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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Multiple) of chapter INTRODUCTION TO VECTORS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Multiple)
Number Of Questions13
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The vectors `x hati + (x+1)hatj + (x+2)hatk, (x+3)hati+ (x+4)hatj + (x+5)hatk and (x+6)hati + (x+7)hatj+ (x+8)hatk` are coplanar if x is equal to

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  2. The sides of a parallelogram are `2hati +4hatj -5hatk and hati + 2hatj +3hatk `. The unit vector parallel to one of the diagonals is

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  3. The vector ` vec a` has the components `2p` and 1 w.r.t. a rectangular Cartesian system. This system is rotated through a certain angel about the origin in the counterclockwise sense. If, with respect to a new system, ` vec a` has components `(p+1)a n d1` , then `p` is equal to a. `-4` b. `-1//3` c. `1` d. `2`

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  4. If points `hati+hatj, hati -hatj and p hati +qhatj+rhatk` are collinear, then

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  5. If `veca, vecb, vecc` are non coplanar vectors and `lamda` is a real number, then the vectors `veca+2vecb+3vecc, lamdavecb+4cvec` and `(2lamda-1)vecc` are non coplanar for

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  6. If the resultant of three forces `vecF_1 = p hati + 3hatj -hatk, vecF_2 = 6hati-hatk and vecF_3 =-5hati +hatj +2hatk` acting on a particle has a magnitude equal to 5 units, then the value of `p` is

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  7. If the vectors `hati-hatj, hatj+hatk and veca` form a triangle then `veca` may be (A) `-hati-hatk` (B) `hati-2hatj-hatk` (C) `2hati+hatj+hatjk` (D) hati+hatk`

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  8. The vector ` hat i+x hat j+3 hat k` is rotated through an angle `theta` and doubled in magnitude, then it becomes `4 hat i+(4x-2)dot hat j+2 hat k` . Then value of `x` are `-2/3` (b) `1/3` (c) `2/3` (d) 2

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  9. `veca, vecb and vecc` are three coplanar unit vectors such that `veca + vecb + vecc=0`. If three vectors `vecp, vecq and vecr` are parallel to `veca, vecb and vecc`, respectively, and have integral but different magnitudes, then among the following options, `|vecp +vecq + vecr|` can take a value equal to

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  10. If non-zero vectors `veca and vecb` are equally inclined to coplanar vector `vecc`, then `vecc` can be

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  11. If `A(-4,0,3)a n dB(14 ,2,-5),` then which one of the following points lie on the bisector of the angle between ` vec O Aa n d vec O B(O` is the origin of reference )? a. `(2,2,4)` b. `(2, 11 ,5)` c. `(-3,-3,-6)` d. `(1,1,2)`

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  12. In a four-dimensional space where unit vectors along the axes are ` hat i , hat j , hat ka n d hat l ,a n d vec a_1, vec a_2, vec a_3, vec a_4` are four non-zero vectors such that no vector can be expressed as a linear combination of others and `(lambda-1)( vec a_1- vec a_2)+mu( vec a_2+ vec a_3)+gamma( vec a_3+ vec a_4-2 vec a_2)+ vec a_3+delta vec a_4=0,` then a. `lambda=1` b. `mu=-2//3` c. `gamma=2//3` d. `delta=1//3`

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  13. Let ABC be a triangle, the position vectors of whose vertices are respectively `7 hatj + 10 hatk , -hati + 6 hat j + 6 hatk and -4 hati + 9 hatj + 6 hat k . " Then, " Delta ABC ` is

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Exercise (Multiple) questions and complete solutions for chapter INTRODUCTION TO VECTORS of CENGAGE of Class 12