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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Comprehension) of chapter COMPLEX NUMBERS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Comprehension)
Number Of Questions33
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Consider the complex number `z = (1 - isin theta)//(1+ icos theta)`.
    The value of `theta` for which z is purely real are

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  2. Consider the complex number `z = (1 - isin theta)//(1+ icos theta)`.
    The value of `theta` for which z is purely imaginary are

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  3. Consider the complex number `z = (1 - isin theta)//(1+ icos theta)`.
    The value of `theta` for which z is unimodular give by

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  4. Consider the complex number `z = (1 - isin theta)//(1+ icos theta)`.
    If agrument of z is `pi//4`, then

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  5. Consider the complex numbers `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` Satisfying the relation `|z_(1)+z_(2)|^(2)=|z_(1)| + |z_(2)|^(2)` Complex number `z_(1)barz_(2)` is

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  6. Consider the complex numbers `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` Satisfying the relation `|z_(1)+z_(2)|^(2)=|z_(1)| + |z_(2)|^(2)`
    Complex number `z_(1)//z_(2)` is

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  7. Consider the complex numbers `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` Satisfying the relation `|z_(1)+z_(2)|^(2)=|z_(1)| + |z_(2)|^(2)`
    One of the possible argument of complex number `i(z_(1)//z_(2))`

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  8. Consider the complex numbers `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` Satisfying the relation `|z_(1)+z_(2)|^(2)=|z_(1)|^(2) + |z_(2)|^(2)` Possible difference between the argument of `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` is

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  9. Let z be a complex number satisfying `z^(2) + 2zlambda + 1=0` , where `lambda ` is a parameter which can take any real value.
    The roots of this equation lie on a certain circle if

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  10. Let z be a complex number satisfying `z^(2) + 2zlambda + 1=0` , where `lambda ` is a parameter which can take any real value.
    One root lies inside the unit circle and one outside if

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  11. Let z be a complex number satisfying `z^(2) + 2zlambda + 1=0` , where `lambda ` is a parameter which can take any real value.
    For every large value of `lambda` the roots are approximately.

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  12. The roots of the equation `z^(4) + az^(3) + (12 + 9i)z^(2) + bz = 0` (where a and b are complex numbers) are the vertices of a square. Then
    The value of `|a-b|` is

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  13. The roots of the equation `z^(4) + az^(3) + (12 + 9i)z^(2) + bz = 0` (where a and b are complex numbers) are the vertices of a square. Then The area of the square is

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  14. Consider a quadratic equaiton `az^(2) + bz + c=0`, where a,b,c are complex number.
    The condition that the equation has one purely imaginary root is

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  15. Consider a quadratic equaiton `az^(2) + bz + c=0`, where a,b,c are complex number. If equaiton has two purely imaginary roots, then which of the following is not ture.

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  16. Consider a quadratic equaiton `az^(2) + bz + c=0`, where a,b,c are complex number.
    The condition that the equaiton has one purely real roots is

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  17. Suppose z and `omega` are two complex number such that `|z + iomega| = 2`. Which of the following is ture about `|z|` and `|omega|`?

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  18. Suppose z and `omega` are two complex number such that Which of the following is true for z and `omega`?

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  19. Suppose z and `omega` are two complex number such that `|z|leq1` , `|omega|leq1` and `|z+iomega|=|z-ibar omega|=2` The complex number of `omega` can be

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  20. Consider the equaiton of line `abarz + abarz+ abarz + b=0`, where b is a real parameter and a is fixed non-zero complex number.
    The intercept of line on real axis is given by

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  21. Consider the equaiton of line `abarz + abarz+ abarz + b=0`, where b is a real parameter and a is fixed non-zero complex number.
    The intercept of line on imaginary axis is given by

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  22. Consider the equaiton of line `abarz + abarz+ abarz + b=0`, where b is a real parameter and a is fixed non-zero complex number.
    The locus of mid-point of the line intercepted between real and imaginary axis is given by

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  23. Consider the equation `az + bar(bz) + c =0`, where a,b,c `in`Z
    If `|a| ne |b|`, then z represents

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  24. Consider the equation `az + bar(bz) + c =0`, where a,b,c `in`Z
    If `|a| = |b| and barac ne b barc`, then z has

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  25. Consider the equation `az + bar(bz) + c =0`, where a,b,c `in`Z
    If `|a| = |b| ne 0 and az + b barc+ c=0` represents

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  26. Complex numbers z satisfy the equaiton `|z-(4//z)|=2`
    The difference between the least and the greatest moduli of complex number is

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  27. Complex numbers z satisfy the equaiton `|z-(4//z)|=2`
    The value of `arg(z_(1)//z_(2))` where `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` are complex numbers with the greatest and the least moduli, can be

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  28. Complex numbers z satisfy the equaiton `|z-(4//z)|=2`
    Locus of z if `|z-z_(1)| = |z-z_(2)|`, where `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` are complex numbers with the greatest and the least moduli, is

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  29. In an Agrad plane `z_(1),z_(2) and z_(3)` are, respectively, the vertices of an isosceles trinagle ABC with AC= BC and `/_CAB = theta`. If `z_(4)` is incentre of triangle, then
    The value of `AB xx AC// (IA)^(2)` is

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  30. In an Agrad plane `z_(1),z_(2) and z_(3)` are, respectively, the vertices of an isosceles trinagle ABC with AC= BC and `/_CAB = theta`. If `z_(4)` is incentre of triangle, then
    The value of `(z_(4) -z_(1))^(2) (cos theta + 1) sec theta ` is

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  31. In an Agrad plane `z_(1),z_(2) and z_(3)` are, respectively, the vertices of an isosceles trinagle ABC with AC= BC and `/_CAB = theta`. If `z_(4)` is incentre of triangle, then
    The value of `(z_(2)-z_(1))^(2)tan theta tan theta //2` is

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  32. `A(z_1)`,`B(z_2)` and `C(z_3)` are the vertices of triangle ABC inscribed in the circle |z|=2,internal angle bisector of angle A meets the circumcircle again at `D(z_4)`.Point D is:

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  33. `A(z_1)`,`B(z_2)` and `C(z_3)` are the vertices of triangle ABC inscribed in the circle |z|=2,internal angle bisector of angle A meets the circumcircle again at `D(z_4)`.Point D is:

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Exercise (Comprehension) questions and complete solutions for chapter COMPLEX NUMBERS of CENGAGE of Class 12