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Complete Solutions to Single correct Answer of chapter COMPLEX NUMBERS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEW DPPSingle correct Answer
Number Of Questions62
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The value of `sum_(n=0)^(100)i^(n!)` equals (where `i=sqrt(-1))`

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  2. Suppose n is a natural number such that `|i + 2i^2 + 3i^3 +...... + ni^n|=18sqrt2` where `i` is the square root of `-1`. Then n is

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  3. Let `i=sqrt(-1)` Define a sequence of complex number by `z_1=0, z_(n+1) = (z_n)^2 + i` for `n>=1`. In the complex plane, how far from the origin is `z_111`?

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  4. The complex number, `z=((-sqrt(3)+3i)(1-i))/((3+sqrt(3)i)(i)(sqrt(3)+sqrt(3)i))`

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  5. `a ,b ,c` are positive real numbers forming a G.P. ILf `a x 62+2b x+c=0a n ddx^2+2e x+f=0` have a common root, then prove that `d//a ,e//b ,f//c` are in A.P.

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  6. Prove that the equation `Z^3+i Z-1=0` has no real roots.

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  7. If `a`, `b` are complex numbers and one of the roots of the equation `x^(2)+ax+b=0` is purely real whereas the other is purely imaginery, and `a^(2)-bara^(2)=kb`, then `k` is

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  8. If `Z^5` is a non-real complex number, then find the minimum value of |`(Imz^5)/(Im^5z)`|

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  9. For any complex numbers `z_1,z_2 and z_3, z_3 Im(bar(z_2)z_3) +z_2Im(bar(z_3)z_1) + z_1 Im(bar(z_1)z_2)` is

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  10. The modulus and amplitude of `(1+2i)/(1-(1-i)^(2))` are

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  11. If the argument of `(z-a)(barz-b)` is equal to that `((sqrt(3)+i)(1+sqrt(3)i)/(1+i))` where a,b,c are two real number and z is the complex conjugate o the complex number z find the locus of z in the rgand diagram. Find the value of a and b so that locus becomes a circle having its centre at `1/2(3+i)`

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  12. If a complex number `z` satisfies `|z|^(2)+(4)/(|z|)^(2)-2((z)/(barz)+(barz)/(z))-16=0`, then the maximum value of `|z|` is

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  13. If `cos alpha+cos beta+cos gamma=0=sin alpha+sin beta+sin gamma`, then `(sin3alpha+sin3beta+sin3gamma)/(sin(alpha+beta+gamma))` is equal to

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  14. The least value of `|z-3-4i|^(2)+|z+2-7i|^(2)+|z-5+2i|^(2)` occurs when z=

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  15. The roots of the equation `x^(4)-2x^(2)+4=0` are the vertices of `a` :

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  16. If `z_(1)`, `z_(2)` are complex numbers such that `Re(z_(1))=|z_(1)-2|`, `Re(z_(2))=|z_(2)-2|` and `arg(z_(1)-z_(2))=pi//3` , then `Im(z_(1)+z_(2))=`

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  17. If `z=e^((2pi i)/5)`, then `1+z+z^(2)+z^(3)+5z^(4)+4z^(5)+4z^(6)+4z^(7)+4z^(8)+5z^(9)=`

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  18. If `z=(3+7i)(a+ib)`, where `a`, `b in Z-{0}`, is purely imaginery, then minimum value of `|z|^(2)` is

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  19. Let `z` be a complex number satisfying `|z+16|=4|z+1|`. Then

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  20. If `|z|=1` and `z'=(1+z^(2))/(z)`, then

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  21. `a`, `b`,`c` are three complex numbers on the unit circle `|z|=1`, such that `abc=a+b+c`. Then `|ab+bc+ca|` is equal to

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  22. If `|z_1|=|z_2|=|z_3|=1` then value of `|z_1-z_3|^2+|z_3-z_1|^2+|z_1-z_2|^2` cannot exceed

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  23. Number of ordered pairs `(s)`, `(a,b)` of real numbers such that `(a+ib)^(2008)=a-ib` holds good is

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  24. The region represented by the inequality |2z-3i|<|3z-2i| is

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  25. If `omega` is any complex number such that `z omega=|z|^(2)` and `|z-barz|+|omega+baromega|=4`, then as `omega` varies, then the area bounded by the locus of `z` is

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  26. If `az^2+bz+1=0`, where `a,b in C`, `|a|=1/2` and have a root `alpha` such that `|alpha|=1` then `|abarb-b|=`

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  27. Let `p` and `q` are complex numbers such that `|p|+|q| lt 1`. If `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` are the roots of the `z^(2)+pz+q=0`, then which one of the following is correct ?

