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Complete Solutions to JEE Previous Year of chapter RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions12
Academic Year2023-24
  1. For real x, let `f(x)""=""x^3+""5x""+""1` , then (1) f is oneone but not onto R (2) f is onto R but not oneone (3) f is oneone and onto R (4) f is neither oneone nor onto R

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  2. Let `f:[-1,oo] in [-1,oo]` be a function given `f(x)=(x+1)^(2)-1, x ge -1`
    Statement-1: The set `[x:f(x)=f^(-1)(x)]={0,1}`
    Statement-2: f is a bijection.

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  3. Consider the following relations: R = {(x, y) | x, y are real numbers and x = wy for some rational number w}; `S={(m/n , p/q)"m , n , pandqa r ei n t e g e r ss u c ht h a tn ,q"!="0andq m = p n"}` . Then (1) neither R nor S is an equivalence relation (2) S is an equivalence relation but R is not an equivalence relation (3) R and S both are equivalence relations (4) R is an equivalence relation but S is not an equivalence relation

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  4. Let R be the set of real numbers.
    Statement 1:`A={(x,y) in R xx R : y-x` is an integer} is an equivalence relation on R.
    Statement 2: `B= {x,y} in Rxx R : x=alpha y` for some rational number `alpha`} is an equivalence relation on R.

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  5. The domain of the function `f(x)=1/(sqrt(|x|-x))` is: (1) `(-oo,oo)` (2) `(0,oo` (3) `(-oo,""0)` (4) `(-oo,oo)"-"{0}`

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  6. If `a in R` and the equation `-3(x-[x])^2+2(x-[x])+a^2=0` (where [x] denotes the greatest integer `le x`) has no integral solution, then all possible values of a lie in the interval: (1) (-2,-1) (2) `(oo,-2) uu (2,oo)` (3) `(-1,0) uu (0,1)` (4) (1,2)

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  7. If `f(x)+2f(1/x)=3x , x!=0,` and `S={x in R :f(x)=f(-x)}` ; then S: (1) is an empty set. (2) contains exactly one element. (3) contains exactly two elements. (4) contains more than two elements

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  8. The function `f:R->[-1/2,1/2]` defined as `f(x)=x/(1+x^2)` is

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  9. Let `a,b,c in R. " If " f(x) =ax^(2)+bx+c` be such that `a+b+c=3 and f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)+xy, AA x,y in R, " then " sum_(n=1)^(10)f(n)` is equal to

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  10. Let `f:(-pi/2,pi/2)-> RR` be given by `f(x) = (log(sec x + tan x))^3` Then which of the following is wrong?

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  11. Let `f(x)=sin[pi/6sin(pi/2sinx)]` for all `x in RR`

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  12. Let `E_(1)={x in R :x ne 1 and (x)/(x-1) gt 0} and E_(2)={x in E_(1):sin^(-1)(log_(e)((x)/(x-1))) " is real number"}`
    (Here, the inverse trigonometric function `sin^(-1)x` assumes values in `[-(pi)/(2),(pi)/(2)]`.)
    Let `f:E_(1) to R` be the function defined by `f(x)=log_(e)((x)/(x-1)) and g:E_(2) to R` be the function defined by `g(x)=sin^(-1)(log_(e)((x)/(x-1))) .`

    The correct option is

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JEE Previous Year questions and complete solutions for chapter RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS of CENGAGE of Class 12