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Complete Solutions to Exercise 1.1 of chapter RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise 1.1
Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If sets `A =[-4,1] and B=[0,3),` then find the following sets:
    (a) `A cap B " (b) "A cup B " (c ) "A-B`
    (d) `B-A " (e ) "(A cup B)' " (f) " (A cap B)' `

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  2. Find the value of `x^(2)` for the following values of x:
    (a) `[-5,-1] " (b) "(3,6) " (c ) "(-2,3]`

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  3. Find the values of 1/x for the following values fo x:
    (a) `(2,5) " (b) "[-5,-1) " (c ) "(3,oo)`
    (d) `(-oo,-2] " (e ) "[-3,4]`

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  4. Find all possible values ( range) of the following quadratic expressions when `x in R` and when `x in [-3,2]`
    (a) `4x^2+28x+41`
    (b) `1+6x -x^2`

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  5. Find all possible values of expressions `(2+x^2)/(4-x^2)`

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  6. Solve `(x(3-4x)(x+1))/(2x-5)lt 0 `

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  7. Solve `((2x+3)(4-3x)^3(x-4))/((x-2)^2x^5)le0 `

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  8. Solve` (5x+1)/((x+1)^2)`

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  9. The number of integral value of `x` satistying `sqrt( x^2+10 x-16)

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  10. Find all the possible values of `f(x) =(1-x^2)/(x^2+3)`

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  11. Find the values of x for which the following function is defined: `f(x)=sqrt((1)/(|x-2|-(x-2)))`

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  12. Solve |4-|x-1||=3

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  13. Find all values of f(x) for which f(x) `=x+sqrt(x^2)`

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  14. Solve the following :
    (a) `1 le |x-2| le 3 " (b) "0 lt |x-3|le 5`
    (c ) `|x-2|+|2x-3|=|x-1| " (d) " |(x-3)/(x+1)| le1`

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  15. Find all possible values of expression `sqrt(1-sqrt(x^(2)-6x+9)).`

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Exercise 1.1 questions and complete solutions for chapter RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS of CENGAGE of Class 12