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Complete Solutions to Recent Competitive Questions of chapter 15 MAGNETIC EFFECTS OF CURRENTS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

MODERN PUBLICATIONRecent Competitive Questions
Number Of Questions31
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Magnetic field at the centre of a circular coil of radius R due to i flowing through it is B. The magnetic field at a point along the axis at distance R from the centre is :

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  2. Two thick wires and two wires, all of same material and same length, form a square in three different ways P, Q and R as shown in the figure. With correct connections shown, the magnetic field due to the current flow, at the centre of the loop will be zero in case of

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  3. A current i is flowing through the loop . The direction of the current and the shape of the loop are as shown in the figure. The magnetic field at the centre of the loop is `(mu_(0) i)/(R)` times
    `(MA = R, MB = 2R angleDMA = 90^(@))`

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  4. PQ and RS are long parallel conductors separated by certain distance. M is the midpoint between them (see the figure). The net magnetic field at M is B . Now, the current 2 A is switched off. The field at M now becomes

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  5. An electron enters the space between the plates of a charged capacitor as shown. The charge density on the plate is `sigma` . Electric intensity int he space between the plates is E. A uniform magnetic field B also exists in the space perpendicular to the direction of E .
    The electron moves perpendicular to both `vec(E)and vec(B)` without any change in direction .The time taken by the electron to travel a distance l in the space is :

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  6. A charge + Q is moving upwards vertically . It enters a magnetic field directed to north . The force on the charge will be towards

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  7. A neutron, a proton, an electron and an `alpha` - particle enter a region of uniform magnetic field with the same velocities . The magnetic field is perpendicular and directed into the plane of the paper .The tracks of the particles are labelled int he figure .The electron follows the track

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  8. The deflection in a moving coil galvanometer is reduced to half when it is shunted with a 40 `Omega` coil . The resistance of the galvanometer is :

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  9. A current of `((2)/(sqrt(3)))A` prodces a deflection of `60^(@)` in a tangent galvanometer .The reduction factor is :

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  10. The torque required to hold a small circular coil of 10 turns, area `1 m m ^(2)` and carrying a current of `((21)/(44))` A in the middle of a long solenoid of `10^(3)` turns/m carrying a current of 2.5 A, with its axis perpendicular to the axis of the solenoid is :

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  11. A particle of charge e and mass m moves with a velocity v in a magnetic field B applied perpendicular to the motion of the particle .The radius r of its path in the field is :

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  12. Pick out the wrong statement

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  13. A straight current carrying conductor is kept along the axis of circular loop carrying current .The force exerted by the straight conductor on the loop is :

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  14. Magnetic field at a distance r from an infinitely long straight conductor carrying a steady current varies as

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  15. In the loop shown, the magnetic induction at the point O is

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  16. A proton and helium nucleus are shot into a magnetic field at right angles to the field with same kinetic elergy . They the ratio of their radii is :

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  17. Two tangent galvanometers, which are identical except in their number to turns, are connected in parallel. The ratio of their resistances of the coils is 1 : 3 . If the deflections in the two tangent galvanometers are `30^(@) and 60^(@)` respectively, then the ratio of their number of turns is :

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  18. A charged particle with a velocity ` 2 xx 10^(3) ms^(-1)` passes undeflected through electric field and magnetic fields in mutually perpendicular directions. The magnetic field is 1.5 T. The magnitude of electric field will be

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  19. In the diagram, `I_(1), I_(2)` are the strength of the currents in the loop and straight conductors respectively, OA = AB = R . The net magnetic field at the centre O is zero. Then the ratio of the currents in the loop and the straight conductors is :

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  20. A charged particle experiences magnetic force in the presence of magnetic field . Which of the following statement is correct ?

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  21. If a velocity has both perpendicular and parallel components while throught a magnetic field, what is the path followed bt a charged particle ?

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  22. A solenoid has length 0.4 cm, radius 1 cm and 400 turns of wire. If a current of 5 A is passed through this solenoid, what is the magnetic field inside the solenoid ?

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  23. A circular coil of radius 10 cm and 100 turns carries a cirrent 1 A. What is the magnetic moment of the coil ?

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  24. A cyclotron is used to accelerate

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  25. A proton beam enters a magnetic field of `10^(-4) Wb m^(-2)` normally. If the specific charge of the proton is `10^(11) C Kg^(-1)` and its velocity is `10^(9) ms^(-1)` , then radius of the circle described will be

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  26. Two concentric coils each of radius equal to ` 2pi` cm are placed right angles to each other. If 3 A and 4 A are the currents flowing through the two coils respectively. The magnetic induction (in Wb `m^(-2)`) at the centre of the coils will be

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  27. Two parallel wires 1 m apart carry currents of 1 A and 3 A respectively in opposite directions . The force per unit length acting between these two wires is :

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  28. The graph showing the variation of the magnetic field strength (B) with distance (r) from a long current carrying conductor is :

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  29. Inside a cyclotron, a charged particle is subjected to both an electric field and a magnetic field. It gains kinetic energy due to :

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  30. A certain length of insulated wire can be bent to form either a single circular loop (case I) or a double loop of smaller radius (case II) . When the same steady current is passed through the wire, the ratio of the magnetic field at the centre in case I to that in case II is :

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  31. A charged particle moves in a uniform magnetic field. The velocity of the particle at some instant makes and acute angle with the magnetic field . The path of the particle will be :

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Recent Competitive Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter 15 MAGNETIC EFFECTS OF CURRENTS of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12