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  28. If `z and w` are two complex numbers simultaneously satisfying te equations, `z^3+w^5=0 and z^2 +overlinew^4 = 1,` then

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  29. All complex numbers 'z' which satisfy the relation `|z-|z+1||=|z+|z-1||` on the complex plane lie on the

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  30. If `z_(1)`, `z_(2)` are two complex numbers such that `|(z_(1)-z_(2))/(z_(1)+z_(2))|=1` and `iz_(1)=Kz_(2)`, where ` K in R`, then the angle between `z_(1)-z_(2)` and `z_(1)+z_(2)` is

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  31. If `z+1/z=2cos6^@` , then `z^1000+1/[z^1000]` +1 is equal to

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  32. Let `z_1 and z_2`q, be two complex numbers with `alpha and beta` as their principal arguments such that `alpha+beta` then principal `arg(z_1z_2)` is given by:

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  33. Let `arg(z_(k))=((2k+1)pi)/(n)` where `k=1,2,………n`. If `arg(z_(1),z_(2),z_(3),………….z_(n))=pi`, then `n` must be of form `(m in z)`

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  34. Suppose two complex numbers `z=a+ib`, `w=c+id` satisfy the equation `(z+w)/(z)=(w)/(z+w)`. Then

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  35. If `|z|=1` and `z ne +-1`, then one of the possible value of `arg(z)-arg(z+1)-arg(z-1)` , is

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  36. If `arg(z^(3//8))=(1)/(2)arg(z^(2)+barz^(1//2))`, then which of the following is not possible ?

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  37. `z_(1)`, `z_(2)` are two distinct points in complex plane such that `2|z_(1)|=3|z_(2)|` and `z in C` be any point `z=(2z_(1))/(3z_(2))+(3z_(2))/(2z_(1))` such that

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  38. If `alpha`, `beta`, `gamma in {1,omega,omega^(2)}` (where `omega` and `omega^(2)` are imaginery cube roots of unity), then number of triplets `(alpha,beta,gamma)` such that `|(a alpha+b beta+c gamma)/(a beta+b gamma+c alpha)|=1` is

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  39. The value of `(3sqrt(3)+(3^(5//6))i)^(3)` is (where `i=sqrt(-1)`)

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  40. If `omega ne 1` is a cube root of unity and `a+b=21`, `a^(3)+b^(3)=105`, then the value of `(aomega^(2)+bomega)(aomega+bomega^(2))` is be equal to

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  41. If `z=(1)/(2)(sqrt(3)-i)`, then the least possible integral value of `m` such that `(z^(101)+i^(109))^(106)=z^(m+1)` is

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  42. If `y_(1)=max||z-omega|-|z-omega^(2)||`, where `|z|=2` and `y_(2)=max||z-omega|-|z-omega^(2)||`, where `|z|=(1)/(2)` and `omega` and `omega^(2)` are complex cube roots of unity, then

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  43. Let I, `omega` and `omega^(2)` be the cube roots of unity. The least possible degree of a polynomial, with real coefficients having `2omega^(2), 3 + 4 omega, 3 + 4 omega^(2) ` and `5- omega - omega^(2)` as roots is -

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  44. Number of imaginary complex numbers satisfying the equation, `z^2=bar(z)2^(1-|z|)` is

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  45. Least positive argument ofthe 4th root ofthe complex number `2-isqrt(12)` is

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  46. A root of unity is a complex number that is a solution to the equation, `z^n=1` for some positive integer nNumber of roots of unity that are also the roots of the equation `z^2+az+b=0`, for some integer a and b is

