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Complete Solutions to Exercise 3.2 of chapter THREE-DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise 3.2
Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the point where line which passes through point `(1,2,3)` and is paralle to line ` vec r= hat i+ hat j+2 hat k+lambda( hat i-2 hat j+3 hat k)` meets the xy-plane.

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  2. Find the equation of the line passing through the points `(1,2,3)a n d(-1,0,4)dot`

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  3. Find the vector equation of the line passing through the point `(2,-1,-1)` which is parallel to the line `6x-2=3y+1=2z-2.`

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  4. Find the equation of the line passing through the point `(-1,2,3)` and perpendicular to the lines `x/2=(y-1)/(-3)=(z+2)/(-2)a n d(x+3)/(-1)=(y+3)/2=(z-1)/3dot`

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  5. Find the equation of the line passing through the intersection `(-1,2,3)` and perpendicular to the lines `(x-1)/2=(y-2)/(-3)=(z-3)/4a n d(x-4)/5=(y-1)/2=zdot` and also through the point `(2,1,-2)dot`

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  6. The straight line `(x-3)/3=(y-2)/1=(z-1)/0` is Parallel to x-axis Parallel to the y-axis Parallel to the z-axis Perpendicular to the z-axis

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  7. Find the acute angle between the following lines.

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  8. If the lines `(x-1)/(-3) =(y-2)/(2k) =(z-3)/2` and `(x-1)/(3k)=(y-1)/1=(z-6)/(-5)` are perpendicular , find the value of k .

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  9. The equations of motion of a rocket are `x=2t ,y=-4ta n dz=4t ,` where time`t` is given in seconds, and the coordinates of a moving points in kilometers. What is the path of the rocket? At what distance will be the rocket from the starting point `O(0,0,0)` in `10 s ?`

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  10. Find the length of the perpendicular drawn from the point`(5,4,-1)` to the line ` vec r= hat i+lambda(2 hat i+9 hat j+5 hat k),` wher `lambda` is a parameter.

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  11. Find the image of point `(1,2,3)` in the line `(x-6)/3=(y-7)/2=(z-7)/(-2)dot`

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  12. Find the shortest distance between the two lines whose vector equations are given by: `vecr=(1+lamda)hati+(2-lamda)hatj+(-1+lamda)hatk and vecr=2(1+mu)hati(1-mu)hatj+(-1+2mu)hatk`

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  13. Find the shortest distance between the z-axis and the line, `x+y+2z-3=0,2x+3y+4z-4=0.`

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  14. If the two lines `(x-1)/(2)=(y+1)/(3)=(z-1)/(4)and(x-3)/(1)=(y-m)/(2)=z` intersect at a point, find the value of m.

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  15. Let `l_(1) and l_(2)` be the two skew lines. If P, Q are two distinct points on `l_(1)` and R, S are two distinct points on `l_(2)`, then prove that PR cannot be parallel to QS.

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Exercise 3.2 questions and complete solutions for chapter THREE-DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRY of CENGAGE of Class 12