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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single) of chapter COMPLEX NUMBERS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Single)
Number Of Questions89
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `a lt 0, b gt 0`, then `sqrt(a)sqrt(b)` equal to

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  2. Consider the equation `10 z^2-3i z-k=0,w h e r ez` is a following complex variable and `i^2=-1.` Which of the following statements ils true? For real complex numbers `k` , both roots are purely imaginary. For all complex numbers `k` , neither both roots is real. For all purely imaginary numbers `k` , both roots are real and irrational. For real negative numbers `k` , both roots are purely imaginary.

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  3. The number of solutions of the equation `z^2+z=0` where z is a a complex number, is

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  4. If center of a regular hexagon is at the origin and one of the vertices on the Argand diagram is `1+2i` , then its perimeter is `2sqrt(5)` b. `6sqrt(2)` c. `4sqrt(5)` d. `6sqrt(5)`

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  5. If `x` and `y` are complex numbers, then the system of equations `(1+i)x+(1-i)y=1,2i x+2y=1+i` has

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  6. The point `z_1=3+sqrt(3)ia d nz_2=2sqrt(3)+6i` are given on la complex plane. The complex number lying on the bisector of the angel formed by the vectors `z_1a n dz_2` is `z=((3+2sqrt(3)))/2+(sqrt(3)+2)/2i` `z=5+5i` `z=-1-i` none of these

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  7. The polynomial `x^6+4x^5+3x 64+2x^3+x+1` is divisible by_______ where `w` is the cube root of units `x+omega` b. `x+omega^2` c. `(x+omega)(x+omega^2)` d. `(x-omega)(x-omega^2)` where `omega` is one of the imaginary cube roots of unity.

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  8. Dividing `f(z)` by `z- i`, we obtain the remainder i and dividing it by `z + i`, we get the remainder 1 + i, then remainder upon the division of `f(z)` by `z^2+1` is

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  9. The complex number `sin(x)+icos(2x)` and `cos(x)-isin(2x)` are conjugate to each other for

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  10. If the equation `z^4+a_1z^3+a_2z^2+a_3z+a_4=0` where `a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4` are real coefficients different from zero has a pure imaginary root then the expression `(a_1)/(a_1a_2)+(a_1a_4)/(a_2a_3)` has the value equal to

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  11. If `z_1, z_2 in C , z_1^2 in R , z_1(z_1^2-3z_2^2)=2` and `z_2(3z_1^2-z_2^2)=11`, then the value of `z_1^2+z_2^2` is

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  12. If `a^2+b^2=1` then `(1+b+i a)/(1+b-i a)=`

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  13. If `z(1+a)=b+i ca n da^2+b^2+c^2=1,` then `[(1+i z)//(1-i z)=` `(a+i b)/(1+c)` b. `(b-i c)/(1+a)` c. `(a+i c)/(1+b)` d. none of these

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  14. If a and b are complex and one of the roots of the equation `x^(2) + ax + b =0` is purely real whereas the other is purely imaginary, then

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  15. If `z =(lambda+3)+isqrt((5-lambda^2))` ; then the locus of ` z` is

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  16. Let `z=1-t+isqrt(t^2+t+2)`, where `t` is a real parameter.the locus of the z in argand plane is

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  17. If `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` are the complex roots of the equation `(x-3)^(3) + 1=0`, then `z_(1) +z_(2)` equal to

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  18. Which of the following is equal to `root(3)(-1)?`

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  19. If `x^2+x+1=0` then the value of `(x+1/x)^2+(x^2+1/(x^2))^2+...+(x^27+1/(x^27))^2` is

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  20. Sum of common roots of the equations `z^(3) + 2z^(2) + 2z + 1 =0` and `z^(1985) + z^(100) + 1=0` is

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  21. If `5x^(3) +Mx+ N, M,N in R` is divisible by `x^(2) + x+1`, then the value of `M +N ` is

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  22. If `z=x+i ya n dx^2+y^2=16 ,` then the range of `||x|-|y||` is `[0,4]` b. `[0,2]` c. `[2,4]` d. none of these

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  23. If z is a complex number satisfying the equaiton `z^(6) - 6z^(3) + 25 = 0`, then the value of `|z|` is

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  24. If `8i z+12 z^2-18 z+27 i=0,t h e n` `|z|=3/2` b. `|z|=2/3` c.`|z|=1` d. `|z|=3/4`