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  47. If z is a complex number satisfying the equation `z^6 +z^3 + 1 = 0`. If this equation has a root `re^(itheta)` with `90^@<0<180^@` then the value of `theta` is

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  48. Suppose `A` is a complex number and `n in N ,` such that `A^n=(A+1)^n=1,` then the least value of `n` is `3` b. `6` c. `9` d. `12`

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  49. If `z_(1),z_(2),z_(3)………….z_(n)` are in `G.P` with first term as unity such that `z_(1)+z_(2)+z_(3)+…+z_(n)=0`. Now if `z_(1),z_(2),z_(3)……..z_(n)` represents the vertices of `n`-polygon, then the distance between incentre and circumcentre of the polygon is

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  50. If `|z-1-i|=1`, then the locus of a point represented by the complex number `5(z-i)-6` is

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  51. Let `z in C` and if `A={z:"arg"(z)=pi/4}`and `B={z:"arg"(z-3-3i)=(2pi)/3}`. Then `n(A frown B)=`

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  52. ` theta in [0,2pi]` and `z_(1)`, `z_(2)`, `z_(3)` are three complex numbers such that they are collinear and `(1+|sin theta|)z_(1)+(|cos theta|-1)z_(2)-sqrt(2)z_(3)=0`. If at least one of the complex numbers `z_(1)`, `z_(2)`, `z_(3)` is nonzero, then number of possible values of `theta` is

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  53. Let `'z'` be a comlex number and `'a'` be a real parameter such that `z^(2)+az+a^(2)=0`, then which is of the following is not true ?

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  54. Let `z=x+iy` then locus of moving point P(z) `(1+barz)/z in R`, is

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  55. Let `A(z_(1))` and `B(z_(2))` are two distinct non-real complex numbers in the argand plane such that `(z_(1))/(z_(2))+(barz_(1))/(z_(2))=2`. The value of `|/_ABO|` is

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  56. Complex numbers `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` satisfy `|z_(1)|=2` and `|z_(2)|=3`. If the included angle of their corresponding vectors is `60^(@)`, then the value of `19|(z_(1)-z_(2))/(z_(1)+z_(2))|^(2)` is

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  57. Let `A(2,0)` and `B(z)` are two points on the circle `|z|=2`. `M(z')` is the point on `AB`. If the point `barz'` lies on the median of the triangle `OAB` where `O` is origin, then `arg(z')` is

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  58. If `A(z_(1))`, `B(z_(2))`, `C(z_(3))` are vertices of a triangle such that `z_(3)=(z_(2)-iz_(1))/(1-i)` and `|z_(1)|=3`, `|z_(2)|=4` and `|z_(2)+iz_(1)|=|z_(1)|+|z_(2)|`, then area of triangle `ABC` is

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  59. Let `O`, `A`, `B` be three collinear points such that `OA.OB=1`. If `O` and `B` represent the complex numbers `O` and `z`, then `A` represents

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  60. If the tangents at `z_(1)`, `z_(2)` on the circle `|z-z_(0)|=r` intersect at `z_(3)`, then `((z_(3)-z_(1))(z_(0)-z_(2)))/((z_(0)-z_(1))(z_(3)-z_(2)))` equals

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  61. If `z_(1)`, `z_(2)` and `z_(3)` are the vertices of `DeltaABC`, which is not right angled triangle taken in anti-clock wise direction and `z_(0)` is the circumcentre, then `((z_(0)-z_(1))/(z_(0)-z_(2)))(sin2A)/(sin2B)+((z_(0)-z_(3))/(z_(0)-z_(2)))(sin2C)/(sin2B)` is equal to

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  62. Let `P` denotes a complex number `z=r(costheta+isintheta)` on the Argand's plane, and `Q` denotes a complex number `sqrt(2|z|^(2))(cos(theta+(pi)/(4))+isin(theta+(pi)/(4)))`. If `'O'` is the origin, then `DeltaOPQ` is

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Single correct Answer questions and complete solutions for chapter COMPLEX NUMBERS of CENGAGE of Class 12