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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter COMPLEX NUMBERS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Evaluate :
    (i) `i^(135)`
    (ii) `i^((1)/(47)`
    (iii) `(-sqrt(-1))^(4n +3) , n in N`
    (iv) `sqrt(-25) + 3sqrt(-4) + 2 sqrt(-9)`

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  2. Find the value of `i^n+i^(n+1)+i^(n+2)+i^(n+3)` for all `n in Ndot`

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  3. Find the value of `1+i^2+i^4+i^6++i^(2n)`

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  4. Show that the polynomial `x^(4p)+x^(4q+1)+x^(4r+2)+x^(4s+3)` is divisible by `x^3+x^2+x+1, w h e r ep ,q ,r ,s in ndot`

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  5. Solve:
    `i x^2-3x-2i=0,`

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  6. If `z=4+isqrt(7)` , then find the value of `z^3-4z^2-9z+91.`

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  7. Express each of the following in the standerd from ` a + ib`
    (i) `(5+4i)/(4+ 5i)` (ii) ` ((1 +i)^(2))/(3-i)` (iii)` (1)/(1-cos theta + 2i sintheta)`

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  8. The root of the equation `2(1 + i) x^2-4(2-i) x-5-3 i = 0,` where `i = sqrt(-1),` which has greater modulus is

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  9. Find the value of `(1+ i)^(6) + (1-i)^(6)`

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  10. If `((1+i)/(1-i))^(m)=1`, then find the least positive integral value of m.

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  11. Prove that the triangle formed by the points `1,(1+i)/(sqrt(2)),a n di` as vertices in the Argand diagram is isosceles.

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  12. Find the value of `theta` if `(3+2isintheta)/(1-2isintheta)` is purely real or purely imaginary.

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  13. If the imaginary part of `(2z+1)//(i z+1)` is -2, then find the locus of the point representing in the complex plane.

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  14. If z is a complex number such that `|z - barz| +|z + barz| = 4` then find the area bounded by the locus of z.

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  15. If `(x+i y)^5=p+i q ,` then prove that `(y+i x)^5=q+i pdot`

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  16. If z = x + iy lies in the third quadrant, then prove that `(barz)/(z)` also lies in the third quadrant when `y lt x lt 0`

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  17. Prove that `(sqrt(3)/(2) +(i)/(2))^(5) + (sqrt(3)/(2) -(i)/(2))^(5)` is purely real.

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  18. Find the relation if `z_1, z_2, z_3, z_4` are the affixes of the vertices of a parallelogram taken in order.

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  19. Let `z_1, z_2, z_3` be three complex numbers and `a ,b ,c` be real numbers not all zero, such that `a+b+c=0a n da z_1+b z_2+c z_3=0.` Show that `z_1, z_2,z_3` are collinear.

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  20. Find real values of `x` and `y` for which the complex numbers `-3+i x^2y` and `x^2+y+4i` are conjugate of each other.

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  21. Given that x, `y in R`. Solve: `x/(1+2i)+y/(3+2i)=(5+6i)/(8i-1)`

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  22. If `(x+i y)^3=u+i v ,`then show that `u/x+v/y=4(x^2-y^2)`.

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  23. Let `z` be a complex number satisfying the equation `z^3-(3+i)z+m+2i=0,w h e r em in Rdot` Suppose the equation has a real root. Then root non-real root.

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  24. Show that the equation `Z^4+2Z^3+3Z^2+4Z+5=0` has no root which is either purely real or purely imaginary.

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  25. Find the square roots of the following:
    (i) `7-24 i` (ii) `5+12 i`

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  26. Find all possible values of `sqrt(i)+sqrt(-i)dot`

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  27. Solve the following for z: `z^2-(3-2i)z=(5i-5)`

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  28. Solve the equation `(x-1)^3+8=0` in the set C of all complex numbers.

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  29. If `n` is n odd integer that is greater than or equal to 3 but not la ultiple of 3, then prove that `(x+1)^n=x^n-1` is divisible by `x^3+x^2+xdot`

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  30. `omega` is an imaginary root of unity.
    Prove that
    (i) `( a + bomega + comega^(2))^(3) + (a+bomega^(2) + comega)^(3) = (2a-b-c)(2b -a -c)(2c -a-b)`
    (ii) If `a+b+c = 0` then prove that `(a + bomega + comega^(2))^(3)+(a+bomega^(2) + comega)^(3) = 27abc`.

