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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter INTRODUCTION TO VECTORS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions46
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The vector `veca+vecb` bisects the angle between the vectors `hata and hatb` if (A) `|veca|+|vecb|=0` (B) angle between `veca and vecb` is zero (C) `veca` and `vecb` are equal vector (D) none of these

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  2. if ` vec Ao` + ` vec O B` = ` vec B O` + ` vec O C` ,than prove that B is the midpoint of AC.

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  3. `A B C D E` is pentagon, prove that ` vec A B` + ` vec B C` + ` vec C D` + ` vec D E+ vec E A` = ` vec0` ` vec A B+ vec A E+ vec B C+ vec D C+ vec E D+ vec A C=3 vec A C`

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  4. Prove that the resultant of two forces acting at point O and represented by ` vec O B` and ` vec O C` is given by 2` vec O D` ,where D is the midpoint of BC.

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  5. Prove that the sum of three vectors determined by the medians of a triangle directed from the vertices is zero.

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  6. ABC is a triangle and P any point on BC. if ` vec P Q` is the sum of ` vec A P` + ` vec P B` +` vec P C` , show that ABPQ is a parallelogram and Q , therefore , is a fixed point.

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  7. Two forces ` vec A B` and ` vec A D` are acting at vertex A of a quadrilateral ABCD and two forces ` vec C B` and ` vec C D` at C prove that their resultant is given by 4` vec E F` , where E and F are the midpoints of AC and BD, respectively.

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  8. If O(`vec0`) is the circumcentre and O' the orthocentre of a triangle ABC, then prove that
    i. `vec(OA)+vec(OB)+vec(OC)=vec(OO')`
    ii. `vec(O'A)+vec(O'B)+vec(O'C)=2vec(O'O)`
    iii. `vec(AO')+vec(O'B)+vec(O'C)=2 vec(AO)=vec(AP)`
    where AP is the diameter through A of the circumcircle.

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  9. A unit vector of modulus 2 is equally inclined to `x` - and `y` -axes angle at an angle `pi//3` . Find the length of projection of the vector on the `z` -axis.

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  10. If the projections of vector ` vec a` on `x` -, `y` - and `z` -axes are 2, 1 and 2 units ,respectively, find the angle at which vector ` vec a` is inclined to the `z` -axis.

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  11. Find a vector of magnitude 8 units in the direction of the vector `(5hati - hatj + 2hatk)`.

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  12. सदिश `overline(PQ)`, के अनुदिश मात्रक सदिश ज्ञात कीजिए जहाँ बिंदु P और Q क्रमश: (1,2,3) और (4,5,6) है!

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  13. If `veca = (-hati + hatj - hatk)` and `vecb = (2hati- 2hatj + 2hatk)` then find the unit vector in the direction of `(veca + vecb)`.

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  14. Show that the points A,B and C with position vectors , `veca=3hati-4hatj-4hatk,vecb=2hati-hatj+hatkandvecc=hati-3hatj=5hatk`,respectively form the vertices of a right angled triangle.

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  15. If 2` vec A C` = 3` vec C B` , then prove that 2` vec O A` =3` vec C B` then prove that 2` vec O A` + 3` vec O B` =5` vec O C` where `O` is the origin.

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  16. Prove that points `hati+2hatj-3hatk, 2hati-hatj+hatk and 2hati+5hatj-hatk` form a triangle in space.

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  17. Find the position vector of a point R which divides the line joining two points P and Q whose position vectors are `hat i + 2 hat j - hat k` and `- hat i + hat j + hat k` respectively, in the ratio 2 : 1
    (i) internally (ii) externally

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  18. If `veca, vecb, vecc, vecd` are the position vectors of points `A, B, C and D`, respectively referred to the same origin O such that no three of these points are collinear and `veca+vecc=vecb+vecd`, then prove that quadrilateral `ABCD` is a parallelogram.

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  19. Find the point of intersection of AB and `A(` 6,-7,0),B(16,-19,-4,) , C(0,3,-6) and D(2,-5,10).

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  20. Find the angle of vector ` vec a` = 6` hat i` + 2` hat j` - 3` hat k` with `x` -axis.

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  21. The lines joining the vertices of a tetrahedron to the centroids of opposite faces are concurrent.

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  22. The midpoint of two opposite sides of a quadrilateral and the midpoint of the diagonals are the vertices of a parallelogram. Prove that using vectors.

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  23. Check whether the three vectors `2hati+2hatj+3hatk, vecb=-3hati+3hatj+2hatk and vecc=3hati+4hatk` form a triangle or not.

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  24. Find the resultant of vectors `veca=hati-hatj+2hatk and vecb=hati+2hatj-4hatk`. Find the unit vector in the direction of the resultant vector.