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  25. Let `z_1a n dz_2` be complex numbers such that `z_1!=z_2` and `|z_1|=|z_2|dot` If `z_1` has positive real part and `z_2` has negative imaginary part, then `(z_1+z_2)/(z_1-z_2)` may be zero (b) real and positive real and negative (d) purely imaginary

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  26. `|z_1|=|z_2|` and `arg((z_1)/(z_2))=pi`, then `z_1+z_2` is equal to

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  27. If for complex numbers `z_1 and z_2, arg(z_1) -arg(z_2)=0` then `|z_1-z_2|` is equal to

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  28. If `|z_1/z_2|=1` and `arg (z_1z_2)=0` , then

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  29. Suppose `A` is a complex number and `n in N ,` such that `A^n=(A+1)^n=1,` then the least value of `n` is `3` b. `6` c. `9` d. `12`

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  30. Let `z,w` be complex numbers such that `barz+ibarw=0` and `arg zw=pi` Then `argz` equals

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  31. Let `z,w` be complex numbers such that `barz+ibarw=0` and `arg zw=pi` Then `argz` equals

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  32. If `z = (3+ 7i) (a +ib)` where a,`b in in Z- {0}`, is purely imaginary , then the minimum value of `|z|` is

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  33. If `(costheta +isintheta)(cos2theta +isin2theta).....(cosntheta + isinntheta) = 1 ` then the value of `theta` is :

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  34. Given `z=(1+isqrt(3))^(100),` then `[R E(z)//I M(z)]` equals `2^(100)` b. `2^(50)` c. `1/(sqrt(3))` d. `sqrt(3)`

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  35. The expression `[(1+sin(pi/8)+icos(pi/8))/(1+sin(pi/8)-icos(pi/8))]^8` is equal is

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  36. The number of complex numbers `z` satisfying `|z-3-i|=|z-9-i|a n d|z-3+3i|=3` are a. one b. two c. four d. none of these

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  37. `P(z)` be a variable point in the Argand plane such that `|z|=m in i mu m{"|"z-1,|z+1|},t h e nz+ z ` will be equal to a. -1 or 1 b. 1 but not equal to-1 c. -1 but not equal to 1 d. none of these

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  38. if `|z^2-1|=|z|^2+1` then `z` lies on

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  39. If `z=x+iy (x, y in R, x !=-1/2)`, the number of values of z satisfying `|z|^n=z^2|z|^(n-2)+z |z|^(n-2)+1.` `(n in N, n>1)` is

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  40. Number of solutions of the equation `z^3+[3(barz)^2]/|z|=0` where z is a complex number is

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  41. Number of ordered pairs(s) (a, b) of real numbers such that `(a+ib)^2008=a-ib` holds good is

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  42. The equation `az^(3) + bz^(2) + barbz + bara = 0` has a root `alpha`, where a, b,z and `alpha` belong to the set of complex numbers. The number value of `|alpha|`

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  43. If `k>0`, `|z|=\w\=k`, and `alpha=(z-bar w)/(k^2+zbar(w))`, then `Re(alpha)` (A) 0 (B) `k/2` (C) `k` (D) None of these

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  44. `z_1a n dz_2` are two distinct points in an Argand plane. If `a|z_1|=b|z_2|(w h e r ea ,b in R),` then the point `(a z_1//b z_2)+(b z_2//a z_1)` is a point on the line segment [-2, 2] of the real axis line segment [-2, 2] of the imaginary axis unit circle `|z|=1` the line with `a rgz=tan^(-1)2`

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  45. If z is a comple number such that `-(pi)/(2) lt "arg z" le (pi)/(2)`, then which of the following inequalities is ture ?