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  31. Find the complex number `omega` satisfying the equation `z^3-8i` and lying in the second quadrant on the complex plane.

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  32. `(1)/(a + omega) + (1)/(b+omega) +(1)/(c + omega) + (1)/(d + omega) =(1)/(omega)` where, a,b,c,d, `in` R and `omega` is a complex cube root of unity then find the value of `sum (1)/(a^(2)-a+1)`

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  33. Write the following complex number in polar form :
    (i) `-3 sqrt(2) + 3 sqrt(2) i`
    (ii) `1+i`
    (iii) `(1+7i)/(2-i)^2`

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  34. Let `z_(1)= cos 12^(@) + I sin 12^(@) and z_(2) = cos 48^(@) + i. sin 48^(@)`. Write complex number `(z_(1) + z_(2))` in polar form. Find its modulus and argument.

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  35. Covert the complex number `z = 1 + cos (8pi)/(5) + i. sin (8pi)/(5)` in polar form. Find its modulus and argument.

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  36. z and `omega` are two nonzero complex number such that `|z|=|omega|" and "Argz+Arg omega= pi` then z equals

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  37. Find the numbers of non-zero integral solutions of the equation `|1-i|^(x) =2^(x)`

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  38. Let z be a complex number satisfying `|z| = 3 |z-1|`. Then prove that `|z-(9)/(8)| = (3)/(8)`

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  39. If complex number z=x +iy satisfies the equation `Re (z+1) = |z-1|`, then prove that z lies on `y^(2) = 4x`.

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  40. Solve the equation `|z|=z+1+2i`

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  41. Find the range of real number `alpha` for which the equation `z+alpha|z-1|+2i=0` has a solution.

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  42. Find the Area bounded by complex numbers `arg|z|lepi/4` and `|z-1|lt|z-3|`

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  43. Prove that traingle by complex numbers `z_(1),z_(2)` and `z_(3)` is equilateral if `|z_(1)|=|z_(2)| = |z_(3)|` and `z_(1) + z_(2) + z_(3)=0`

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  44. Show that `e^(2m itheta)((icottheta+1)/(i cottheta-1))^m=1.`

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  45. `Z_1!=Z_2` are two points in an Argand plane. If `a|Z_1|=b|Z_2|,` then prove that `(a Z_1-b Z_2)/(a Z_1+b Z_2)` is purely imaginary.

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  46. Find the real part of `(1-i)^(-i)dot`

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  47. If `(sqrt(8)+i)^(50)=3^(49)(a+i b)` , then find the value of `a^2+b^2dot`

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  48. Show that `(x^2+y^2)^4=(x^4-6x^2y^2+y^4)^2+(4x^3y-4x y^3)^2dot`

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  49. If `a rg(z_1)=170^0a n d arg(z_2)70^0` , then find the principal argument of `z_1z_2dot`

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  50. The value of `(cos"" (pi)/(2)+isin ""(pi)/(2))(cos ((pi)/(2^2))+isin((pi)/(2^2))) (cos ((pi)/(2^3))+isin((pi)/(2^3)))"`
    `………."oo` is

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  51. Find the principal argument of the complex number `((1+i)^5(1+sqrt(3i))^2)/(-1i(-sqrt(3)+i))`

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  52. If `z=((sqrt(3)+i)^(17))/((1-i)^(50))` , then find `a m p(z)dot`

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  53. If `z=x+i ya n dw=(1-i z)//(z-i)` , then show that `|w|=1 z` is purely real.

