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Complete Solutions to Multiple choice questions (Level - I) of chapter 15 MAGNETIC EFFECTS OF CURRENTS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

MODERN PUBLICATIONMultiple choice questions (Level - I)
Number Of Questions52
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two particles each of mass m and charge q, are attached to the two ends of a light rigid rod of length 2l. The rod is rotated at a constant angular speed about a perpendicular axis passing through its centre. The ratio of the magnitude of the magnetic moment of the system and its angular momentum about the centre of the rod is :

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  2. A proton, deuteron and an alpha particle having the same kinetic enegy are moving in circular trajectories in a constant magnetic field. If `r_(p), (r)/(d) and r_(alpha)` denote respectively the radii of trajectories of these particles, then .

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  3. A proton of mass `1.67 xx 10^(-27)` kg and charge `1.6 xx 10^(-19)` is projected with a speed of `2 xx 10^(6) ms^(-1)` at an angle of `60^(@)` to the X-axis . If a uniform magnetic field of 0.014 t is applied along the y-axis, the path of the proton is :

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  4. A wire of length l metre carrying a current I ampere is bent in the form of a circle . The magnitude of the magnetic moment is :

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  5. In a hydrogen atom, an electron of mass m and charge e is in an orbit of radius r making n revolutions per second . If the mass of the hydrogen necleus is M, the magnetic moment associated with the orbital motion of an electron is :

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  6. A particle is projected into a uniform magnetic field acting perpendicular to the plane of the paper . The field points intothe paper, indicated by `xx` which represents the tail of the field vector. The trajectory shown could be that of a (See Fig.) :

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  7. Two particles X and Y having equal charges, after being accelerated through the same potential difference, enter a region of uniform magnetic field and describe circular paths of radii `R_(1) and R_(2)` respectively . The ratio of mass of X to the mass Y is :

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  8. A conductor AB carries a current I in a magnetic field `vec(B). If vec(AB) = vec(r)` and the force on the conductor is `vec(F)` :

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  9. A current carrying ring is placed in a magnetic field .
    The direction of the field is `bot` to plane of the ring :

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  10. A beam of electrons starts to accelerated from rest due to a uniform electric field in vacuum : the moving electrons :

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  11. A particle of mass m carrying charge q is accelerated by a p.d. V. it enters perpendicularly a region of uniform magnetic field B and executes circular arc of radius R . The specific charge (q/m) is :

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  12. A proton (mass m and charge + e) and `alpha` - particle (mass 4 m and charge + 2e) are projected with the same kinetic energy at right angles to a uniform magnetic field . Which one of the following statements will true ?

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  13. If a proton is projected in a direction perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field with velocity v and an electron is projected along the lines of force, what will happen to proton and electron ?

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  14. If a long copper rod carries a direct current ,the magnetic field associated with the current will be :

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  15. Two thin long parallel wircs separated by a distance b are carrying a current I A each . The magnitude of the force per unit length exerted by one wire on the other is :

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  16. P, Q and R are long parallel straight wires in air, carrying currents are shown in Fig . What is the direction of the resultant force on Q ?

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  17. The magnetic field midway between two parallel current carrying wires, carrying currents I and 2I is `vec(B)`. If the currrent in the wire with current I is switched off, the magnetic field will become :

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  18. A helium nucleus makes a full rotation in a circle of radius 0.8 metre in two seconds . The value of the magnetic field B at the centre of circle will be :

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  19. Choose the wrong statement. The sensitivity of a mov-ing coil galvenometer can be increased by :

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  20. An electron is accelerated to a high speed down the axis of a cathode ray tube a by the application of a potential difference of V volt between the cathode and anode. The particle then passes through a uniform transverse magnetic field in which it experiences force F . If the potential difference between the anode and the cathode is increased to 2V , an electron will be now experience a force :

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  21. A particle carrying a charge equal to 100 times the charge on an electron, is rotating at the rate of one rotation per second in a circular path of radius 0.8 m . The value of the magnetic field produced at the centre will be (`mu_(0)` = pemeability of free space):

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  22. The magnetic induction at the centre O in the following Fig is :

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  23. A charged particle enters a region of non-uniform field and eventually comes out of it . As it emerges, its :

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  24. An insulating rod of length l carries a charge q distributed uniformly on it . The rod pivoted at an end is rotated with a frequency f about a fixed perpendicular axis . The magnetic moment of the system is :

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  25. In the given Fig . X and Y are two long straight conductors each carrying a current of 2A . The force on each conductor is F . When the current in each is changed to 1 A and reversed in direction, the force on each is now :

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  26. If the resistance of the upper half of a rigid loop is twice of that of the lower half, the magnitude of magnetic induction at the centre is equal to :

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  27. A straight wire of mass 200 g and length 1.5 m carries a current of 2 A . It is suspended in mid-air by a uniform horizontal magnetic field `vec(B)` (fig.). What is the magnitude of the magnetic field ?