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  46. If `cos alpha + 2 cos beta +3 cos gamma = sin alpha + 2 sin beta + 3 sin gamma y = 0`, then the value of `sin 3alpha + 8 sin 3beta + 27 sin 3gamma ` is

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  47. If `alpha,beta` be the roots of the equation `u^2-2u+2=0` and if `cottheta=x+1,` then `((x+alpha)^n-(x+beta)^n)/(alpha-beta)` is equal to (a) `((sin n theta),(sin^n theta))` (b) `((cosn theta),(cos^n theta))` (c) `((sinn theta),cos^n theta))` (d) `((cosn theta),(sintheta^n theta))`

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  48. If `z=(i)^{(i)^(i)} w h e r e i=sqrt(-1),t h e n|z|` is equal to

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  49. lf `z = ilog(2-sqrt(-3))`, then `cos z =`

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  50. If `|z|=1,` then the point representing the complex number `-1+3z` will lie on a. a circle b. a parabola c.`` a straight line d. a hyperbola

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  51. The locus of point `z` satisfying `R e(1/z)=k ,w h e r ek` is a nonzero real number, is a. a straight line b. a circle c. an ellipse d. a hyperbola

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  52. If `z` is complex number, then the locus of `z` satisfying the condition `|2z-1|=|z-1|` is perpendicular bisector of line segment joining 1/2 and 1 circle parabola none of the above curves

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  53. The greatest positive argument of complex number satisfying `|z-4|=R e(z)` is `pi/3` b. `(2pi)/3` c.`pi/2` d. `pi/4`

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  54. If `ta n dc` are two complex numbers such that `|t|!=|c|,|t|=1a n dz=(a t+b)//(t-c), z=x+i ydot` Locus of `z` is (where a, b are complex numbers) a. line segment b. straight line c. circle d. none of these

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  55. If `z^2+z|z|+|z^2|=0,` then the locus `z` is a. a circle b. a straight line c. a pair of straight line d. none of these

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  56. Let `C_1 and C_2` are concentric circles of radius ` 1and 8/3` respectively having centre at `(3,0)` on the argand plane. If the complex number `z` satisfies the inequality `log_(1/3)((|z-3|^2+2)/(11|z-3|-2))>1,` then

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  57. If `|z-2-i|=|z|sin(pi/4-a r g z)|` , where `i=sqrt(-1)` ,then locus of z, is

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  58. If `|z-1|lt=2a n d|omegaz-1-omega^2|=a` `(w h e r eomegai sac u b erootofu n i t y)` , then complete set of values of `a` is `0lt=alt=2` b. `1/2lt=alt=(sqrt(3))/2` c. `(sqrt(3))/2-1/2lt=alt=1/2+(sqrt(3))/2` d. `0lt=alt=4`

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  59. If `|z^2-3|=3|z|` , then the maximum value of `|z|` is `1` b. `(3+sqrt(21))/2` c. `(sqrt(21)-3)/2` d. none of these

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  60. If `|2z-1|=|z-2|a n dz_1, z_2, z_3` are complex numbers such that `|z_1- (alpha)|< alpha,|z_2-beta||z|` d. `>2|z|`

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  61. If `z_1` is a root of the equation `a_0z^n+a_1z^(n-1)++a_(n-1)z+a_n=3,w h e r e|a_i|<2fori=0,1, ,n ,t h e n` `|z|=3/2` b. `|z|<1/4` c.`|z|>1/4` d. `|z|<1/3`

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  62. If `|z|<

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  63. Let `|Z_(r) - r| le r`, for all `r = 1,2,3….,n`. Then `|sum_(r=1)^(n)z_(r)|` is less than

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  64. All the roots of the equation `1 lz^(10) + 10iz^(9) + 10iz -11=0` lie

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  65. Let `lambda in R` . If the origin and the non-real roots of `2z^2+2z+lambda=0` form the three vertices of an equilateral triangle in the Argand lane, then `lambda` is

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  66. The roots of the equation `t^3+3a t^2+3b t+c=0a r ez_1, z_2, z_3` which represent the vertices of an equilateral triangle. Then `a^2=3b` b. `b^2=a` c. `a^2=b` d. `b^2=3a`

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  67. The roots of the cubic equation `(z+ab)^3=a^3,a !=0` represents the vertices of an equilateral triangle of sides of length

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  68. If `|z_(1)|=|z_(2)|=|z_(3)|=1 and z_1+z_2+z_3=0` then the area of the triangle whose vertices are `z_1, z_2, z_3` is

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  69. Let z and `omega` be two complex numbers such that `|z|le 1, |omega| le 1` and `|z+ iomega| = |z_(1)-z_(2)| ` is equal to

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  70. Let `z_(1),z_(2),z_(3),z_(4)` are distinct complex numbers satisfying `|z|=1` and `4z_(3) = 3(z_(1) + z_(2))`, then `|z_(1) - z_(2)|` is equal to

