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Complete Solutions to Exercise 1.2 of chapter INTRODUCTION TO VECTORS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise 1.2
Number Of Questions7
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If ` vec a , vec b , vec ca n d vec d` are four vectors in three-dimensional space with the same initial point and such that `3 vec a+2 vec b+ vec c-2 vec d=0` , show that terminals `A ,B ,Ca n d D` of these vectors are coplanar. Find the point at which `A Ca n dB D` meet. Find the ratio in which `P` divides `A Ca n dB Ddot`

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  2. Show that the vectors `2veca-vecb+3vecc, veca+vecb-2vecc and veca+vecb-3vecc` are non-coplanar vectors (where `veca, vecb, vecc` are non-coplanar vectors).

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  3. Examine the following vectors for linear independence :
    i. `veci+vecj+veck, 2veci+vecj-veck, -veci -2vecj+2veck`
    ii. `3veci+vecj-veck, 2veci-vecj+7veck, 7veci-vecj+13veck`

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  4. If `veca and vecb` are non-collinear vectors and `vecA= (p+4q)veca+ (2p+q+1)vecb and vecB= (-2p+q+2)veca+ (2p-3q-1)vecb`, and if `3vecA= 2vecB`, then determine `p and q`.

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  5. If `veca, vecb and vecc` are any three non-coplanar vectors, then prove that points `l_(1)veca+ m_(1)vecb+ n_(1)vecc, l_(2)veca+m_(2)vecb+n_(2)vecc, l_(3)veca+m_(3)vecb+ n_(3)vecc, l_(4)veca + m_(4)vecb+ n_(4)vecc` are coplanar if `|{:(l_(1),, l_(2),,l_(3),,l_(4)),(m_(1),,m_(2),,m_(3),,m_(4)), (n_1,,n_2,, n_3,,n_4),(1,,1,,1,,1):}|=0`

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  6. If `veca, vecb and vecc` are three non-zero, non-coplanar vectors,then find the linear relation between the following four vectors : `veca-2vecb+3vecc, 2veca-3vecb+4vecc, 3veca-4vecb+ 5vecc, 7veca-11vecb+15vecc`.

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  7. Let `a ,b ,c` be distinct non-negative numbers and the vectors `a hat i+a hat j+c hat k , hat i+ hat k ,c hat i+c hat j+b hat k` lie in a plane, and then prove that the quadratic equation `a x^2+2c x+b=0` has equal roots.

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Exercise 1.2 questions and complete solutions for chapter INTRODUCTION TO VECTORS of CENGAGE of Class 12