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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Multiple) of chapter THREE-DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Multiple)
Number Of Questions17
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Let `P M` be the perpendicular from the point `P(1,2,3)` to the `x-y` plane. If ` vec O P` makes an angle `theta` with the positive direction of the `z-` axis and` vec O M` makes an angle `varphi` with the positive direction of `x-` axis, `w h e r eO` is the origin and `thetaa n dvarphi` are acute angels, then a. `costhetacosvarphi=1//sqrt(14)` b. `sinthetasinvarphi=2//sqrt(14)` c. `""tanvarphi=2` d. `tantheta=sqrt(5)//3`

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  2. Find `vec a . vec b`, when `vec a = hat i +3 hat j + hat k` and `vec b = 2 hat i - hat j - hat k`

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  3. If the planes `vecr.(hati+hatj+hatk)=q_(1),vecr.(hati+2ahatj+hatk)=q_(2)andvecr.(ahati+a^(2)hatj+hatk)=q_(3)` intersect in a line, then the value of `a` is

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  4. A line with direction cosines proportional to `1,-5, a n d-2` meets lines `x=y+5=z+1a n dx+5=3y=2zdot` The coordinates of each of the points of the intersection are given by a. `(2,-3,1)` b. `(1,2,3)` c. `(0,5//3,5//2)` d. `(3,-2,2)`

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  5. Let `P=0` be the equation of a plane passing through the line of intersection of the planes `2x-y=0a n d3z-y=0` and perpendicular to the plane `4x+5y-3z=8.` Then the points which lie on the plane `P=0` is/are a. `(0,9,17)` b. `(1//7,21//9)` c. `(1,3,-4)` d. `(1//2,1,1//3)`

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  6. about to only mathematics

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  7. Consider the planes `3x-6y+2z+5=0a n d4x-12+3z=3.` The plane `67 x-162 y+47 z+44=0` bisects the angel between the given planes which a. contains origin b. is acute c. is obtuse d. none of these

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  8. If the lines ` (x-2)/(1)=(y-3)/(1)=(z-4)/(-k) ` and ` (x-1)/(k)=(y-4)/(2)=(z-5)/(1) ` are coplanar, then find the value of k.

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  9. The equations of the plane which passes through `(0,0,0)` and which is equally inclined to the planes `x-y+z-3=0a n dx+y=z+4=0` is/are a. `y=0` b. `x=0` c. `x+y=0` d. `x+z=0`

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  10. The x-y plane is rotated about its line of intersection with the y-z plane by `45^0` , then the equation of the new plane is/are a. `z+x=0` b. `z-y=0` c. `x+y+z=0` d. `z-x=0`

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  11. The equation of the plane which is equally inclined to the lines `(x-1)/2=y/(-2)=(z+2)/(-1)a n d=(x+3)/8=(y-4)/1=z/(-4)` and passing through the origin is/are a. `14 x-5y-7z=0` b. `2x+7y-z=0` c. `3x-4y-z=0` d. `x+2y-5z=0`

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  12. Which of the following lines lie on the plane `x+2y-z+4=0?` a. `(x-1)/1=y/(-1)=(z-5)/1` b. `x-y+z=2x+y-z=0` c. ` hat r=2 hat i- hat j+4 hat k+lambda(3 hat i+ hat j+5 hat k)` d. none of these

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  13. If the volume of tetrahedron `A B C D` is 1 cubic units, where `A(0,1,2),B(-1,2,1)a n dC(1,2,1),` then the locus of point `D` is a. `x+y-z=3` b. `y+z=6` c. `y+z=0` d. `y+z=-3`

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  14. A rod of length 2 units whose one end is `(1,0,-1)` and other end touches the plane `x-2y=2Z+4=0,` then a. the rod sweeps the figure whose volume is `b .pic .` d. cubic units. e. the area of the region which the rod traces on the plane is `f . g.2pih .` i. j. the length of projection of the rod on the plane is `k . l.sqrt(m .3n .)o.p .` q. units. r. the centre of the region which the rod traces on the plane is `s . t.(u . v. w.2/x .3y . z. , aa.2/b b .3c c . dd. ,-e e .5/f f .3g g . hh. ii.)dotj j .` kk.

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  15. Find the angle between the line `(x-2)/(3)=(y-1)/(-1)=(z-3)/(2)" and the plane "3x+4y+z+5=0.`

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  16. The equation of the line throgh the point `veca` parallel to the plane `vecr.vecn`=q and ` perpendicular to the line `vecr=vecb+tvecc` is (A) `vecr=veca+lamda (vecnxxvecc)` (B) `(vecr-veca)xx(vecnxxvecc)=0` (C) `vecr=vecb+lamda(vecnxxvecc)` (D) none of these

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  17. about to only mathematics

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Exercise (Multiple) questions and complete solutions for chapter THREE-DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRY of CENGAGE of Class 12