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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Subjective) of chapter THREE-DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Subjective)
Number Of Questions16
Academic Year2023-24
  1. about to only mathematics

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  2. Find the equation of the plane containing the line `(y)/(b)+(z)/(c)=1,x=0`, and parallel to the line `(x)/(a)-(z)/(c)1,y=0`.

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  3. A variable plane passes through a fixed point `(alpha,beta,gamma)` and meets the axes at `A ,B ,a n dCdot` show that the locus of the point of intersection of the planes through `A ,Ba n dC` parallel to the coordinate planes is `alphax^(-1)+betay^(-1)+gammaz^(-1)=1.`

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  4. Show that the straight lines whose direction cosines are given by the equations `a l+b m+c n=0a n dul^2+z m^2=v n^2+w n^2=0` are parallel or perpendicular as `(a^2)/u+(b^2)/v+(c^2)/w=0ora^2(v+w)+b^2(w+u)+c^2(u+v)=0.`

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  5. about to only mathematics

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  6. A point `P` moves on a plane `x/a+y/b+z/c=1.` A plane through `P` and perpendicular to `O P` meets the coordinate axes at `A , Ba n d Cdot` If the planes through `A ,Ba n dC` parallel to the planes `x=0,y=0a n dz=0,` respectively, intersect at `Q ,` find the locus of `Qdot`

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  7. If the planes `x-c y-b z=0,c x-y+a z=0a n d b x+a y-z=0` pass through a straight line, then find the value of `a^2+b^2+c^2+2a b c dot`

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  8. A line passes through the two points `A(2,-3,-1)` and `B(8,-1,2)`. The coordinates of point on this line nearer to the origin and at a distance of 14 units from is

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  9. A variable plane `l x+m y+n z=p(w h e r el ,m ,n` are direction cosines of normal`)` intersects the coordinate axes at points`A ,Ba n dC` , respectively. Show that the foot of the normal on the plane from the origin is the orthocenter of triangle `A B C` and hence find the coordinate of the circumcentre of triangle `A B Cdot`

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  10. Let `x-ysinalpha-zs inbeta=0,xs inalpha=zs ingamma-y=0a n dxsinbeta+ysingamma-z=0` be the equations of the planes such that `alpha+beta+gamma=pi//2(w h e r ealpha,betaa n dgamma!=0)dot` Then show that there is a common line of intersection of the three given planes.

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  11. Let a plane `a x+b y+c z+1=0,w h e r ea ,b ,c` are parameters, make an angle `60^0` with the line `x=y=z ,45^0` with the line `x=y-z=0` and`theta` with the plane `x=0.` The distance of the plane from point `(2,1,1)` is 3 units. Find the value of `theta` and the equation of the plane.

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  12. Prove that for all values of `lambdaa n dmu` , the planes `(2x)/a+y/b+(2z)/c-1+lambda(x/a-(2y)/b-z/c-2)=0` and `(4x)/a+(3y)/b-5+mu((5y)/b-(4z)/c+3)=0` intersect on the same line.

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  13. If `f(x)=2x-1,g(x)=(x+1)/2`, show that `fog=gof=x`

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  14. If `f(x)=1+x,g(x)=2x-2`, show that `fog=gof`

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  15. If `P` is any point on the plane `l x+m y+n z=pa n dQ` is a point on the line `O P` such that `O PdotO Q=p^2` , then find the locus of the point `Qdot`

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  16. If a variable plane forms a tetrahedron of constant volume `64k^3` with the co-ordinate planes, then the locus of the centroid of the tetrahedron is:

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Exercise (Subjective) questions and complete solutions for chapter THREE-DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRY of CENGAGE of Class 12