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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Reasoning Questions) of chapter INTRODUCTION TO VECTORS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Reasoning Questions)
Number Of Questions11
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Each question has four choices a, b, c, and d, out of which only one is correct. Each question contains STATEMENT 1 and STATEMENT 2. a. Both the statements are TRUE and statement 2 is the correct explanation for Statement 1. b. Both the statements are TRUE but Statement 2 is NOT the correct explanation for Statement 1. c. Statement 1 is TRUE and Statement 2 is FALSE. d. Statement 1 is FALSE and Statement 2 is TRUE. A vector has components `p` and 1 with respect to a rectangular Cartesian system. The axes are rotted through an angel `alpha` about the origin the anticlockwise sense. Statement 1: IF the vector has component `p+2` and 1 with respect to the new system, then `p=-1.` Statement 2: Magnitude of the origin vector and the new vector remains the same.

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  2. Statement 1: if three points `P ,Qa n dR` have position vectors ` vec a , vec b ,a n d vec c` , respectively, and `2 vec a+3 vec b-5 vec c=0,` then the points `P ,Q ,a n dR` must be collinear. Statement 2: If for three points `A ,B ,a n dC , vec A B=lambda vec A C ,` then points `A ,B ,a n dC` must be collinear.

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  3. Statement 1: If ` vec ua n d vec v` are unit vectors inclined at an angle `alphaa n d vec x` is a unit vector bisecting the angle between them, then ` vec x=( vec u+ vec v)//(2sin(alpha//2)dot` Statement 2: If `"Delta"A B C` is an isosceles triangle with `A B=A C=1,` then the vector representing the bisector of angel `A` is given by ` vec A D=( vec A B+ vec A C)//2.`

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  4. Statement 1: If `cosalpha,cosbeta,a n dcosgamma` are the direction cosines of any line segment, then `cos^2alpha+cos^2beta+cos^2gamma=1.` Statement 2: If cosalpha,cosbeta,a n dcosgamma are the direction cosines of any line segment, then cos2alpha+cos2beta+cos2gamma=1.

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  5. Statement 1: The direction cosines of one of the angular bisectors of two intersecting line having direction cosines as `l_1,m_1, n_1a n dl_2, m_2, n_2` are proportional to `l_1+l_2,m_1+m_2, n_1+n_2dot` Statement 2: The angle between the two intersection lines having direction cosines as `l_1,m_1, n_1a n dl_2, m_2, n_2` is given by `costheta=l_1l_2+m_1m_2+n_1n_2dot`

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  6. Statement 1: In `"Delta"A B C , vec A B+ vec A B+ vec C A=0` Statement 2: If ` vec O A= vec a , vec O B= vec b ,t h e n vec A B= vec a+ vec b`

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  7. Statement 1 : `veca = 3 veci + p vecj +3veck and vecb = 2veci + 3vecj + qveck` are parallel vectors if `p = 9//2 and q =2`.
    Statement 2 : If `veca= a_1 veci + a_2 vecj + a_3 veck and vecb = b_1 veci + b_2 vecj + b_3veck` are parallel, then `(a_1)/(b_1) = (a_2)/(b_2)= (a_3)/(b_3) `.

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  8. Statement 1 : If `|veca + vecb| = |veca - vecb|`, then `veca and vecb` are perpendicular to each other.
    Statement 2 : If the diagonals of a parallelogram are equal in magnitude, then the parallelogram is a rectangle.

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  9. Statement 1 : Let `A(veca), B(vecb) and C(vecc)` be three points such that `veca = 2hati +hatk , veb = 3hati -hatj +3hatk and vecc =-hati +7hatj -5hatk`. Then OABC is tetrahedron.
    Statement 2 : Let `A(veca) , B(vecb) and C(vecc)` be three points such that vectors `veca, vecb and vecc` are non-coplanar. Then OABC is a tetrahedron, where O is the origin.

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  10. Statement 1: Let ` vec a , vec b , vec ca n d vec d` be the position vectors of four points `A ,B ,Ca n dD` and `3 vec a-2 vec b+5 vec c-6 vec d=0.` Then points `A ,B ,C ,a n dD` are coplanar. Statement 2: Three non-zero, linearly dependent coinitial vector `( vec P Q , vec P Ra n d vec P S)` are coplanar. Then ` vec P Q=lambda vec P R+mu vec P S ,w h e r elambdaa n dmu` are scalars.

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  11. Statement 1 : If `|veca | = 3, |vecb| = 4 and |veca + vecb| = 5`, then `|veca - vecb|=5`.
    Statement 2 : The length of the diagonals of a rectangle is the same.

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Exercise (Reasoning Questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter INTRODUCTION TO VECTORS of CENGAGE of Class 12