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  25. If in parallelogram ABCD, diagonal vectors are ` vec A C=2 hat i+3 hat j+4 hat k` and ` vec B D=-6 hat i+7 hat j-2 hat k ,` then find the adjacent side vectors ` vec A B` and ` vec A D`

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  26. If two side of a triangle are ` hat i+2 hat ja n d hat i+ hat k` , then find the length of the third side.

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  27. Three coinitial vectors of magnitudes a, 2a and 3a meet at a point and their directions are along the diagonals if three adjacent faces if a cube. Determined their resultant R. Also prove that the sum of the three vectors determinate by the diagonals of three adjacent faces of a cube passing through the same corner, the vectors being directed from the corner, is twice the vector determined by the diagonal of the cube.

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  28. The axes of coordinates are rotated about the z-axis though an angle of `pi//4` in the anticlockwise direction and the components of a vector are 2`sqrt(2),` 3`sqrt(2), 4.` Prove that the components of the same vector in the original system are -1,5,4.

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  29. If the resultant of two forces is equal in magnitude to one of the components and perpendicular to it direction, find the other components using the vector method.

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  30. A man travelling towards east at 8km/h finds that the wind seems to blow directly from the north On doubling the speed, he finds that it appears to come from the north-east. Find the velocity of the wind.

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  31. OABCDE is a regular hexagon of side 2 units in the XY-plane in the first quadrant. O being the origin and OA taken along the x-axis. A point P is taken on a line parallel to the z-axis through the centre of the hexagon at a distance of 3 unit from O in the positive Z direction. Then find vector AP.

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  32. If `veca=7hati-4hatj-4hatk and vecb=-2hati-hatj+2hatk`, determine vector `vecc` along the internal bisector of the angle between vectors `veca and vecb` such that `|vecc|= 5sqrt6`.

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  33. Find a unit vector `vecc` if `-hati+hatj-hatk` bisects the angle between vectors `vecc` and `3hati+4hatj`.

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  34. The vectors `2i+3 hat j ,5 hat i+6 hat j` and 8` hat i+lambda hat j` have initial points at (1, 1). Find the value of `lambda` so that the vectors terminate on one straight line.

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  35. If `veca, vecb and vecc` are three non-zero vectors, no two of which are collinear, `veca +2 vecb` is collinear with `vecc and vecb + 3 vecc` is collinear with `veca`, then find the value of `|veca + 2vecb + 6vecc|`.

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  36. Let `A=(1,2,3) , B=(3,−1,5) , C=(4,0,−3) `, then `angle A` is

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  37. Check whether the given three vectors are coplanar or non-coplanar. `-2 hat i-2 hat j+4 hat k ,-2 hat i+4 hat j ,4 hat i-2 hat j-2 hat k`

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  38. Prove that the four points `6 hat i-7 hat j ,16 hat i-19 hat j-4 hat k ,3 hat j-6 hat ka n d2 hat i+5 hat j+10 hat5` form a tetrahedron in space.

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  39. If ` vec aa n d vec b` are two non-collinear vectors, show that points `l_1 vec a+m_1 vec b ,l_2 vec a+m_2 vec b` and `l_3 vec a+m_3 vec b` are collinear if `|l_1l_2l_3m_1m_2m_3 1 1 1|=0.`

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  40. The vectors `veca and vecb ` are non collinear. Find for what value of x the vectors `vecc=(x-2)veca+vecb and vecd=(2x+1) veca-vecb` are collinear.?

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  41. The median AD of the triangle ABC is bisected at E and BE meets AC at F. Find AF:FC.

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  42. Prove that the necessary and sufficient condition for any four points in three-dimensional space to be coplanar is that there exists a liner relation connecting their position vectors such that the algebraic sum of the coefficients (not all zero) in it is zero.

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  43. If the four points with position vectors `−2 hat i+ hat j+ hat k, hat i+ hat j + hat k, hat j – hat k` and `λ hat j+ hat k` are coplanar, then `λ=`

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  44. If `veca, vecb and vecc` are non-coplanar vectors, prove that the four points `2veca+3vecb-vecc, veca-2vecb+3vecc, 3veca+4vecb-2vecc and veca-6vecb+ 6 vecc` are coplanar.

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  45. Let P be an interior point of a triangle ABC and AP, BP, CP meet the sides BC, CA, AB in D, E, F, respectively. Show that `(AP)/(PD)=(AF)/(FB)+(AE)/(EC)`.

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  46. Points `A( vec a),B( vec b),C( vec c)a n dD( vec d)` are relates as `x vec a+y vec b+z vec c+w vec d=0` and `x+y+z+w=0,w h e r ex ,y ,z ,a n dw` are scalars (sum of any two of `x ,y ,zn a dw` is not zero). Prove that if `A ,B ,Ca n dD` are concylic, then `|x y|| vec a- vec b|^2=|w z|| vec c- vec d|^2dot`

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter INTRODUCTION TO VECTORS of CENGAGE of Class 12