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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Comprehension) of chapter RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Comprehension)
Number Of Questions32
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Consider the functions
    `f(x)={(x+1",",x le 1),(2x+1",",1lt x le 2):} and g(x)={(x^(2)",", -1 le x lt2),(x+2",",2le x le 3):}`
    The domain of the function `f(g(x))` is

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  2. Consider the functions
    `f(x)={(x+1",",x le 1),(2x+1",",1lt x le 2):} and g(x)={(x^(2)",", -1 le x lt2),(x+2",",2le x le 3):}`
    The range of the function `f(g(x))` is

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  3. If the function `f(x)={(x+1",",x le 1),(2x+1",",1lt x le 2):} and g(x)={(x^(2)",", -1 le x lt2),(x+2",",2le x le 3):}` then the number of roots of the equation `f(g(x))=2`

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  4. Consider the function `f(x)` satisfying the identity `f(x) +f((x-1)/(x))=1+x AA x in R -{0,1}, and g(x)=2f(x)-x+1.`
    The domain of `y=sqrt(g(x))` is

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  5. Consider the function `f(x)` satisfying the identity `f(x) +f((x-1)/(x))=1+x AA x in R -{0,1}, and g(x)=2f(x)-x+1.`
    The number of roots of the equation `g(x)=1` is

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  6. Consider the function f(x) satisfyig the identity `f(x)+f((x-1)/x)=1+x, AA x in R-{0,1}` and `g(x)=2f(x)-x+1`

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  7. If `(f(x))^2+f((1-x)/(1+x))=64 x AA in D_f` then

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  8. If `(f(x))^(2)xxf((1-x)/(1+x))=64x AAx in D_(f),` then
    The domain of `f(x)` is

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  9. If `(f(x))^(2)xxf((1-x)/(1+x))=64x AAx in D_(f),` then
    The value of `f(9//7)` is

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  10. `f(x)={(x-1",",-1 le x le 0),(x^(2)",",0le x le 1):} and g(x)=sinx`
    Consider the functions `h_(1)(x)=f(|g(x)|) and h_(2)(x)=|f(g(x))|.`
    Which of the following is not true about `h_(1)(x)`?

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  11. `f(x)={(x-1",",-1 le x le 0),(x^(2)",",0le x le 1):} and g(x)=sinx`
    Consider the functions `h_(1)(x)=f(|g(x)|) and h_(2)(x)=|f(g(x))|.`
    Which of the following is not true about `h_(2)(x)`?

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  12. `f(x)={(x-1",",-1 le x le 0),(x^(2)",",0le x le 1):} and g(x)=sinx`
    Consider the functions `h_(1)(x)=f(|g(x)|) and h_(2)(x)=|f(g(x))|.`
    If for `h_(1)(x) and h_(2)(x)` are identical functions, then which of the following is not true?

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  13. If `a_0 = x,a_(n+1)= f(a_n)`, where `n = 0, 1, 2, ...,` then answer thefollowing questions. If `f (x) = msqrt(a-x^m),x lt0,m leq 2,m in N`,then

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  14. If `a_(0)=x,a_(n+1)=f(a_(n)), " where " n=0,1,2, …,` then answer the following questions.
    If `f(x)=(1)/(1-x),` then which of the following is not true?

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  15. If `a_(0)=x,a_(n+1)=f(a_(n)), " where " n=0,1,2, …,` then answer the following questions.
    If `f:R to R ` is given by `f(x)=3+4x and a_(n)=A+Bx,` then which of the following is not true?

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  16. Let `f(x)=f_1(x)-2f_2 (x)`, where ,where `f_1(x)={((min{x^2,|x|},|x|le 1),(max{x^2,|x|},|x| le 1))` and `f_2(x)={((min{x^2,|x|},|x| lt 1),({x^2,|x|},|x| le 1))` and let `g(x)={ ((min{f(t):-3letlex,-3 le x le 0}),(max{f(t):0 le t le x,0 le x le 3}))` for `-3 le x le -1` the range of `g(x)` is

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  17. Let `f(x)=f_(1)(x)-2f_(2)(x),` where
    where `f(x)={(min{x^(2)","|x|}",",|x| le 1),(max{x^(2)","|x|}",",|x| gt 1):}`
    and `f_(2)(x)={(min{x^(2)","|x|}",",|x| gt 1),(max{x^(2)","|x|}",",|x| le 1):}`
    and let `g(x)={(min{f(t):-3 le t le x", "-3 le x lt 0}),(max{f(t): 0le t le x", " 0 le x le 3}):}`
    For ` x in (-1,0), f(x)+g(x)` is

