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Complete Solutions to Exercise 3.1 of chapter THREE-DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise 3.1
Number Of Questions12
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If the x-coordinate of a point `P` on the join of `Q(22,1)a n dR(5,1,-2)i s4,` then find its `z-` coordinate.

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  2. Find the distance of the point `P(a ,b ,c)` from the x-axis.

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  3. If ` vec r` is a vector of magnitude 21 and has direction ratios `2,-3a n d6,` then find ` vec rdot`

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  4. If `P(x ,y ,z)` is a point on the line segment joining `Q(2,2,4)a n d R(3,5,6)` such that the projections of ` vec O P` on te axes are 13/5, 19/5 and 26/5, respectively, then find the ratio in which `P` divides `Q Rdot`

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  5. If `O` is the origin, `O P=3` with direction ratios `-1,2,a n d-2,` then find the coordinates of `Pdot`

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  6. A line makes angles `alpha,beta,gamma` with the coordinates axes . If `alpha+beta=90^@` then `gamma` is equal to

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  7. The line joining the points `-2,1,-8)a n d(a ,b ,c)` is parallel to the line whose direction ratios are `6,2,a n d3.` Find the values of `a ,ba n d cdot`

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  8. If a line makes angles `alpha,betaa n dgamma` with threew-dimensional coordinate axes, respectively, then find the value of `cos2alpha+cos2beta+cos2gammadot`

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  9. A parallelepiped is formed by planes drawn through the points `P(6,8,10)a n d(3,4,8)` parallel to the coordinate planes. Find the length of edges and diagonal of the parallelepiped.

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  10. Find the angel between any two diagonals of a cube.

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  11. Direction ratios of two lines are `a ,b ,ca n d1//b c ,1//c a ,1//a bdot` Then the lines are ______.

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  12. Find the angle between the lines whose direction cosines are connected by the relations `l+m+n=0a n d2//m+2n l-m n=0.`

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Exercise 3.1 questions and complete solutions for chapter THREE-DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRY of CENGAGE of Class 12