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  28. A loop of flexible conducting wire of length 0.5 m lies in a magnetic field of 1 Tesla perpendicular to plane of the loop. Find the tension developed in the wire, if the current passed through it is 1.57 A .

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  29. Any two points of a circular conductor of uniform wire are connected to a cell. Then net magnetic field at the centre is (`lambda` is resistance per unit length and V is P.D. across AB)

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  30. The magnetic induction at centre O is :

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  31. An electron is moving with velocity `(2 hat(i) + 3 hat(j))` in the magnetic field of intensity `(2 hat(i) + 3 hat(k))` T.The force acting on electron is :

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  32. The magnetic induction at point O distance r from the corner of an infinitely long wire carrying current I and bent at right angle is :

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  33. The magnetic field at the centre of current carrying conductor as shown in fig . Is

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  34. Fig. shown three long straight conductors A, B and C having currents 3A, 1A and 2A respectively. The wire B is of length 0.5 m . It will experience the force

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  35. If an electron describes half a revolution in a circle of radis r, in a magnetic field B, the energy acquired by it is :

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  36. `H^(+), He^(+), O^(++)` all havig same kinetic energies pass througha region of magnetic field perpendicular to their velocity, then:

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  37. Two long parallel wires are carrying currents 12 A and 8 A in the same direction. The wires are 10 cm distant apart. Where a third parallel wire must be placed so as to experience no force ?

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  38. A sotenoid has a mean diameter of 0.05 m and length 2m. It has four layers of 1000 turns each. What is flux density at its centre, when a current of 2.5 A flows through it :

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  39. A very long wire carrying current I = 10 A is bent at right angle at O, find the magnetic induction at the point P lying on perpendicular to the wire at point O, at a distance of 35 cm .

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  40. A coil of galvanometer consists of 100 turns and effective area 1 sq -cm . The restoting couple is` 10^(-8)` N-m/radian . The magnetic field between poles is 5T. The current sensitivity of galvanometer is :

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  41. A voltmeter has a rnge O-V with a series resistance of R ohm. With a series resistance of 2R , its range is O-V' then :

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  42. A ring of radius r is uniformly charged with charge q. it is rotated with angular velocity `omega` , then magnetic moment developed in ring is :

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  43. A voltmeter has range V, what resistance be connected in series with it to increases its range to nV. Initial resistance is `R_(0)` :

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  44. An ammeter has resistancee `R_(0)` and range I, what resistance should be connected in paraller to it to increase the range to nI :

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  45. A current flows in the wire bent to form a hexagon loop of side 'a' . If the current flowing is I, what is the induction at centre ?

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  46. A wire of given length is first bent in one loop and then in three loops. If same current is passed in both cases, the ratio of magnetic inductions at the centre will be :

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  47. The horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field at a centain place is `3.0 xx 10^(-5)` T and the direction of the field is form the geographic south to the geographic north. A very long straight conductor is carrying a steady current of 1 A . What is the force per unit length on it when it is placed on a horizontal table and the direction of the current is (a) east to west (b) south to north ?

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  48. What is magnetic induction at point O, if the current carrying wire is in the shape given in fig?

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  49. If protons are shot perpendicular to a magnetic field :

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  50. A conducting circular loop of radius r carries a constant current I. it is placed in uniform magnetic field B such that B is perpendicular to the plane of the loop. The net magnetic force acting on the loop is :

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  51. Fig below shows a current loop having two circular are joined by two raidal lines. The magnetic field at O is :

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  52. A length of wire carries a staeady current . It is bent to form a circular coil of one turn only . The same length is now bent more sharphy to give a double loop of smaller radius. The magnetic field of the centre caused by the same current is :

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Multiple choice questions (Level - I) questions and complete solutions for chapter 15 MAGNETIC EFFECTS OF CURRENTS of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12