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Complete Solutions to Exercise 3.5 of chapter COMPLEX NUMBERS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise 3.5
Number Of Questions12
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the pricipal argument of each of the following:
    (a) `-1-isqrt(3)`
    (b) `(1+sqrt(3)i)/(3 +i)`
    (c) `sin alpha + i(1-cos alpha), 0 gt alpha gt pi`
    (d) `(1+ isqrt(3))^(2)`

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  2. Find the modulus, argument, and the principal argument of the complex numbers. (i) `(tan1-i)^2`

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  3. If `(3pi)/(2) lt alpha lt 2 pi`, find the modulus and argument of `(1 - cos 2 alpha) + i sin 2 alpha `.

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  4. Find the principal argument of the complex number `sin(6pi)/5+i(1+cos(6pi)/5)dot`

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  5. If `z=r e^(itheta)` , then prove that `|e^(i z)|=e^(-r s inthetadot)`

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  6. Find the complex number `z` satisfying `R e(z^2 0=0,|z|=sqrt(3.)`

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  7. If `|z-i R e(z)|=|z-I m(z)|` , then prove that `z` , lies on the bisectors of the quadrants.

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  8. Find the locus of the points representing the complex number `z` for which`|z+5|^2=|z-5|^2=10.`

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  9. Solve `:+z^2+|z|=0` .

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  10. Let `z=x+i y` be a complex number, where `xa n dy` are real numbers. Let `Aa n dB` be the sets defined by `A={z :|z|lt=2}a n dB={z :(1-i)z+(1+i) z geq4}` . Find the area of region `AuuBdot`

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  11. Real part of `(e^e)^(iotatheta)` is

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  12. Prove that `z=i^i ,w h e r ei=sqrt(-1)` , is purely real.

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Exercise 3.5 questions and complete solutions for chapter COMPLEX NUMBERS of CENGAGE of Class 12