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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Multiple) of chapter RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Multiple)
Number Of Questions27
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Let `f(x)=sec^(-1)[1+cos^(2)x],` where [.] denotes the greatest integer function. Then the range of `f(x)` is

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  2. Let `f : R rarr[-1,oo] and f(x)= ln([|sin 2 x|+|cos 2 x|])` (where[.] is greatest integer function), then -

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  3. If `f: RvecNuu{0},` where `f` (area of triangle joining points `P(5,0),Q(8,4)a n dR(x , y)` such that angle PRQ is a right angle `=` number of triangles, then which of the following is true? `f(5)=4` (b) `f(7)=0` `f(6, 25)=2` (d) `f(x)i snot`

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  4. The domain of the function `f(x)=(log)_e{(log)_(|sinx|)(x^2-8x+23)-{3/((log)_2|sinx|)}}` contains which of the following interval(s)? (a)`(3,pi)` (b) `(pi,(3pi)/2)` (c) `((3pi)/2,5)` (d) none of these

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  5. Let `f(x)=sgn(cot^(-1)x)+tan(pi/2[x]),` where `[x]` is the greatest integer function less than or equal to `x ,` then which of the following alternatives is/are true? `f(x)` is many-one but not an even function. `f(x)` is a periodic function. `f(x)` is a bounded function. The graph of `f(x)` remains above the x-axis.

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  6. `f(x)=sqrt(1-sin^(2)x)+sqrt(1+tan^(2)x)` then

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  7. If the following functions are defined from `[-1,1]to[-1,1],` select those which are not objective. `sin(s in^(-1)x)` (b) `2/pisin^(-1)(sinx)` `(sgn(x))1N(e^x)` (d) `x^3(sgn(x))`

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  8. Let `f(x)={x^2-4x+3,x<3x-4,xgeq3` `a n dg(x)={x-3,x<4x^2+2x+2,xgeq4` then which of the following is/are true? `(f+g)(3. 5)=0` `f(g(3))=3` `(fg)(2)=1` (d) `(f-g)(4)=0`

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  9. Let `f(x)="max"{1+sin x ,1,1-cosx},x in [0,2pi],a n dg(x)=max{1,|x-1|}, x in Rdot` Then (a)`g(f(0))=1` (b) `g(f(1))=1` (c)`f(f(1))=1` (d) `f(g(0))=1+sin1`

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  10. Consider the function `y=f(x)` satisfying the condition `f(x+1/x)=x^2+1//x^2(x!=0)dot` Then the a)domain of `f(x)i sR` b)domain of `f(x)i sR-(-2,2)` c)range of `f(x)i s[-2,oo]` d)range of `f(x)i s(2,oo)`

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  11. Consider the real-valued function satisfying `2f(sinx)+f(cosx)=xdot` then the domain of `f(x)i sR` domain of `f(x)i s[-1,1]` range of `f(x)` is `[-(2pi)/3,pi/3]` range of `f(x)i sR`

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  12. If `f: R^+vecR^+` is a polynomial function satisfying the functional equation `f(f(x))=6x=f(x),t h e nf(17)` is equal to 17 (b) `51` (c) `34` (d) `-34`

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  13. `f(x)=x^2-2a x+a(a+1),f:[a ,oo)vec[a ,oo)dot` If one of the solution of the equation `f(x)=f^(-1)(x)i s5049 ,` then the other may be 5051 (b) 5048 (c) 5052 (d) 5050

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  14. Which of the following function is/are periodic? `(a)f(x)={1,xi sr a t ion a l0,xi si r r a t ion a l` `(b)f(x)={x-[x];`2n

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  15. Let `f(x)=3/4x+1,f^n(x)b ed efin e da sf^2(x)=f(f(x)),a n dforngeq2,f^(n+1)(x)=f(f^n(x))dotIflambda=(lim)_(nvecoo)f^n(x)` , then `lambda` is independent of `x` `lambda` is a linear polynomial in `x` the line `y=lambda` has slope `0.` the line `4y=lambda` touches the unit circle with centre at the origin.

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  16. lf the fundamental period of function `f(x)=sinx + cos(sqrt(4-a^2))x` is `4pi`, then the value of a is/are

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  17. `f(x)=sin^(-1)[e^(x)]+sin^(-1)[e^(-x)]` where [.] greatest integer function then

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  18. `[2x]-2[x]=lambda` where [.] represents greatest integer function and {.} represents fractional part of a real number then

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  19. The set of all values of x satisfying `{x}=x[xx] " where " [xx]` represents greatest integer function `{xx}` represents fractional part of x

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  20. about to only mathematics

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  21. If the function / satisfies the relation `f(x+y)+f(x-y)=2f(x),f(y)AAx , y in R and f(0)!=0` , then `(a)` `f(x) is an even function` `(b)` `f(x) is an odd function` `(c)` `If` f(2)=a ,then f(-2)=a` `(d)` `If` f(4)=b ,then f(-4)=-b`

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  22. Let `f(x)+f(y)=f(xsqrt(1-y^2)+ysqrt(1-x^2))[f(x)` is not identically zero]. Then `f(4x^3-3x)+3f(x)=0` `f(4x^3-3x)=3f(x)` `f(2xsqrt(1-x^2)+2f(x)=0` `f(2xsqrt(1-x^2)=2f(x)`

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  23. Let `f: RvecR` be a function defined by `f(x+1)=(f(x)-5)/(f(x)-3)AAx in Rdot` Then which of the following statement(s) is/are ture? `f(2008)=f(2004)` `f(2006)=f(2010)` `f(2006)=f(2002)` `f(2006)=f(2018`

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  24. Let a function `f(x), x ne 0` be such that
    `f(x)+f((1)/(x))=f(x)*f((1)/(x))" then " f(x)` can be

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  25. about to only mathematics

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  26. The figure illustrates the graph of the function `y=f(x)` defined in [-3, 2].

    Identify the correct statement(s)?

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  27. If graph of a function `f(x)` which is defined in [-1, 4] is shown in the following figure then identify the correct statement(s).

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Exercise (Multiple) questions and complete solutions for chapter RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS of CENGAGE of Class 12