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Complete Solutions to Multiple choice questions (Level - I) Assertion and reasoning of chapter 15 MAGNETIC EFFECTS OF CURRENTS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

MODERN PUBLICATIONMultiple choice questions (Level - I) Assertion and reasoning
Number Of Questions44
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Statement - 1 . The sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer in increased by placing a suitable material as a core inside the coil .
    Statement - 2 . Soft iron has a high magnetic permeability and cannot be easily magnetized or demagnetized .

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  2. Statement - 1 . If a proton and an `alpha` - particle enter a uniform mag. Field `bot` with same speed, the time period of revolution of `alpha` particle is double that of proton.
    Statement - 2 . In a mag. Field, the period of revolution of a charged particle is directly proportional to mass of particle and is inversely proportional to charge of particle .

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  3. A wire PQR is bent as shown in Fig. and is placed in a region of uniformm mag. Field B . The length of PQ = QR =l.A current I A flows through the wire as shown : The magnitude of force on PQ and QR will be :

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  4. A wire oriented in the east-west direction carries a current eastward . Direction of the magnetic field at a point to the south of wire is :

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  5. Circular loop of a wire and a long straight wire carry currents `I_(c) and I_(e)` .respectively as shown in figure . Assuming that these are placed in the same plane. The nagnetic fields will be zero at the centre of the loop when the separation H is .

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  6. Two wires with currents 2 A and 1 A are enclosed in a circular loop. Another wire current 3A is situated outside the loop as shown . The `oint vec(B) * vec(dl)` around the loop is .

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  7. A square conducting loop of side length L carries a current I . The magnetic field at the centre of the loop is :

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  8. A current I flowing through the loop is shown in figure . The magnetic field at centre O is :

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  9. If a proton deutron and `alpha` - particle on being accelerated by the same potential difference enters perpendicular to the magnetic field , then the ratio of their kinetic energies is :

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  10. A proton of mass `1 . 67 xx 10^(-27)` kg and charge `1 . 6 xx 10^(-19)` C is projected with a speed of `2 xx 10^(6)` m/s at an anlge of `60^(@)` to the X-axis . If a uniform magnetic field of `0.104 ` tesla is applied along Y-axis, the path of proton is :

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  11. The maximum velocity to which a proton can be accelerated in a cyclotron of 10 MHz frequency and radius 50 cm is :

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  12. The figure shows three situations when an electron moves with velocity `vec(V)` travels through a uniform magnetic field `vec(B)` . In each case, what is the direction of magnetic force on the electron

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  13. Electrons move at right angles to a magnetic field of `1.5 xx 10^(-2) ` tesla with a speed of `6xx10^(7)` m/s . if the specific charge of the electron is `1.7 xx 10^(11)` C/kg , the radius of the circular path will be :

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  14. A charged particle enters a uniform magnetic field with a certain speed at right angles to it . In the magnetic field a change could occure in its .

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  15. Two particles A and B having equal charges + 6C , after being accelearated through the same potential difference, enter a region of uniform magnetic field and describle circular paths of radii 2 cm and 3 cm respectivley . The ratio of mass of A to that of B is :

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  16. aA positive charge in moving towards an observer. The direction of magnetic induction is :

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  17. Uniform magnetic field B is directly vertically upwards and 3 wires of equal length L. carrying equal current o and lying in a horizontal plane such that the first one is along north, second one long north-east and the third one at `60^(@)` north of east. Force exerted by magnetic field B on them is :

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  18. An ionized gas contains both positive and negative ions. If it is subjected simultaneously to an electric field along the +x direction and a magnetic field along the + z direction then .

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  19. Two long parallel wires are at a distance 2d apart. They carry steady equal currents flowing out of the plane of the paper . As shown in Fig . The variation of the magnetic field B along the line X X/ is given by :

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  20. A particle of charge q and mass m moves in a circular orbit of radius r with angular speed `omega` . The ratio of the magnitude of its magnetic moment to that of its angular momentum depends on :

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  21. A non-planar loop of conducting wire carrying a current I is placed as shown in Fig. Each of the straight section of the loop is of length 2a. The magnetic field due to this loop at the point P (a, 0, a) points in the direction :

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  22. The square loop ABCD , carrying a current i is placed in a uniform magnetic field B, as shown. The loop can rotate about tha axis XX' . The plane of the loop makes an angle `phi (phi lt 90^(@))` with the direction of B. Through what angle will the loop rotate by itself before the torque on it becomes zero ?