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  71. `z_1, z_2, z_3,z_4` are distinct complex numbers representing the vertices of a quadrilateral `A B C D` taken in order. If `z_1-z_4=z_2-z_3 and "arg"[(z_4-z_1)//(z_2-z_1)]=pi//2` , the quadrilateral is

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  72. If `k + |k + z^2|=|z|^2(k in R^-)`, then possible argument of z is

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  73. If `z_(1),z_(2),z_(3)` are the vertices of an equilational triangle ABC such that `|z_(1)-i|=|z_(2)- i| = |z_(3)-i|,` then `|z_(1)+z_(2)+z_(3)|` equals to

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  74. If z is a complex number having least absolute value and `|z-2+2i|=|,` then `z=`

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  75. If `z` is a complex number lying in the fourth quadrant of Argand plane and `|[k z//(k+1)]+2i|>sqrt(2)` for all real value of`k(k!=-1),` then range of `"a r g"(z)` is `(pi/8,0)` b. `(pi/6,0)` c.`(pi/4,0)` d. none of these

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  76. If `|z_2+i z_1|=|z_1|+|z_2|a n d|z_1|=3a n d|z_2|=4,` then the area of ` A B C ,` if affixes of `A ,B ,a n dCa r ez_1, z_2, a n d[(z_2-i z_1)//(1-i)]` respectively, is `5/2` b. `0` c.`(25)/2` d. `(25)/4`

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  77. If `a` complex number `z` satisfies `|2z+10+10i| le 5sqrt3-5,` then the least principal argument of `z` is : (a) `-(5pi)/6` (b) `(11pi)/12` (c) `-(3pi)/4` (d) `-(2pi)/3`

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  78. If 'z, lies on the circle `|z-2i|=2sqrt2`, then the value of `arg((z-2)/(z+2))` is the equal to

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  79. `z_1 and z_2`, lie on a circle with centre at origin. The point of intersection of the tangents at`z_1 and z_2` is given by

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  80. If arg `((z_(1) -(z)/(|z|))/((z)/(|z|))) = (pi)/(2) and |(z)/(|z|)-z_(1)|=3`, then `|z_(1)|` equals to

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  81. The maximum area of the triangle formed by the complex coordinates `z, z_1,z_2` which satisfy the relations `|z-z_1|=|z-z_2|` and `|z-(z_1+z_2 )/2|<= r`,where `r>|z_1-z_2|` is

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  82. Consider the region S of complex numbers a such that `|z^(2) - az + 1|=1`, where `|z|=1` . Then area of S in the Argand plane is

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  83. The complex number associated with the vertices `A, B, C` of `DeltaABC` are `e^(i theta),omega,bar omega`, respectively [ where `omega,bar omega` are the com plex cube roots of unity and `cos theta > Re(omega)`], then the complex number of the point where angle bisector of A meets cumcircle of the triangle, is

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  84. If `pa n dq` are distinct prime numbers, then the number of distinct imaginary numbers which are pth as well as qth roots of unity are. `min(p ,q)` b. `min(p ,q)` c. `1""` d. `z e ro`

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  85. Given `z` is a complex number with modulus 1. Then the equation `[(1+i a)/(1-i a)]^4=z` has (a) all roots real and distinct (b)two real and two imaginary (c) three roots two imaginary (d)one root real and three imaginary

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  86. The value of `z` satisfying the equation `logz+logz^2+dot+logz^n=0i s`

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  87. If `n in N >1` , then the sum of real part of roots of `z^n=(z+1)^n` is equal to `n/2` b. `((n-1))/2` c. ` n/2` d. `((1-n))/2`

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  88. Which of the following represents a points in an Argand pane, equidistant from the roots of the equation `(z+1)^4=16 z^4?` `(0,0)` b. `(-1/3,0)` c. `(1/3,0)` d. `(0,2/(sqrt(5)))`

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  89. Let a be a complex number such that `|a| lt 1` and `z_(1),z_(2)…..` be vertices of a polygon such that `z_(k)=1+a+a^(2)+a^(3)+a^(k-1)`.
    Then, the vertices of the polygon lie within a circle.

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Exercise (Single) questions and complete solutions for chapter COMPLEX NUMBERS of CENGAGE of Class 12