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  54. It is given the complex numbers `z_(1) ` and `z_(2)`, `|z_(1)| =2` and `|z_(2)| =3`. If the included angle of their corresponding vectors is `60^(@)` , then find value of `|(z_(1) +z_(2))/(z_(1) -z_(2))|`

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  55. Solve the equation `z^(3) = barz (z ne 0)`

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  56. If `2z_1//3z_2` is a purely imaginary number, then find the value of `"|"(z_1-z_2")"//(z_1+z_2)|dot`

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  57. Find the complex number satisfying the system of equations `z^3+ omega^7=0a n dz^5omega^(11)=1.`

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  58. Express the following in `a + ib` form:
    (i) `((cos theta+ isin theta)/(sin theta + icos theta))^(4)`
    (ii)` ((cos 2theta -isin2theta)^(4)(cos4theta +isin4theta)^(-5))/((cos 3theta +isin3theta)^(-2) (cos 3theta -isin 3theta)^(-9))`
    (iii) ` ((sinpi//8 +icos pi//8)^(8))/((sinpi//8-icospi//8)^(8))`

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  59. If `z=(sqrt(3)/2+i/2)^5+(sqrt(3)/2-i/2)^5` , then prove that `Im(z)=0`

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  60. Prove that the roots of the equation `x^4-2x^2+4=0` forms a rectangle.

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  61. If `z+1//z=2costheta,` prove that `|(z^(2n)-1)//(z^(2n)+1)|=|tanntheta|`

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  62. If `z=x+iy` is a complex number with `x, y in Q and |z| = 1`, then show that `|z^(2n)-1|` is a rational numberfor every `n in N`.

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  63. If `z=costheta+isintheta` is a root of the equation `a_0z^n+a_2z^(n-2)++a_(n-1)z^+a_n=0,` then prove that `a_0+a_1costheta+a_2^cos2theta++a_ncosntheta=0` `a_1"sin"theta+a_2^sin2theta++a_nsinntheta=0`

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  64. If `|z_1|=1,|z_2|=2,|z_3|=3,a n d|9z_1z_2+4z_1z_3+z_2z_3+3|=12 ,` then find the value of `|z_1+z_2+z+3|dot`

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  65. If `alpha" and "beta` are complex numbers such that `|beta|=1, " then "|(beta - alpha)/(1-bar(alpha)beta)|=`

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  66. Prove that `|z_1+z_2|^2=|z_1|^2, ifz_1//z_2` is purely imaginary.

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  67. Let `|(( z )_1-2( z )_2)//(2-z_1( z )_2)|=1a n d|z_2|!=1,w h e r ez_1a n dz_2` are complex numbers. Show that `|z_1|=2.`

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  68. If `z_1a n dz_2` are two complex numbers and `c >0` , then prove that `|z_1+z_2|^2lt=(1+c)|z_1|^2+(1+c^(-1))|z_2|^2dot`

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  69. If `z_1, z_2, z_3, z_4` are the affixes of four point in the Argand plane, `z` is the affix of a point such that `|z-z_1|=|z-z_2|=|z-z_3|=|z-z_4|` , then `z_1, z_2, z_3, z_4` are

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  70. if `|z_1+z_2|=|z_1|+|z_2|,` then prove that `a r g(z_1)=a r g(z_2)` if `|z_1-z_2|=|z_1|+|z_2|,` then prove that `a r g(z_1)=a r g(z_2)=pi`

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  71. Show that the area of the triangle on the Argand diagram formed by the complex number `z ,i za n dz+i z` is `1/2|z|^2`

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  72. Find the minimum value of `|z-1` if `||z-3|-|z+1||=2.`

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  73. Find the greatest and the least value of `|z_1+z_2|` if`z_1=24+7ia n d|z_2|=6.`

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  74. If `z` is a complex number, then find the minimum value of `|z|+|z-1|+|2z-3|dot`

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  75. If `|z_1-1|lt=,|z_2-2|lt=2,|z_(33)|lt=3,` then find the greatest value of `|z_1+z_2+z_3|dot`

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  76. Prove that following inequalities:
    (i) `|(z)/(|z|) -1| le |arg z|` (ii) `|z-1|le|z| |arg z | + |z|-1|`

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  77. Identify the locus of `z` if ` z = a +(r^2)/(z-a),> 0.`

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  78. If `z` is any complex number such that `|3z-2|+|3z+2|=4` , then identify the locus of `zdot`

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  79. If `|z|=1` and let `omega=((1-z)^2)/(1-z^2)` , then prove that the locus of `omega` is equivalent to `|z-2|=|z+2`

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  80. Let `z` be a complex number having the argument `theta,0

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  81. How many solutions the system of equations `||z + 4 |-|z-3i|| =5` and |z| = 4 ` has ?