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  23. A particle with a specific charge `(alpha)` starts from rest in a region where the electric field has a constant direction, but whose magnitude increases linearly with time. The particle acquires a velocity v in time t.

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  24. In the previous question , the particle covers a distance s in time t.s is proportional to

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  25. In a parallel-plate capacitor, the potential difference between the plates is V.A particle of mass m and charge -Q leaves the negative plate and reaches the positive plate with a momentum p.p is proportional to

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  26. A square loop PQRS, carrying a current I' is placed near and coplanar with a long straight conductor XY carrying a currrent I

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  27. In the above question, the net force (F) on the loop will be :

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  28. Wires 1 and 2 carrying currents `I_(1) and I_(2)` respectively inclined at an angle `theta` to each other. What is the force on a small element dl of wire 2 at a distance of r from wire 1 (as shown in fig. due to the magnetic field of wire 1 ?

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  29. Three forces start acting simultaneously on a particle moving with velocity `vec(v)` . These forces are represented in magnitude and direction by three sides of a triangle ABC . The particle will now move with the velocity :

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  30. A particle of charge `- 16 xx 10^(-18)` C moving with a velocity `10 ms^(-1)` along the x-axis enters a region where a magnetic field of magnitude B is along the y-axis and an electric field of magnitude `10^(4)` V/m is along negative z-axis . If the charged particle continues moving along x-axis , find magnitude of B .

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  31. A current carrying loop is placed in a uniform magnetic field in four different orientation I, II, III and IV arrange them in decreasing order of potential energy :

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  32. A current I flows along an infinitely long straight thin wall, then magnetic induction at any point inside the tube is :

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  33. a long wire carries a steady current . It is then bent into circle of one turn and magnetic field at centre of coil is B . Then it is bent circle of n turns. . Magnetic field at centre of coil will be :

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  34. The magnetic field due to current carrying circular coil loop of radius 6 cm at a pt. on axis at a distance of 8 cm from the centre is 54 `mu T` . What is value at centre of loop ?

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  35. Two long conductors separated by a distance d have currents `I_(1) and I_(2)` in same direction . They exert a force F on each other . If current in one is increased to two times and distance is made 3d . The new value of force between them is :

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  36. A uniform electric and magnetic fields are acting along same direction in a certain region. An electron projected in the direction of fields with some velocity

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  37. A charged particle of mass m and charge Qtravels on a circular path of radius r and perpendicular to mag. Field B . Time period of revolution is :

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  38. Two thin long parallel wires separated by a distance d carry a current I A each in the same direction . They will :

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  39. A long solenoid has 200 turns per cm and carries a current I . The magnetic field at its centre is `6.28 xx 10^(-2)" Weber"//m^(2)` . Another long solenoid has 100 turns per cm and it carries current I/3 . The value of the magnetic field at its centre is :

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  40. A charged particle moves through a magnetic field perpendicular to tis direction . Then :

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  41. Two identical conducting wires AOB and Cod are placed at right angles to each other . The wire AOB carries an electric current `I_(1) ` and COD carries a current `I_(2)` . The magnetic field on a point lying at a distance 'd' from O, in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the wires AOB and COD , will be given by :

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  42. A long straight wire of radius 'a' carries a steady current i. the current is uniformly distributed across its cross section . The ratio of the magnetic field at `(a)/(2)` and 2a is :

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  43. A current I flows along the length of an infinitely long, straight, thin walled pipe. Then

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  44. Statement - 1 : The senstivity of a moving coil galvanometer is increased by placing a suitable magnetic material as a core inside the coil .
    Statement - 2 : Soft iron has a high magnetic parmeability and connot be easily magnetized or demagnetized .

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Multiple choice questions (Level - I) Assertion and reasoning questions and complete solutions for chapter 15 MAGNETIC EFFECTS OF CURRENTS of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12