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Complete Solutions to Exercise 1.14 of chapter RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise 1.14
Number Of Questions13
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `f(x+y+1)={sqrt(f(x))+sqrt(f(y))}^2` and `f(0)=1AAx ,y in R ,determine f(n),n in Ndot`

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  2. Let `g(x)` be a function such that `g(a+b)=g(a)dotg(b)AAa , b in Rdot` If zero is not an element in the range of `g,` then find the value of `g(x)dotg(-x)dot`

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  3. If `f(x+2a)=f(x-2a),t h e np rov et h a tf(x)i sp e r iod i cdot`

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  4. If `f(x+f(y))=f(x)+yAAx ,y in Ra n df(0)=1,` then find the value of `f(7)dot`

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  5. If `f: R^+vecR ,f(x)+3xf(1/x)=2(x+1),t h e nfin df(x)dot`

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  6. `f: RvecR ,f(x^2=x+3)+2f(x^2-3x+5)=6x^2-10 x+17AAx in R ,` then find the function `f(x)dot`

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  7. Consider `f: R^+vecRs u c ht h a tf(3)=1` for `a in R^+a n df(x)dotf(y)+f(3/x)f(3/y)=2f(x y)AAx ,y in R^+dot` Then find `f(x)dot`

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  8. Determine all functions `f: Rvecs u c ht h a tf(x-f(y))=f(f(y))+xf(y)+f(x)-1AAx , ygeq in Rdot`

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  9. Determine the function satisfying `f^2(x+y)=f^2(x)+f^2(y)AAx ,y in Rdot`

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  10. If `f: RvecR` is a function satisfying the property `f(2x+3)+f(2x+7)=2AAx in R ,` then find the fundamental period of `f(x)dot`

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  11. If `f(x)` is an even function and satisfies the relation `x^2dotf(x)-2f(1/x)=g(x),w h e r eg(x)` is an odd function, then find the value of `f(5)dot`

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  12. If `f(a-x)=f(a+x) " and " f(b-x)=f(b+x)` for all real x, where `a, b (a gt b gt 0)` are constants, then prove that `f(x)` is a periodic function.

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  13. A real-valued functin `f(x)` satisfies the functional equation `f(x-y)=f(x)f(y)-f(a-x)f(a+y),` where a given constant and `f(0)=1.` Then prove that `f(x)` is symmetrical about point (a, 0).

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Exercise 1.14 questions and complete solutions for chapter RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS of CENGAGE of Class 12