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  82. Prove that `|Z-Z_1|^2+|Z-Z_2|^2=a` will represent a real circle [with center `(|Z_1+Z_2|^//2+)` ] on the Argand plane if `2ageq|Z_1-Z_1|^2`

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  83. If `|z-2-3i|^(2) + |z- 5 - 7i|^(2)= lambda` respresents the equation of circle with least radius, then find the value of `lambda`.

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  84. If `(|2z - 3|)/(|z-i|)= k` is the equation of circle with complex number 'I' lying inside the circle, find the values of K.

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  85. Find the point of intersection of the curves `a r g(z-3i)=(3pi)/4a n d arg(2z+1-2i)=pi//4.`

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  86. If complex numbers `z_(1)z_(2)` and `z_(3)` are such that `|z_(1)| = |z_(2)| = |z_(3)|`, then prove that `arg((z_(2))/(z_(1)) = arg ((z_(2) - z_(3))/(z_(1) - z_(3)))^(2)`

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  87. If the triangle fromed by complex numbers `z_(1), z_(2)` and `z_(3)` is equilateral then prove that `(z_(2) + z_(3) -2z_(1))/(z_(3) - z_(2))` is purely imaginary number

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  88. Show that the equation of a circle passings through the origin and having intercepts a and b on real and imaginary axis, respectively, on the argand plane is `Re ((z-a)/(z-ib)) = 0`

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  89. The triangle formed by `A(z_(1)), B(z_(2)) and C(z_(3))` has its circumcentre at origin .If the perpendicular form A to BC intersect the circumference at `z_(4)` then the value of `z_(1)z_(4) + z_(2)z_(3)` is

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  90. Let vertices of an acute-angled triangle are `A(z_1),B(z_2),a n dC(z_3)dot` If the origin `O` is he orthocentre of the triangle, then prove that `z_1( z )_2+( z )_1z_2=_2( z )_3+( z )_2z_3=z_3( z )_1+( z )_(3)z_1dot`

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  91. If `z_1, z_2, z_3` are three complex numbers such that `5z_1-13 z_2+8z_3=0,` then prove that `|z_1( z )_1 1z_2( z )_2 1z_3( z )_3 1|=0`

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  92. If `z=z_0+A( z -( z )_0), w h e r eA` is a constant, then prove that locus of `z` is a straight line.

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  93. `z_1a n dz_2` are the roots of `3z^2+3z+b=0.` if `O(0),(z_1),(z_2)` form an equilateral triangle, then find the value of `bdot`

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  94. Let `z_(1),z_(2)` and `z_(3)` be three complex number such that `|z_(1)-1|= |z_(2) - 1| = |z_(3) -1| and arg ((z_(3) - z_(1))/(z_(2) -z_(1))) = (pi)/(6)`
    then prove that `z_(2)^(3) + z_(3)^(3) + 1 = z_(2) + z_(3) + z_(2)z_(3)`.

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  95. Let the complex numbers `z_(1),z_(2)` and `z_(3)` be the vertices of an equailateral triangle. If `z_(0)` is the circumcentre of the triangle , then prove that ` z_(1)^(2) + z_(2)^(2) + z_(3)^(2) = 3z_(0)^(2)`.

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  96. In the Argands plane what is the locus of `z(!=1)` such that `a rg{3/2((2z^2-5z+3)/(2z^2-z-2))}=(2pi)/3dot`

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  97. If `((3-z_1)/(2-z_1))((2-z_2)/(3-z_2))=k(k >0)` , then prove that points `A(z_1),B(z_2),C(3),a n dD(2)` (taken in clockwise sense) are concyclic.

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  98. If `z_1, z_2, z_3` are complex numbers such that `(2//z_1)=(1//z_2)+(1//z_3),` then show that the points represented by `z_1, z_2()_, z_3` lie one a circle passing through e origin.

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  99. `A(z_1),B(z_2),C(z_3)` are the vertices of he triangle `A B C` (in anticlockwise). If `/_A B C=pi//4` and `A B=sqrt(2)(B C)` , then prove that `z_2=z_3+i(z_1-z_3)dot`

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  100. If one of the vertices of the square circumscribing the circle `|z - 1| = sqrt2` is `2+ sqrt3 iota`. Find the other vertices of square

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter COMPLEX NUMBERS of CENGAGE of Class 12