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Complete Solutions to Multiple choice questions (Level - II) of chapter 15 MAGNETIC EFFECTS OF CURRENTS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

MODERN PUBLICATIONMultiple choice questions (Level - II)
Number Of Questions22
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two very long straight parallel wires carry steady currents I and -I . The distance between the wires is 'd' . At a certain instant of time, a point charge 'q' is at a point equidistant from the two wires, in the plane of wires . Its instanteous velocity 'v' is `bot` to plane. The magnitude of force due to magnetic field acting on charge at this instant is :

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  2. A wire ABCDEF (with each side of length L) bent as shown in Fig. and carrying a current I is placed in a uniform magnetic field B parallel to the positive y-direction . What is the magnitude and direction of the force experienced by the wire ?

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  3. A straight conductor carries a current along the z-axis . Consider the points A (a,0,0), B (0,-a,0) , C(-a, 0,0) and D (0, a, 0) :

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  4. A condcutor ABCDE, shaped as shown, carries current I . It is placed in the xy-plane with the ends A and E on the x-axis. A uniform magnetic field of magnitude B exists in the region. The force acting on it will be :

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  5. Two identical charged particles enter in a uniform magnetic field with same speed but an angles `30^(@) and 60^(@)` with field . Let a, b and c be the ratio of their time periods , radii and pitches of the helical paths then :

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  6. Velocity and acceleration vector of a charged particle moving in a magnetic field at some instant are `vec(v) = 3 hat(i) + 4 hat(j) and vec(a) = 2 hat(i) + x hat(j)` . Select the correct alternatives :

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  7. The magnetic force on an `e^(-)` at point P as shown in fig . Is :

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  8. A flat circular coil carrying a current has a magnetic moment `mu` :

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  9. As shown in Fig. a bar of massm is suspended by two springs . A magnetic field B is directed out of the paper . Each spring has spring factor k. What is the description of motion of bar when a current I is sent through it in the direction shown ?

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  10. A coil having N turns is wound tightly in the form of a spiral with inner and outer radii a and b respectively . When a current I passes through the coil , the magnetic field at the centre is :

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  11. An irregular closed loop carrying current has such a shape that the entire loop cannot lie in a single plane. It this loop is placed in a uniform magnetic field , the force acting on the loop :

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  12. Find force on the segment CD as shown in Fig. , if B = 0.15 T and I = 5A .(`sin 65^(@) = 0.9063`) :

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  13. Fig. shown two long conducting wires placed at right angles. They carry currents as indicated . Assume that 1 ampere current in a long wire produces magnetic field B' at a distanced d from the wire . The strength and direction of field at a point X marked in Fig .will be :

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  14. Two moving-coil galvanometers X and Y are connected in series and a current passes through. Their readings are found to be full scale for X and half scale for Y . Given that their scales are identical and their restoring springs of the same strength, but that X' s coil is twice as large in area and has twice the number of turns compared with Y's coil, the magnetic field strength of X's magnet compared with Y's magnet is :

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  15. Two long thin parallel wires (as shown in Fig) carry currents I1 and I2 . The separation between then is a The width of the right conductor is b. Both conduction are in same plane. The magnetic force per unit length is : where
    `f_(0) ((mu_(0)I_(1)I_(2))/(2pib))1 n (1 + (b)/(a))`

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  16. A cirular current carrying coil has a radius R . The distance from the centre of the coil , on the axis where the magnetic induction will be 1/8 th to its value at the centre of the coil is :

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  17. A current I flows through a section of wire as shown in fig. the magnetic induction at the point P is :

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  18. A square frame of side l carries a current I and produces a magnetic field B at its centre . The same current is passed through a circular coil having same perimeter as that of square . The field at centre of circular coil is B' then ratio `(B)/(B')` is :

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  19. An equilateral triangle of side a is formed by a piece of uniform resistance wire. Current I is feed in one corner as shown in fig. The magnetic field at the centre O due to the current in the loop is :

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  20. Two charged particle M and N are projected with same velocity in a uniform magnetic field . Them M and N are

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  21. The magnetic moment of the current carrying loop shown in the figure is equal to :

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  22. The magnitude of magnetic moment of the current loop in the figure is :

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Multiple choice questions (Level - II) questions and complete solutions for chapter 15 MAGNETIC EFFECTS OF CURRENTS of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12