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  18. Let `f(x)=f_(1)(x)-2f_(2)(x),` where
    where `f(x)={(min{x^(2)","|x|}",",|x| le 1),(max{x^(2)","|x|}",",|x| gt 1):}`
    and `f_(2)(x)={(min{x^(2)","|x|}",",|x| gt 1),(max{x^(2)","|x|}",",|x| le 1):}`
    and let `g(x)={(min{f(t):-3 le t le x", "-3 le x lt 0}),(max{f(t): 0le t le x", " 0 le x le 3}):}`
    For `-3 le x le -1,` the range of g(x) is

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  19. Let `f(x)={(2x+a",",x ge -1),(bx^(2)+3",",x lt -1):}`
    and `g(x)={(x+4",",0 le x le 4),(-3x-2",",-2 lt x lt 0):}`
    `g(f(x))` is not defined if

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  20. Let `f(x)={(2x+a",",x ge -1),(bx^(2)+3",",x lt -1):}`
    and `g(x)={(x+4",",0 le x le 4),(-3x-2",",-2 lt x lt 0):}`
    If the domain of `g(f(x))" is " [-1, 4],` then

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  21. Let `f(x)={(2x+a",",x ge -1),(bx^(2)+3",",x lt -1):}`
    and `g(x)={(x+4",",0 le x le 4),(-3x-2",",-2 lt x lt 0):}`
    If `a=2 and b=3,` then the range of `g(f(x))` is

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  22. Let `f : R -> R` is a function satisfying `f(2-x) = f(2 + x) and f(20-x)=f(x),AA x in R`. On the basis of above information, answer the following questions If `f(0)=5`, then minimum possible number of values of x satisfying `f(x) = 5`, for `x in [10, 170]` is

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  23. Let `f:R to R ` be a function satisfying `f(2-x)=f(2+x) and f(20-x)=f(x) AA x in R.` For this function `f`, answer the following.
    The graph of `y= f(x)` is not symmetrial about

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  24. Let `f:R to R ` be a function satisfying `f(2-x)=f(2+x) and f(20-x)=f(x) AA x in R.` For this function `f`, answer the following.
    If `f(2) ne f(6),` then the

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  25. Consider two functions
    `f(x)={([x]",",-2le x le -1),(|x|+1",",-1 lt x le 2):} and g(x)={([x]",",-pi le x lt 0),(sinx",",0le x le pi):}`
    where [.] denotes the greatest integer function.
    The number of integral points in the range of `g(f(x))` is

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  26. Consider two functions
    `f(x)={([x]",",-2le x le -1),(|x|+1",",-1 lt x le 2):} and g(x)={([x]",",-pi le x lt 0),(sinx",",0le x le pi):}`
    where [.] denotes the greatest integer function.
    The exhaustive domain of `g(f(x))` is

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  27. Consider two functions
    `f(x)={([x]",",-2le x le -1),(|x|+1",",-1 lt x le 2):} and g(x)={([x]",",-pi le x lt 0),(sinx",",0le x le pi):}`
    where [.] denotes the greatest integer function.
    The exhaustive domain of `g(f(x))` is

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  28. Consider a function f whose domain is [-3, 4] and range is [-2, 2] with following graph.

    Domain and range of `g(x)=f(|x|)` is [a, b] and [c, d] respectively, then `(b-a+c+d)` is

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  29. Consider a function f whose domain is [-3, 4] and range is [-2, 2] with following graph.

    If `h(x)=|f(x)-(3)/(2)|` has range [e, f] and n be number of real solutions of `h(x)=(1)/(4), " then " (n+e+2f)` is

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  30. Consider a differentiable `f:R to R` for which `f(1)=2 and f(x+y)=2^(x)f(y)+4^(y)f(x) AA x , y in R.`
    The value of f(4) is

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  31. Consider a differentiable `f:R to R` for which `f(1)=2 and f(x+y)=2^(x)f(y)+4^(y)f(x) AA x , y in R.`
    The minimum value of `f(x)` is

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  32. Consider a differentiable `f:R to R` for which `f(1)=2 and f(x+y)=2^(x)f(y)+4^(y)f(x) AA x , y in R.`
    The number of solutions of `f(x)=2` is

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Exercise (Comprehension) questions and complete solutions for chapter RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS of CENGAGE of Class 12