` if the equilibrium constant for the reaction `I_(2)+I^(c-) rarr_(3)^(c-)` is 703. The standard electrode potential of `I_(3)^(c-)|3I^(c-)` is `0.5355V`. Also give the electrode reaction.

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  25. A silver electrode dipping in `AgNO_(3)` solution `(0.1M)` is combined salt bridge with a hydrogen electrode dipping in a solution of `pH=3(at 25^(@)C)`. If the standard reduction potential of the silver electrode is `0.799V`, what is the `EMF` of the cell ?

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  26. The `EMF` of a galvanic cell composed of two hydrogen electrodes is `177 mV`. If the solution at one of the electrode has `[H^(o+)]=10^(-3)`, find the `[H^(o+)]` at the other electrode.

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  27. The `EMF` of the cell `:`
    `Pt|Ce^(4+)(90%),Ce^(3+)(10%)|` Normal calomel electrode is `1.464 V` at `25^(@)C`. Find the value of equilibrium constant of the reaction `:`
    `2Ce^(3+)+2H^(o+) rarr 2Ce^(4+)+H_(2)`
    The electrode potential of the normal calomel electrode is `+0.28V`.

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  28. A hydrogen electrode placed in a buffer solution of sodium cyanide and `HCN` in the ration of `x:y` and `Y:x` has electrode potential value `a` and `b` volts, respectively, at `25^(@)C`. If the difference `a-b=35.52mV, ` what is the ratio of `y:x.`

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  29. Two electrochemical cells are assembled in which the following reactions occur `:`
    `V^(2)=VO^(2+)+2H^(o+)rarr 2V^(3+)+H_(2)O`
    `V^(3+)+Ag^(o+)+H_(2)O rarr VO^(2+)+2H^(o+)+Ag(s)`
    Calculate `E^(c-)` for half reaction `V^(3+)+e^(-)rarr V^(2+)`
    Given `: E^(c-)._((Ag^(o+)|Ag))=0.799`

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  30. Predict whether or not `Cl_(2)` would disproportionate in cold alkaline medium. The standard reduction potentials of` Cl_(2)|Cl^(c-)` and `ClO^(c-)|Cl_(2)` are `1.36V` and `0.40V`, respectively.

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  31. What would be the electrode potential of a silver electrode dipped in a saturated solution of `AgCl` in contact with `0.1 M KCl` solution at `25^(@)C` ?
    `E^(c-)._(Ag^(o+)|Ag)=0.799 V `
    `K_(sp)` of `AgCl=1xx10^(-10)`

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  32. `E^(c-)` of some elements are given as `:`
    `{:(I_(2)+2e^(-)rarr 2I^(c-),,,,E^(c-)=0.54V),(MnO_(4)^(c-)+8H^(o+)+5e^(-)rarr Mn^(2+)+4H_(2)O,,,,E^(c-)=1.52V),(Fe^(3+)+e^(-)rarr Fe^(2+),,,,E^(c-)=0.77V),(Sn^(4+)+2e^(-)rarr Sn^(2+),,,,E^(c-)=0.1V):}`
    `a.` Select the stronges reductant and weakes oxidant among these elements.
    `b.` Select the weakest reductant and strongest oxidant among these elements.

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  33. Select the spontaneous rreactions from the changes given below
    `a. Sn^(4+)+2Fe^(2+)rarrSn^(2+)+2Fe^(3+)`
    `b. 2Fe^(2+)=I_(2)rarr2Fe^(3+)+2I^(c-)`
    `c. Sn^(4+)+2I^(c-)rarr Sn^(2+)+I_(2)`
    `d. Sn^(2+)+I_(2) rarr Sn^(4+)+2I^(c-)`

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  34. Two metals `M_(1)` and `M_(2)` have `E^(c-)._(red)=-0.76 V` and `0.80V`, respectively. Which will liberate `H_(2)(g)` from `H_(2)SO_(4)` ?
    Given `:`
    `{:(M_(1)^(n+)+n e^(-)rarr M_(1),,,,E^(c-)._(red)=-0.76V),(M_(2)^(n+)+n e^(-)rarr M_(2),,,,E^(c-)._(red)=0.80V),(2H^(o+)+2e^(-) rarr H_(2)(g),,,,E^(c-)._(red)=0.0V):}`

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  35. Determine whether `O_(2)(g)` can oxidize sulphate `(SO_(4)^(2-))` ion to peroxodisulphate `(S_(2)O_(8)^(2-))` ion or not in an acidic solution with `O_(2)(g)` being reduced to water.
    Given `: E^(c-)._(O_(2)|H_(2)O)=1.20V` and `E^(C-)._(S_(2)O_(8)^(2-)|2SO_(4)^(2-))=2.0V`

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  36. Quinones are good electron acceptors, party because reduction restores aromaticity.

    `Q+2e^(-)+2H^(o+)rarr H_(2)Q`
    Give the decreasing order of `E^(c-)._(reduction)` of the following quinones `:`

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Solved Examples (Electrochemical Cell) questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12